PaleoPro Carnivore Complete (Ancient Cacao) Pastured: Uma Revolução Nutricional
O PaleoPro Carnivore Complete (Ancient Cacao) Pastured é a escolha ideal para quem busca uma alimentação saudável e sustentável, sem abrir mão do sabor. Este produto inovador combina fontes de proteína de alta qualidade, como colágeno de carne bovina alimentada com pasto e proteína de clara de ovo de galinhas criadas soltas. Com uma proposta que vai além do convencional, ele se insere na revolução “nose-to-tail”, aproveitando não apenas a carne, mas também as gorduras essenciais do sebo bovino pastoreado e uma mistura de órgãos ricos em nutrientes provenientes de gado alimentado com pasto.
Com apenas 130 calorias por porção, o PaleoPro oferece uma composição nutricional impressionante: 13g de proteína/collágeno e 13g de gorduras saudáveis, sem açúcar e com 0g de carboidratos líquidos. Os sabores são irresistíveis, com opções que incluem cacau verdadeiro ou baunilha, adoçados de forma natural com fruta do monge, garantindo uma experiência gustativa deliciosa e saudável. Além disso, sua fórmula é prática e diet-friendly, bastando adicionar água para obter uma mistura homogênea e nutritiva. Sem adição de soja, laticínios, grãos, glúten ou açúcares, é a escolha perfeita para diversas dietas.
– Fontes de Proteína Sustentáveis: Proteínas de alta qualidade provenientes de gado alimentado com pasto e ovos de galinhas criadas soltas.
– Revolução Nose-to-Tail: Aproveitamento integral do animal, garantindo uma nutrição completa e rica em nutrientes essenciais.
– Macros Incríveis para Keto: Ideal para dietas cetogênicas, com baixo teor calórico e zero carboidratos, promovendo a perda de peso e a saúde metabólica.
– Sabores Deliciosos e Naturais: Sabor autêntico com adoçantes naturais, tornando a experiência de consumo prazerosa e saudável.
– Praticidade no Dia a Dia: Fácil de preparar, basta misturar com água, ideal para quem tem uma rotina agitada e busca conveniência.
Para preparar o PaleoPro Carnivore Complete (Ancient Cacao) Pastured, adicione uma porção do produto (aproximadamente 30g) em um copo ou shaker. Em seguida, acrescente 200ml de água fria ou morna, conforme sua preferência. Misture bem até obter uma consistência homogênea. O produto pode ser consumido como um lanche nutritivo, pré ou pós-treino, ou até mesmo como uma adição a smoothies e receitas. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade e os nutrientes.
Janice –
Strongly encourage trying this product. Started with chocolate and staying with chocolate at least for now. I mix with raw whole milk, ice and blend in my Bullet. Drink 1/2 in am and 1/2 at lunch. Sooo good. Great energy, focus and satisfies cravings.
San Franciscan –
I quite like this, maybe even love it. It’s quite sweet, so I often combine one scoop with a bowl of chia for breakfast (can also add in nut butter, coconut cream, or whatever), or supplement it with a scoop of unsweetened Sprout Living Epic Protein powder. But on its own in a blender with ice and coconut cream, it tastes like a creamy milkshake– it feels a little like cheating it’s that yummy. The monkfruit doesn’t taste slimy to me like monkfruit sometimes does.
I don’t know that drinking one’s calories is necessarily the best thing in the long run (it’s not as satisfying), but if one is going to do so (or for an easy snack), this has more variety in its ingredients than many single-ingredient protein or collagen powders (it’s not often that you see this many different ground up animal parts…) and is pretty yummy and versatile stuff.
Maggie Everhart –
I found this when I first started the Carnivore diet and was looking for a low ingredient, bone broth powder. I am not on that diet anymore but have continued using this almost daily. Its wonderful! I have tried the chocolate as well, but personally, I think the vanilla is the best. You can mix it with water or milk , but you will need to shake it up REALLY well. I recommend adding ice cubes to a shaker bottle to help break up any chunks. But the best way to drink this as a shake; add one scoop to a blender with milk, frozen banana, and a little pumpkin puree and you wont believe how delicious it is! If you are someone, like me, who definitely does not consume enough protein / animal products, this is the way to go. It tastes good, packed with amazing NATURAL ingredients like collogen, and is free of all chemicals unlike the store bought protein powders. Organs are so incredibly good for you, but not as pleasant to eat so this is a great way to still get those nutrients!
Barb –
This is the ONLY protein supplement we take. We are a ranching family who are always reading labels carefully to ensure we get the best quality ingredients and this foot the bill. AND, it tastes fantastic. Most protein powders taste like poo but this tastes like chocolate milk! The powder is well broken down and the nutrient content is off the charts.
Bonnie Sunshine Parker –
I am usually the person that can eat and drink things most others find gross or inedible. That bring said, I can’t drink this. I’ve tried this with water and ice in a blender, with just whole milk, and in my coffee (chocolate) as a moca. All of it was disgusting and very inedible. I wish I could return it, but I don’t think I can it’s a food product that has been opened.
Maria Rita Barbosa –
I love this product, very easy to mix,good taste,just one little request, the package needs improvement but other than that it’s a great product.
amandabertrand3 –
Definitely not chalky or too thick. Don’t love the synthetic sweetener after taste. Idk if i will buy again. Definitely doesn’t cause any bloating. Would be perfect without the artificial sweetener.
C. Dean –
This is high quality – my only complaint is that the flavor is STRONG. It’s vanila, which is great, so I mix it with an unflavored beef protein that I like and together they work great with just the right amount of vanila flavor.
Nini –
Overall it was a great carnivore protein powder , however the smell and taste was difficult to ingest , I had to block my nose and chug it😂