Descrição do Produto: BariWise Protein Pancake
As Panquecas de Proteína BariWise são uma opção deliciosa e nutritiva para quem busca uma alimentação saudável sem abrir mão do sabor. Cada porção é rica em proteínas, ajudando a promover a saciedade e a manter a massa muscular, ideal para quem está em dieta de emagrecimento ou em regime de treinamento. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, essas panquecas são isentas de glúten e possuem baixo teor de carboidratos, tornando-se uma escolha perfeita para dietas cetogênicas e low carb. Disponíveis em sabores irresistíveis, como baunilha e chocolate, as panquecas BariWise são fáceis de preparar e podem ser personalizadas com frutas, mel ou xarope sem açúcar, proporcionando uma refeição prática e saborosa a qualquer hora do dia.
1. Alto Teor de Proteínas: Contribui para a construção e manutenção da massa muscular, essencial para quem pratica atividades físicas.
2. Baixo Teor de Carboidratos: Ideal para dietas low carb e cetogênicas, ajudando a controlar o peso e os níveis de açúcar no sangue.
3. Fácil Preparo: Prontas em poucos minutos, são uma solução prática para o café da manhã ou lanche.
4. Sabor Irresistível: Disponíveis em diversos sabores, agradam a todos os paladares, tornando a alimentação saudável mais prazerosa.
5. Sem Glúten: Perfeitas para pessoas com intolerância ao glúten, garantindo uma opção segura e saudável.
Para preparar as Panquecas de Proteína BariWise, misture uma porção do pó (aproximadamente 30g) com água ou leite (ou bebida vegetal) até obter uma massa homogênea. Aqueça uma frigideira antiaderente em fogo médio e despeje a mistura, formando panquecas do tamanho desejado. Cozinhe por cerca de 2-3 minutos de cada lado ou até que estejam douradas. Sirva com suas coberturas favoritas, como frutas frescas, iogurte ou xarope sem açúcar, para uma refeição equilibrada e saborosa.
Whovian –
Was really excited about this product. Super quick & easy to make. One packet made 2 smallish pancakes that looked great. Macros awesome. The flavor was very industrial cleaner-ish. Finally settled on air freshener as the flavor, quite unfortunate. The buttermilk variety might be better, since the blueberry flavor seemed to be the issue.
Amazon Customer –
I thought the soup would taste good. It was so gross that I had to throw it away. Tastes like cheese and throw up. Never again will I buy this!
Cha’kwaina –
This looks like it’s a box of pancake mix. For this price, it’s worth it is a small box of 6 packs and it won’t last very long. It’s not worth the money.
hikermikki –
I am very satisfied with this product. Due to a backorder issue I have not been able to get my Ideal Protien Diet foods, so I decided to check out what amazon had to offer for reasonable substitutions. These products are at least half the price of the IP products, and they are comparable for fat, sugar, and protien content! I signed up for the subscription because I will be using this product instead of the IP product for now on.
Gamer –
I was not sure how this product would taste. Low carb does not usually taste good, but this product was great.
Brittany Who –
Honestly great stuff! I tend to have fun and add stuff to it just like I used to do with your commonplace premade pancake batter and the results are similar. This is really useful for bariatric patients early in the stage of eating solid foods again.
I do hope someday they make a gluten-free version but that’s not really a strike against the product as is 🙂
Annie –
One packet made a fairly large pancake. I got the golden delicious version and initially I was worried as the batter didn’t smell too appetizing. I decided to add a few blueberries to half of the pancake once I poured it into the frying pan and spread it out thinner to cook evenly. By itself it was okay and edible. The blueberry side was even better. The texture is different than a regular pancake (think more spongy) and a little bland. I will order this again because it’s very filling and I can see myself really making it a versatile breakfast item by topping it or adding different items. This pancake satisfied my pancake craving so that is the biggest recommendation I can give.
Alexander P. Karol –
My wife completed a weight loss program that is high in protein and low in carbs. While this product is not inexpensive it is cheaper than the program food. It is very very close to the program food in the nutrition values needed for her lifestyle. She likes the taste, and it is a quality product. This is the second time in we have purchased this product.