Pacote Variado de Chocolates Good Day para Crianças – Sono, Multivitamínico, Calma – 3 Pacote
Descubra o Pacote Variado de Chocolates Good Day para Crianças, uma solução deliciosa e nutritiva que combina o prazer do chocolate com benefícios essenciais para a saúde infantil. Este pacote inclui três variedades: Sono, Multivitamínico e Calma, cada uma formulada para atender às necessidades específicas das crianças em diferentes momentos do dia. O chocolate é feito com ingredientes de comércio justo, garantindo não apenas um sabor irresistível, mas também um compromisso com a qualidade e a sustentabilidade.
O chocolate para sono contém 1mg de melatonina, um hormônio natural que ajuda a regular o ciclo do sono. Combinado com o sabor rico do chocolate e o toque suave da camomila, este produto é ideal para crianças que enfrentam dificuldades para adormecer, proporcionando uma transição tranquila para uma noite de sono reparador. O multivitamínico é uma maneira saborosa de garantir que as crianças recebam as vitaminas e minerais necessários para um crescimento saudável, enquanto a opção de calma ajuda a promover um estado de relaxamento, ideal para momentos de estresse ou agitação.
– Sabor Agradável: O chocolate é uma forma atrativa de incentivar as crianças a tomarem suplementos.
– Melhora do Sono: A melatonina ajuda a regular o sono, facilitando a hora de dormir.
– Suporte Nutricional: O multivitamínico fornece nutrientes essenciais que podem faltar na dieta das crianças.
– Efeito Calmante: A combinação de ingredientes promove relaxamento, ajudando a reduzir a ansiedade.
– Ingredientes de Comércio Justo: Garantia de qualidade e responsabilidade social na produção.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que as crianças consumam um chocolate antes de dormir, especialmente a variedade de sono, para ajudar na transição para um sono tranquilo. O multivitamínico pode ser ingerido durante o café da manhã ou lanche da tarde, enquanto a opção de calma pode ser utilizada em momentos de estresse, como antes de provas ou atividades que exigem concentração. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um pediatra em caso de dúvidas sobre a suplementação.
Kellogg family –
My son is 6 years old and has taken these since he was 4 years old. I was so happy when I found these because he won’t take any other vitamin and doesn’t like gummy things or other chewable fruit flavored vitamins. Please never stop making these. My kid’s health depends on these since he won’t eat fruits or veggies or much of anything besides Nutella and chicken nuggets.
Manie S. –
We’ve been very happy with these vitamins.
Amazon Customer –
I was nervous due to other reviews of this product arriving crushed but I guess we were either lucky or they have made a change with their carrier because they arrived in perfect condition and my toddler ate them immediately. He doesn’t like gummies so this chocolate vitamin is a win!
kandy –
The kids 5 and 7 had no problem taking them at all!
Amazon Customer –
My kids actually eat these vitamins.
Sherkid –
These chocolates are amazing and they do the job unlike any other gummy’s out there they do not put my children to sleep with these chocolates are top-of-the-line for sure
Amazon Customer –
We’ve bought this product before but it has never arrived damaged to this degree. Pieces are smashed and destroyed.
Kellogg family –
My fiance’ WILL NOT take a vitamin pill. She will also not eat Flintstones chewables, or Gummy vitamins of any kind. She complains about the taste, texture, etc. She’s had gastric bypass though so she needs SOME vitamins, particularly B and D vitamins. So, here we are with chocolate vitamins.
So first, the taste: They are decent. They are a good quality chocolate, with a candy shell – the vitamins come out with a slight ‘tang’ to the flavor. ALmost like a little burst of a citrus flavor. To some, this would be disgusting. I don’t mind it, however. And neither does my fiance. It’s as if a tiny drop of lemon juice as mixed into the middle of the product. Mostly chocolate flavor, ever so slightly tart.
Secondly, the number of different vitamins/minerals: These are on the short list of complete multi-vitamins. It has B’s D, C, A, and a few others. What’s missing? Iodine, potassium, Iron. Granted, these multi-vitamins are intended for kids, and maybe kids don’t need those vitamins. But Adults do – so if your an adult looking for a multi-vitamin you can eat, you’ll be lacking in those areas. There are obviously a few other vitamins/minerals that aren’t in these as well that some adults may need (chromium, for example). BUT, given gastric bypass patients are prone to vitamin B and D deficiencies, these are semi-sufficient for this purpose.
And Third, the quantity of vitamins in this product: For a young kid, a small child – there are probably more than enough vitamins in this product. For an adult, however, the amounts in this product are woefully inadequate. Most of the vitamins in this product at a full dose of 2 candies (Because they are candy, even if they have vitamins) provides only about 50% of the RDA of the desired vitamins. So for an adult to get a full RDA of included vitamins, they’d have to eat 4 candies. At 50 candies per bottle, this means a bottle only will last an adult about 13 days. So 2+ bottles a month at $15.90/bottle means $32+ a month for a regular adult. Now for my fiance, who’s had gastric bypass, she (and anyone with that type of surgery) has mal-absorption, meaning she doesn’t get all of the listed amounts of anything she consumes. In her case, she’d be more likely in an ideal world, to eat around 6 candies a day, which would make one bottle last about 8 days. So then it’d require almost 4 bottles for a month, or $64.00. At that point, it would be cheaper to find a liquid multi-vitamin. Though I doubt I’d get her to take one of those either.
So decent product, decent taste. Could use an adult version of this product – maybe adding the missing vitamins/minerals would give it a terrible flavor. I can’t imagine Iron has a nice taste to it. Would I buy them for a picky kid? I think I would – unless that same kid was super picky about tartness mixed with their chocolate.