Descrição do Produto:
O Patch de Melatonina Natural da Respro Labs é uma solução inovadora para aqueles que buscam melhorar a qualidade do sono de forma prática e eficaz. Cada patch contém 3 mg de melatonina, liberada continuamente ao longo do tempo, proporcionando um suporte ideal para regular o ciclo do sono. Com um total de 24 patches, este produto é projetado para oferecer uma experiência de sono mais tranquila e reparadora, ajudando a combater a insônia e a promover um descanso profundo.
A melatonina é um hormônio natural produzido pelo corpo, responsável por regular o ciclo circadiano. No entanto, fatores como estresse, mudanças de rotina e exposição à luz artificial podem interferir na sua produção. O uso do patch permite uma liberação gradual da melatonina, garantindo que o corpo receba a dose necessária para induzir o sono sem os picos abruptos que podem ocorrer com outros métodos de administração, como comprimidos ou líquidos.
Os patches são fáceis de aplicar e podem ser usados durante a noite, proporcionando uma alternativa conveniente para aqueles que têm dificuldade em engolir comprimidos ou que buscam uma forma discreta de consumir melatonina. Além disso, a tecnologia de liberação contínua assegura que os níveis de melatonina no organismo se mantenham estáveis, promovendo um sono mais consistente e reparador.
1. Liberação Contínua: A tecnologia de liberação gradual garante que a melatonina seja absorvida de forma constante, evitando picos e proporcionando um sono mais estável.
2. Fácil Aplicação: Os patches são simples de usar, bastando aplicar na pele antes de dormir, sem necessidade de água ou ingestão oral.
3. Sem Efeitos Colaterais Intensos: Ao contrário de alguns medicamentos para dormir, a melatonina natural tem menos chances de causar efeitos colaterais indesejados.
4. Praticidade: Ideal para viagens ou para quem tem uma rotina agitada, os patches são portáteis e não ocupam espaço.
5. Melhora na Qualidade do Sono: Estudos indicam que a melatonina pode ajudar a reduzir o tempo necessário para adormecer e aumentar a duração do sono profundo.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Patch de Melatonina Natural da Respro Labs, aplique um patch na pele limpa e seca, preferencialmente na área do braço ou na parte superior do corpo, cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. Certifique-se de que o patch esteja bem aderido à pele para garantir a liberação eficaz da melatonina. O uso contínuo é recomendado para maximizar os benefícios, e cada patch deve ser utilizado apenas uma vez. Evite o uso em conjunto com álcool ou outros sedativos, e consulte um profissional de saúde se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando outros medicamentos.
Kim Meendering –
Omgosh am I grateful for this product. My sleep has been less than great for the last couple years, but it was good enough. But then because of stress, a little too much caffeine, etc. my sleep quality worsened dramatically and my circadian rhythm was disrupted. I did all the right things like room darkening, cool temps in bedroom, blue blocker glasses in the evening, reduced caffeine to only one cup of green tea in the morning. But I was still waking up every two hours and couldn’t get back to sleep after 3:30 am. Regular melatonin (1-5 mg) would knock me out for the first couple hours but not keep me asleep. The big hit of a single dose didn’t work for me. Herbal supplements helped some, but not enough. Finally I found out about these patches from Ben Greenfield’s podcast. The first night I used two 3 mg patches on my upper arm. I was a little groggy the next morning but slept a full much better, even had a four hour stretch. The second night, I had an almost 6 hour stretch and got a total of 7.5 hours. I feel like a new person today!! Melatonin has lots of benefits besides just helping you sleep….the most obvious one being that sleep is critical for life and health. But it also encourages a healthy gut, has cellular renewal/anti-aging benefits, etc. Check out The Kauffmann Protocol website or book (available on Amazon) and you can read all about Melatonin. Hope this helps you get a great night’s sleep!
JJ –
I’ve been using melatonin in pill format for years, and it works well but doesn’t last throughout the night, which is why I bought these patches. Been using it daily for about a week now and can confidently say it has no effect at all on me. I tried single and double patches on different days – makes no difference.
I do not use these every night, but when I do, my sleep app always detects better sleep. Low dose so that you don’t have to worry about too much. Not recommended for teens, but occasionally I will give one to my 17 year old if she really has trouble falling asleep (ie: finals week). I keep them in my side table drawer for easy access when I’m feeling overwhelmed.
Iggy –
Didn’t really do much for me. I get way more result from $5 melatonin pills from drug stores than I did with this. Started with half a patch first felt nothing. Went to a full patch felt nothing. I decided to return them after that.
Amazon Customer –
I used only one patch and feel like I got a better night’s sleep with the first use. I usually wake up several times during the night, but I don’t remember it happening at all while using the patch.
The information on the package is definitely misleading….you need to use 2 patches to get the full 3mg dose. I wish they’d clarified that, but so far I am happy with the product.
I eat warts –
Love this melatonin patch, like the fact that its just got one ingredient melatonin, its the only patch currently on market that has one simple ingredient I dont like other herbs added on because if you have reaction then you dont know if its the melatonin or the other stuff. Love the size of the patch and got it in a very low dose 3mg worked excellent for sleep and the bonus cleared up the psoriasis, I was under the impression that melatonin is not recommended for immune compromised people they could be wrong with the research, anyway love this product, very reasonable price too USA product cant beat that
Amazon Customer –
Recently moving from one time zone to another, I had A LOT of difficulties adjusting to the time difference. As a full-time employee and student, I needed something to help me sleep at night and wake up in the morning. This patch did just the trick! I feel a lot more relaxed and able to sleep after my long days. I highly recommend this to anyone and I will DEFINITELY be continuing my purchases. Plus, I love the fact that this patch has minimal ingredients!
Balls Johnson –
My insomnia is such that I can never consistently get a good nights sleep. These patches do appear to help but I can’t be certain. One thing tho – this company has zero consistency. I’ve bought these patches several times and each time it looks different or is packaged differently. Who knows if the formulation or strength is changing with them.