Descrição do Produto: Palmitoylethanolamide 630 mg Luteolin Standardized 98%% – Micronized Pea 99%% Highly Purified and Bioavailable – Made in USA – Suplemento para Homens e Mulheres – 120 Cápsulas Veganas
Descubra o poder do nosso suplemento de Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) com Luteolin, uma combinação inovadora que oferece alívio rápido e eficaz para o desconforto. Com 630 mg de PEA e 98% de Luteolin, cada cápsula é formulada para apoiar o sistema natural de gerenciamento de desconforto do seu corpo. O PEA, um ácido graxo endógeno, desempenha um papel crucial na modulação da dor e na promoção do bem-estar, permitindo que você se sinta no seu melhor, mesmo em dias desafiadores.
A sinergia entre o PEA e o Luteolin, um flavonoide natural conhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes, resulta em uma mistura poderosa que não apenas alivia o desconforto, mas também fortalece a saúde imunológica. Nossas cápsulas micronizadas garantem uma biodisponibilidade superior, permitindo que seu corpo absorva e utilize os nutrientes de forma mais eficiente. Este suplemento é ideal para quem busca uma solução natural e eficaz para melhorar a qualidade de vida.
Produzido nos Estados Unidos com ingredientes puros e de origem global, nosso produto é livre de OGM, glúten, soja, ovos, laticínios, nozes e conservantes prejudiciais. As cápsulas vegetarianas são adequadas para todos, garantindo que você receba um suplemento de alta qualidade que respeita suas necessidades dietéticas.
Estamos tão confiantes na eficácia do nosso suplemento de Palmitoylethanolamide com Luteolin que oferecemos uma garantia de satisfação. Se você não estiver completamente satisfeito, devolvemos seu dinheiro, sem perguntas! Experimente agora e descubra como este suplemento pode transformar seu bem-estar.
– Alívio Rápido do Desconforto: A fórmula é projetada para proporcionar alívio imediato, permitindo que você retome suas atividades diárias sem interrupções.
– Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Os ingredientes trabalham em conjunto para fortalecer a resposta imunológica, ajudando seu corpo a se manter saudável e resistente.
– Antioxidantes Potentes: A combinação de PEA e Luteolin oferece propriedades antioxidantes que combatem os radicais livres, promovendo uma saúde celular ideal.
– Qualidade Premium: Fabricado nos EUA com ingredientes de alta pureza, garantindo um produto seguro e eficaz.
– Adequado para Todos: As cápsulas veganas são isentas de alérgenos comuns, tornando-as acessíveis a uma ampla gama de consumidores.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas vegetais por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e potencializa os efeitos benéficos do suplemento. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e siga as orientações do seu profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais.
T. Allen –
Stopped Mirica and started this. it’s the same dosage as Mirica so took it exactly the same way. After being stable on Mirica for 2 years within 10 days I started with variable joint and muscle pains and allergies are worse. At 2 weeks dawned on me to go back to Mirica. It’s only been 5 days but my allergies have settled down. It will take another week to know if joint pains will subside and I’ll have to do another test in the future to make sure it’s truly the PEA (you never know with MCAS) but I won’t buy this again at this time. Update: Yes, MCAS allergies are much better and joint pain almost gone on Mirica. Directions on Mirica are 2 capsules 2 x day for a month and then 1 cap 2x day for maintenance. Now 95% sure this doesn’t work at the stated dose. If you have to double the dose (and cost) is it worth it?
cinephiliagal –
I feel better than I have in years after starting this a bit over a month ago. I didn’t even know about PEA for fibro and chronic pain until a bit over a month ago. But I read about it in various articles on the National Library of Medicine’s online database of medical and scientific journals.
PEA is endogenous to the human body – your own cells make it – but it is also found in foods like eggs and soybeans. It works on the endocannabinoid receptors in the body, to decrease inflammation and pain. That’s what I read, anyway.
I decided to try it, and I’m SO glad I did: I can exercise now. By taking this (and another form of PEA, with luteolin) three times a day, instead of being wiped out and “paying for it” (the exercise) with increased pain, fatigue, and that “leaden” fibro feeling (where u feel like you’re wearing one of those lead aprons they put on you when they x-ray your teeth) for days afterwards. That’s what used to happen to me if I exercises.
Now, taking the PEA and exercising, I just the normal level of soreness from exercising muscles not used often enough. I don’t get slammed with days of fatigue. That itself is a miracle for me.
This has also helped a lot with my mood too. But what’s really great is, I can do stuff now! You know how you learn to lower your expectations of yourself, when you have fibro, to the bare minimum, because you’re never sure you’ll be able to do more than the minimum? This PEA has changed that.
I can wake up early to do stuff now. Instead of accomplishing only 1, mmmmaybe 2 things on my seemingly endless “To Do” list, I have the energy to accomplish 1/3, even 1/2 of the items. It’s pretty amazing.
I’m sleeping better too.
I can’t say it will work for everyone – we are all different – but taking this stuff has massively improved my pain levels, fatigue, brain fog, quality of life, and sense of well being over the past month. And it started working the very next morning after I took the very first dose.
I’m really hoping PEA continues to do all that for me as long as I take it. Feeling way better than I have in the past 20 years, alone, is miraculous.
Daphne Moore –
I noticed that when I stopped taking this due to pregnancy, my breakthrough joint & muscle pain went up suddenly postpartum so I started taking it again. It takes a month or 2 to take effect, but once it does, you’ll definitely notice. Stay with it consistently because it has to build up in your system. I usually take it in the morning, but you can take it at night as well. I’ve noticed that when I take it at night I sleep really well. With this product joint & muscle pain is reduced a lot. As far as nerve pain goes, I take LDN to control that, but I’d assume that this would help that too. I’ve purchased this product 3 times now (going on 4). It works!
David Markham –
Not sure how, but it seems to work.
Amazon Customer –
It is good. It does tend the lower my blood thinning a little too much. My last two blood tests come back as low, slow to clot. It does help my arthritic and tingling/burning fingers.
Laura H. –
I’ve been dealing with vulvodynia for 2 long years. My primary symptoms have been burning, stinging, and itching. I had tried amitriptyline with great results for pain relief, but the side effects were terrible. I bought this out of desperation, not having much hope that it would actually work. However, after about the third week, I noticed a major improvement in the severity of my symptoms. Knock on wood, but I feel about 80% better than I did 2 years ago when this ordeal began.
I do take more than the recommended dose. I take 2 capsules in the am and 2 capsules before bed. No side effects at all.
Ladies, I’m not a paid reviewer. I’m just someone who’s spent way too much time being depressed and feeling miserable over this dreaded condition. I can’t even tell you how much money I’ve thrown at various doctors, tests, copays, etc. It’s exhausting.
This supplement has definitely given me my quality of life back. I’m only writing this in the hope that I can help even one other woman recover.
K. G. –
I tried this brand after already trying a generic brand that I wasn’t sure was high quality. Having good pain relief with that brand, I was hoping to find a higher quality supplement. This brand may be good, but this supplement just didn’t do anything for me despite being the same strength. Its a curious thing that happens with supplement sometimes – but it you have had good luck with another brand first, I wouldn’t recommend switching to this one.
Adam Feast –
I have suffered from sciatic pain for 3 years, so much so it would leave me in bed for days at a time each time it would really flare up. I started looking for pain alternatives when I became pregnant and my midwife suggested PEA supplements. This particular one caught my attention due to the added supplement of luteolin and its published benefits.
It’s been such a game changer for me. I can enjoy every day life without chronic pain. Bend over, stand up, simply lifting my legs etc. This works!! I will continue to share with my friends and family, amd pray this brand continues to sell!