Panier des Sens – Gel de Banho Flor de Laranjeira – Espuma de Banho Feminina
O Panier des Sens – Gel de Banho Flor de Laranjeira é um produto que transforma o ato de tomar banho em um ritual de autocuidado e prazer. Com uma fórmula suave e espumante, este gel de banho proporciona uma limpeza delicada, respeitando o equilíbrio natural da pele. Com 95% de ingredientes de origem natural, ele é ideal para quem busca uma experiência de banho que une eficácia e respeito ao meio ambiente.
Enriquecido com óleo de oliva e glicerina, o gel de banho não apenas limpa, mas também hidrata profundamente a pele. O óleo de oliva é conhecido por suas propriedades regeneradoras e antioxidantes, que ajudam a manter a pele jovem e saudável. A glicerina, por sua vez, atua como um poderoso agente hidratante, formando uma barreira protetora que retém a umidade e previne o ressecamento.
A fragrância floral cítrica da Flor de Laranjeira Absoluta é um dos grandes destaques deste produto. Seu aroma fresco e radiante traz uma sensação de leveza e alegria, evocando a luminosidade do Mediterrâneo. Cada banho se torna uma experiência sensorial única, deixando um rastro encantador que perdura na pele.
Testado dermatologicamente, o gel de banho é adequado para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo as mais sensíveis. Sua fórmula foi desenvolvida para preservar o equilíbrio natural da pele, garantindo uma limpeza eficaz sem agredir. Para um uso seguro, recomenda-se evitar o contato com os olhos e, em caso de irritação, suspender o uso e procurar orientação médica.
A Panier des Sens se compromete com a sustentabilidade, utilizando embalagens recicladas e recicláveis, além de garantir que suas fórmulas sejam eco-friendly. Este gel de banho é vegano, refletindo a preocupação da marca com o bem-estar animal e a preservação do meio ambiente.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Fragrância cítrica e floral única
- Hidratação profunda para a pele
- Ingredientes naturais e sustentáveis
- Preserva o equilíbrio natural da pele
- Embalagem reciclada e reciclável
O Gel de Banho Flor de Laranjeira da Panier des Sens oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de cuidados pessoais. Primeiramente, sua fragrância cítrica e floral proporciona uma experiência aromática revigorante, ideal para começar o dia com energia. Em segundo lugar, a hidratação profunda que ele proporciona ajuda a manter a pele macia e saudável, combatendo o ressecamento. Além disso, a utilização de ingredientes naturais e sustentáveis garante que você esteja fazendo uma escolha consciente, tanto para sua pele quanto para o meio ambiente. O produto também é formulado para preservar o equilíbrio natural da pele, evitando irritações e desconfortos. Por fim, a embalagem reciclada e reciclável reforça o compromisso da marca com a sustentabilidade, permitindo que você cuide de si mesmo e do planeta ao mesmo tempo.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Gel de Banho Flor de Laranjeira, aplique uma quantidade adequada do produto na pele úmida durante o banho. Massageie suavemente até formar uma espuma rica e cremosa, garantindo que o gel se espalhe uniformemente por todo o corpo. Após a massagem, enxágue completamente com água morna. Evite o contato com os olhos; em caso de contato, enxágue cuidadosamente com água. Para melhores resultados, utilize diariamente e sinta a diferença na sua pele.
carole rea –
Really lovely shower gel. I love the orange blossom smell – takes me back to gardens in Marrakech!
Amazon Customer –
I love this shower gel! It’s the closest thing I’ve ever found to my fave Le Couvent de Minimes honey shea shower gel which is no longer made. The only thing I wish was that the scent lasted longer!
Leigh –
Whenever I order more expensive soaps or lotions, I feel a little anxious about whether it will be any good. Luckily, this soap is definitely worth the price.
When I opened it, I was relatively confident it would be good b/c the tube it comes in was a better quality than I expected, but I was blown away at how strongly it smelled of honey. Most products that are honey-scented just have a vague hint of it, or just remind you of it without smelling like honey. This is backed up by how early honey is listed in the ingredients (usually it’s near the end, because honey is kind of expensive). It reminded me a bit of the old Burt’s Bees honey-scented shea body butter (before the ingredients were changed to cut costs and made it smell reminiscent of fertilizer), but the honey scent is stronger. This made me really happy, I really love this smell.
This soap doesn’t foam up as readily as I’d hoped, but that’s more to do with the quality of my tap water. I was hoping to be able to ration this soap carefully so it would last longer before I need more, but my tap water conspires against me. I’ve only ever had one soap (besides dish soap) lather very well with this water, and that soap costs twice as much per ounce, so considering how good this soap smells and the quality of its tube, I feel it’s an extremely good deal.
The tube has an interesting cap in that it has a tamper-evident tab that you pull off before you can open it, and is something I’ve never seen before. The cap is made of a plastic that I associate with less brittleness and better resistance to impacts or being dropped (I don’t plan to test this but I am incredibly clumsy so I’m sure I’ll end up finding out.) The spout of the cap is relatively narrow, which will help keep it from squirting out of the tube when the tube gets warmer, but I don’t really think this soap is thick enough for that to be a problem.
I hope this needlessly descriptive review is helpful to someone.
Perfect companion for the perfume spray
M.A. –
Das Duschgel von Panier de Sens ist wirklich gut und auch pflegend, selbst für meine reife und eher trockene Haut (deshalb benutze ich überwiegend Aleppo Seifen!)
Nur der Duft Lavendel ist ziemlich stark und mir persönlich to much.
Bin zwar auch schon etwas älter, aber der Duft ist selbst mir zu „Omahaft“ 😂🙈
Mein Favorit ist und bleibt der Duft ‚Provence‘.
Den hab ich auch als Handseife (2x500ml) für den Wandspender….wirklich angenehmer Geruch.
Insgesamt vergebe ich trotzdem ehrliche
5 Sterne, da der Duft mein persönliches Empfinden ist und kein Mangel am Produkt darstellt.
16 Bars –
This was first given to me as a birthday gift. Since then I have become a fan. This product does not have a fake orange chemical scent. It is mild, authentic, cleans and rinses well. It is a bit more expensive than the grocery store choices, but well worth it for quality and scent.
L –
I love the smell of oranges.
Carolina –
If you’re looking for a luxury scent to inhale ONLY while showering, this is absolutely it! However, if you want that + other benefits (hydrated skin, lingering scent, etc.), my personal opinion is that this is not the product for you.
Disclaimer: I’m absolutely IN LOVE with the hand wash! I discovered it at a friend’s and was so enamored with the orange blossom scent… True love at first whiff (body wash smells identical to the hand wash)! To me, the scent is a bourgeois/luxe Parisian take on citrus sorbet served in a candied orange peel if a Jo Malone employee was overseeing the creation.
I expected an overall quality body wash with 1) a scent that would last post-shower and 2) ingredients that would nourish my skin/keep it healthy.
Sadly, the scent barely lasts (if at all) once I step out of the shower. I’ve even tried leaving the soap on my body for 10+ minutes followed by a speedy rinse and gentle towel dry (for fear of somehow rubbing the smell off), but it still didn’t last.
After using the soap every day for a month, my skin’s health has declined. I value maintaining nourished skin without constantly needing to apply lotion or body oil. I have a normal skin type. This soap didn’t completely dry me out, but my skin did dull sufficiently. I used it during a very humid summer, so I can only imagine my skin would be cracked & rough in the winter while using this. The easy fix is to apply creams/lotions post-shower, but doing this constantly isn’t the routine for me.
If the scent stuck to me post-shower, I’d probably re-purchase for infrequent use.
Also, the bottle arrived leaking in a very slimy package which only irked me because of the price point and amount of soap lost.
Overall, I found no benefits aside from a nice smell during my showers.
J. Haynes –
I found this brand when looking for a gentle, French soap or shower gel. My pre de Provence Honey soap became difficult to find. I love this brand.
Asia –
Smells good like orange blossom but the texture is very thin and doesn’t lather that well. Then I noticed I was breaking out from some chemical it seems. If you don’t have sensitive skin you’ll likely be fine with this product but if you get break outs on your body easily I wouldn’t recommend this.