Descrição do Produto: Sensodyne Repair and Protect Whitening Toothpaste
Descubra a revolução na higiene bucal com a pasta de dente Sensodyne Repair and Protect Whitening, especialmente formulada para atender às necessidades de quem sofre com dentes sensíveis. Este pacote contém dois tubos de 3,4 onças, oferecendo uma solução prática e eficaz para o cuidado dental diário. Sensodyne é a marca número um recomendada por dentistas para dentes sensíveis, e sua fórmula avançada de flúor estannoso não apenas alivia a sensibilidade, mas também ajuda a prevenir cáries, garantindo um sorriso saudável e radiante.
A pasta de dente Sensodyne atua de forma inovadora, construindo uma camada reparadora dentro dos pequenos túbulos das áreas sensíveis dos dentes. Com o uso regular, você pode desfrutar de uma proteção duradoura contra a sensibilidade, permitindo que você viva plenamente, sem o receio de desconfortos ao consumir alimentos quentes, frios ou doces. A fórmula de flúor estannoso é clinicamente comprovada para proporcionar alívio da sensibilidade e proteção prolongada, tornando-a uma escolha ideal para quem busca conforto e eficácia em sua rotina de cuidados bucais.
– Alívio eficaz da sensibilidade dental, permitindo que você desfrute de suas refeições favoritas sem preocupações.
– Proteção contra cáries, contribuindo para a saúde geral dos dentes.
– Fórmula de flúor estannoso que oferece proteção duradoura com escovação duas vezes ao dia.
– Clareamento dental, ajudando a restaurar a brancura natural dos dentes.
– Reparo das áreas sensíveis, promovendo um sorriso mais saudável e confiante.
Para obter os melhores resultados com a pasta de dente Sensodyne Repair and Protect Whitening, recomenda-se escovar os dentes pelo menos duas vezes ao dia. Aplique uma quantidade adequada de pasta na escova de dentes e escove suavemente por pelo menos dois minutos, garantindo que todas as superfícies dos dentes sejam limpas. Enxágue bem após a escovação. Para resultados otimizados, evite enxaguar a boca com água imediatamente após escovar, permitindo que os ingredientes ativos permaneçam em contato com os dentes por mais tempo.
Brianna –
I’ve been using Sensodyne Whitening Toothpaste for a little while now, and I haven’t noticed a dramatic change in the whiteness of my teeth yet. However, it works wonders for my sensitive teeth! I no longer experience discomfort while brushing, which has been a huge relief. While I can’t speak to the whitening results just yet, the toothpaste does deliver on its promise of gentleness and relief for sensitive teeth. I’ll definitely continue using it and hope to see more whitening effects over time.
Sharlene Green –
It’s value its cost also help to whiten teeth the paste is thick it taste great its clean the teeth perfectly in a short time
TamiKae –
Love this brand. Definitely helps with the hot and cold pain on my front teeth. I notice a huge difference when I don’t use it. Definitely recommend value for money and effectiveness.
Go Monimbo –
THIS IS THE BEST TOOTHPASTE I HAVE EVER USED, BAR NONE. I really don’t know why I didn’t use it sooner but for years I have been using different toothpastes to try to get my teeth white and shiny and I found a few that did a decent job but my teeth were still pretty yellow. I tried Arm & Hammer, Crest Whitening, and even fancy European brands that touted themselves as the greatest things ever in whitening toothpastes ( like Marvis and Elgydium ) but NOTHING has whitened my teeth better than Sensodyne and I have only been using it for ONE WHOLE MONTH!
My friend told me about it a few months ago and when I finally pulled the trigger I knew, after using it for THE VERY FIRST TIME, that this was the toothpaste I had been searching for all those years. For one thing it wasn’t abrasive on my teeth like other toothpastes and it didn’t irritate them so it doesn’t hurt from irriitation when I use it. Another point is that it leaves you teeth SQUEAKY CLEAN LIKE YOU HAVE JUST COME FROM THE DENTIST and your breath is fresh as an ocean breeze! The whitening capabilities of this toothpaste are nothing short of amazing and I noticed a difference after THE VERY FIRST WEEK. Yes, this stuff really works!
One thing I really don’t care for about this toothpaste is the taste. The taste isn’t that great, it’s minty but not a sweet way more like a medicinal way but it’s bearable but it doesn’t taste good like other, crappy toothpastes. This stuff really works so I can forego the taste!
All in all you can’t go wrong with Sensodyne toothpaste. It really is worth the money and who wouldn’t pay the miniscule price they ask for it to have a beautiful smile?!
marauder_man –
Barbara –
Dentist Recommended .. appears to be doing the trick!
Emma Benadof –
this works well with sensitive teeth but it is costly and the tubes are not very big. So its a toss up, if the sensitivity isnt your largest problem or issue i would say go for a cheaper brand.
Sensitivity is my issue so i have been using this brand for a few years, the best prices can be found here for this type of item.
Derek Needham –
My teeth were hurting very sensitive went to the dentist pretty much like a crybaby and this is what he recommended it instantly started working by this you won’t regret it of course make sure that there’s nothing else wrong but if you just have sensitive teeth this is a great product
just do it –
This toothpaste is as amazing as always! My whole family loves it and keeps repurchasing. After using it, my teeth are no longer sensitive, and my gums no longer bleed. Highly recommended!
Grace –
My dentist recommended me this brand of toothpaste as I have moderate sensitivity in all of my back molar teeth. The functionality of this toothpaste is def very good, as I can enjoy hot and cold foods again without worrying about teeth pain. The whitening effect is also great, keeping my teeth white. This product keeps up the freshness and cleanness of my teeth. 5 out of 5 stars 👍🏻