Pacotes de Hidratação Essential Elements – Sachês de Pó de Eletrólitos Sem Açúcar – 24 Sachês de Pó de Eletrólitos Sem Açúcar – Mistura de Bebida de Água com Eletrólitos e Vinagre de Maçã
Hidratação Além de um Copo de Água: Seja durante uma viagem, exercícios físicos ou para combater o calor, nossa Bebida de Hidratação foi desenvolvida para ajudar você a se reabastecer e se reidratar.* Para que o seu corpo absorva água, ele precisa de eletrólitos, por isso, beber ambos juntos ajuda a hidratar mais rápido e de forma mais eficiente.* Nossos pacotes de eletrólitos utilizam sódio, cloreto e potássio para fornecer um suporte abrangente à hidratação.*
Reposição de Eletrólitos sem Açúcar: Os pacotes de pó de reidratação Essential Elements mantêm o seu treino em andamento sem as grandes quantidades de açúcar encontradas em outros pós para bebidas esportivas.* Especificamente, criamos a mistura de bebida de eletrólitos Hydration sem açúcar e com poucas calorias, para que você possa se reabastecer sem comprometer seus objetivos de condicionamento físico.*
Pacotes de Eletrólitos para Levar a Qualquer Lugar: Não é necessário carregar bebidas esportivas pré-misturadas quando você pode optar pelos práticos pacotes de pó de Hidratação e reduzir o desperdício de plástico. Esses eletrólitos são ótimos para corredores, ciclistas e outros atletas que precisam de uma rápida reidratação em movimento.*
Um Trio de Opções de Sabor Deliciosas: Os pós de eletrólitos para hidratação estão disponíveis em três sabores que agradam ao paladar: o saboroso Blue Raspberry Lemonade, o refrescante Watermelon-Cucumber e o tangy Yuzu-Lime. Não tem certeza de qual repositor de eletrólitos é o ideal para você? Experimente todos os três sabores irresistíveis em nosso pacote de variedades!
Com Vinagre de Maçã e Vitamina C Tamponada: Aproveite ao máximo o seu pó de eletrólitos aprimorado com ingredientes que apoiam a saúde digestiva, imunológica e metabólica.* O vinagre de maçã é o ingrediente ideal para o gerenciamento saudável do peso, enquanto a vitamina C ajuda a reforçar a sua saúde imunológica.*
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Hidratação rápida e eficiente
- Sem açúcar e com poucas calorias
- Prático para levar a qualquer lugar
- Variedade de sabores deliciosos
- Benefícios adicionais do vinagre de maçã e vitamina C
- Proporciona uma hidratação eficaz, ideal para atividades físicas intensas.
- Sem adição de açúcar, ajudando a manter uma dieta equilibrada.
- Fácil de transportar, permitindo reidratação em qualquer lugar.
- Disponível em sabores agradáveis, tornando a hidratação mais prazerosa.
- Contém ingredientes que favorecem a saúde digestiva e imunológica.
Misture o conteúdo de um pacote de pó de eletrólitos Essential Elements Hydration em 500 ml de água. Agite bem até dissolver completamente. Consuma durante ou após atividades físicas intensas para uma hidratação eficaz. Não exceda a dose diária recomendada.
Amazon Customer –
Not happy that I didn’t realize this is a not refundable item… the taste is ok.. not great but drinkable.. they just give me too much gas and I’m going to toss them. I wish I read all of the reviews before I bought these. Lesson learned
Rebekah H. –
I had been really sick and became very dehydrated. Right after that I started doing intermittent fasting and keto. I’m a server and sometimes it gets extremely hot at work and I sweat a lot. I got debilitating side cramps at work and was in agony; despite drinking water constantly during my shift. I knew I had to find a way to hydrate or I’d end up in the hospital. I decided to try these. Now I will admit that the taste was extremely rough at first. But then I started putting them in 20 oz of seltzer water. The bubbles helped the taste tremendously. After a few days the taste grew on me and I actually look forward to breaking my fast each day with one of these. The lime is my favorite and the watermelon cucumber is my second choice. I don’t care for the blue raspberry lemonade, but adding extra seltzer helps with the taste. I find the price to be way too high, but it is what is is. It’s better than dealing with Charlie horses in my side.
Tiggertx –
These things are great! Most things you get to assist with hydration (drained electrolytes) also include sugar witch I need to avoid. These things do the trick without the added sugar. The flavor can be a little strong, so I put it in more water than recommended. However, the flavors are great in general. Highly recommended!
Matt A. –
Been using this product for about 20 days. It is great! Only thing I’m wondering is if it has caffeine in it. I have energy during the day which is great but I can’t seem to go to sleep at night. Does anyone know if there is caffeine in it?
Julie –
I have been buying these for over a year. They are great for hydration and have quality ingredients. The apple cider vinegar is noticeable in the taste. The single-serve packets are perfect for my purse, gym bag, and car. They mix easily and taste great. I like every flavor but the LIme is outstanding. I would drink it as a mocktail!
Lorraine –
I have been ordering this product for months on subscription and used to love it, but the past two bags we have received it hasn’t been the same. Product is crystallized and doesn’t taste right. This item is unable to be returned, which stinks because it’s not cheap. Purely feedback at this point, you guys need to figure it out because I love these electrolytes.
Lot#24002-2 exp. 01/2026 (hope this info helps you figure out what’s wrong with it)
Julie –
just ordered these for the first time off a recommendation from a friend. I like all of the flavors in the variety pack. They are a bit sweet however and I use about twice as much water as recommended.
Sjs –
Good product, my biggest gripe is the price – I wouldn’t be surprised if their profit margins are 95% on this product. They could probably sell the same size bag just full of the mix with a little scoop for the same price and still be making money off of it. The pack I bought had 24 servings for $39.99. In contrast, you can buy a 24 pack of liquid Gatorade off of Amazon for $41.41. So for an extra $2, I get 24 bottles all pre-mixed.
Gatorade powder sells at roughly $20 for what would amount to 24 servings, so you’re paying twice for this.
I’m all for saving the planet and reducing waste. I also get that this product is supposed to offer far more than your typical gatorade does in terms of nutrients and minerals. That price is just a little bit of a stretch in just powder form. $30 would feel more appropriate — $20 if they want to replace gatorade.
As far as flavors are concerned, they all feel a little off to me – especially the watermelon – it’s almost sickly sweet. I suppose it’s not that far off from how gatorade tastes, but it’s definitely has a different “brand” of taste to it, if that makes any sense. I would say by the end of the 24 servings I was just getting used to it.
All in all, I would buy again if I was planning on an arduous trek or something where I wanted to feel like I was getting premium hydration, but I wouldn’t buy as a daily drink. It’s too pricey.
Think about it Hydration – you could drop your price by 50% and turn someone from a once-per-year drinker into a DAILY drinker…