Descrição do Produto:
O Patch de Silicone para Rugas na Testa – Conjunto de Patches Reutilizáveis para Rugas na Testa e Patches para os Olhos é a solução ideal para quem busca um tratamento eficaz e prático para as rugas. Com um design inovador, esses patches de silicone são reutilizáveis por mais de um ano, oferecendo uma alternativa econômica e sustentável. Eles atuam como uma barreira que retém a umidade da pele, ajudando a suavizar as linhas finas e proporcionando uma aparência mais jovem e revitalizada. A utilização em conjunto com cremes ou loções faciais potencializa a absorção dos ingredientes ativos, maximizando os resultados do seu regime de cuidados com a pele.
Uma das características mais notáveis desses patches é a ausência de adesivos pegajosos, o que garante uma aplicação e remoção suaves, sem causar desconforto ou irritação. Após a limpeza do rosto, basta aplicar o seu produto de cuidados com a pele preferido e fixar os patches na testa e ao redor dos olhos. Após um período de 15 a 20 minutos, os patches podem ser removidos facilmente, e a área dos olhos pode ser massageada com a haste de massagem de metal que acompanha o conjunto, promovendo um efeito relaxante e estimulando a circulação sanguínea.
Para garantir a longevidade e a higiene dos patches e da haste de massagem, recomenda-se lavá-los com sabão neutro e secá-los completamente antes de armazená-los na bolsa de silicone que acompanha o produto, facilitando o transporte e a organização. Este conjunto não é apenas uma ferramenta de beleza, mas também um presente atencioso e sustentável para amigos e familiares que valorizam a saúde e a estética da pele.
- Redução visível das linhas finas e rugas na testa e ao redor dos olhos.
- Aumento da absorção dos ingredientes ativos dos produtos de cuidados com a pele.
- Patches de silicone reutilizáveis, proporcionando uma solução econômica e durável.
- Aplicação sem adesivo pegajoso, evitando desconforto durante a remoção.
- Acompanhado de uma haste de massagem de metal, promovendo relaxamento e rejuvenescimento.
Para utilizar o Patch de Silicone para Rugas na Testa, inicie com a limpeza do rosto, garantindo que a pele esteja livre de impurezas. Aplique uma quantidade generosa do seu creme facial ou loção preferida nas áreas desejadas. Em seguida, posicione os patches de silicone na testa e ao redor dos olhos, pressionando levemente para garantir a aderência. Deixe os patches agirem por 15 a 20 minutos. Após esse período, remova os patches com cuidado e utilize a haste de massagem de metal para massagear suavemente a área dos olhos, estimulando a circulação e potencializando os efeitos do tratamento. Para melhores resultados, repita o processo regularmente.
Haley –
I love these patches! I don’t usually wrote product reviews… but these are just so handy, I wanted to share. They feel very light when you’re wearing them. I have been wearing them every night (overnight) since I got them, and they keep my skin from crinkling while I’m sleeping. I sleep on my side/face sometimes, and if I don’t have these on, I can wake up with pretty deep lines under my eyes. With these under eye patches, my under-eye areas stay smooth. My forehead also stays smooth! I used to have deep horizontal lines, and now I wake up with nothing— no lines at all. I really do believe that the results are lasting too— the lines I have no at the end of the day are tiny and not-very-noticable at all compared to what it was before. I’ve never had botox, but I do think this is very similar to botox in the effects on my forehead. I love that the patches are reusable too— you just have to give the patches a quick wash/rinse after using, let them dry, and use them again for the next night. These seem to have really good staying-ability too, after I let my moisturizing (oil) products soak into my skin.
K –
This works great for using my serums. I appreciate the storage case and the facial massager it came with. Easy to use and clean.
Lombardia –
The stickers are way too big and won’t stay in the face. It’s falling off and won’t help with anything. Poor design and quality.
Amazon Customer –
I wanted to add reusable silicone patches to my facial routine and decided to go with this set. I think they’re fantastic! They have plenty of stick and stay on while I go about my business eating, cleaning, etc. They’re a nice thinness and flexible material. I barely feel them on. And I notice an immediate difference in my forehead lines after use. To be fair, my deepish forehead lines aren’t going to disappear, but this helps hold in lotion and serum so your skin gets the most benefit from your products. It also comes with a metal eye massager that feels like a nice quality. I put it in the freezer then use it gently around the eyes to help with puffiness. The metal storage case is nice and handy too! All and all, I think this is a great silicone patch kit for the money!
Cristina Kirkp. –
This wrinkle patch is a first for me, since it is reusable. I tried this out with one of my retinal creams and the patch didn’t stay on my forehead but a few hours. When I use stuff like this, I like for them to stay on overnight so my skin can soak in the product I applied. This forehead patch is easy to wash. Had no irritation when using this, other than getting irritated when the mask wouldn’t stay in place after a couple hours. Very earth friendly product.
Amazon Customer –
Since I’m not getting younger I’m trying to ramp up my skincare, so slapping these on before bed was on my list. I was looking for reusable so as not to waste money, these are it. Great value for a small amount of money. Super easy to use, just make sure your serum is dry before applying these or they will slide off. I’ve had zero issues with them falling off once my skin is dry and I’m tosser and a turner. Super comfortable, couldn’t tell they were there. I can’t attest to if they will help keep the facial wrinkles at bay yet, but it’s worth a shot. If needed, just a rinse with water and air dry to keep clean. Easy.
OnePickyMom –
I’m so geeked about this specific type of silicone forehead patch, and I will tell you why. I’ve tried the adhesive back jelly like silicone ones, those are ok, but the adhesive starts to wear off them, so they don’t seal well to your forehead around the edges over time, just gets more and more limited to the center. Well- I want my forehead as immobilized as possible. I ended up switching to instead wearing the non-adhesive under-eye patches (like the ones included in this set) upside down either side of my forehead every night. The key to getting this style of non-adhesive silicone patch to adhere to your skin by the way, is that your skin needs to be very moist, so applying these to your skin after you have washed your face for the night and ideally have applied a serum or good moisturizer to your skin, and then press these on, they will stick pretty well. I wear them to bed (and this is key I think to making them stay on with no problem overnight) UNDER a sleep mask. The mask helps to keep a light pressure on them, and they will stay on my forehead all night long. But the issue I had with the eye-patches alone is that they don’t cover the center section of my forehead. So, finding this set that has a patch created especially for the forehead, is exactly what I’ve hoped for. I’m at the middle point of life, nearing my 50’s, and I will tell you that these silicone forehead masks have drastically improved/stayed my crow’s feet and I feel have slowed down the development of my forehead wrinkles. I won’t sleep without a forehead mask now. And this one I think will end up being my favorite and most effective style of forehead mask yet. I’m thrilled. Note: the thicker resealable Ziplock plastic storage bag it comes in is very nice to have too. I like everything about this set! Update: I like this pretty well, as I was hoping, however I do find it doesn’t conform, stick to my forehead quite as good as I hoped it would. I feel like the center stays on well, but around the edges it gets loose I’m guessing this is because it is a larger surface area, and it is a flat material, even though it is flexible, and my forehead is curved. It just presents challenges. I don’t know if they could adapt the design to compensate for forehead curvature, or not. I still would get this, even knowing now it isn’t as great as I was hoping, but I knocked it one star here, just because it wasn’t as perfect as I thought for sure it would be. Still useful though. Definitely harder to keep sealed down all night, unlike the smaller eye patches that are really useful on either side of my forehead “frowny marks.” Have to fiddle with it a lot to get it positioned right and sealed down at the start of each night, and definitely probably need the eye mask over top to hold it in place, I’m guessing this would fall off in my sleep otherwise….)
cassie –
Love these as they are easy to use and a great addition to my skin care routine! Great value for the money!