Descrição do Produto: Pacote Detox de 10-14 Dias – Master Cleanse Diet
O Pacote Detox de 10-14 Dias é a solução ideal para quem busca uma limpeza profunda do organismo, promovendo saúde e bem-estar. Este kit completo inclui tudo o que você precisa para iniciar sua jornada de desintoxicação de forma eficaz e prática. Dentro da embalagem, você encontrará:
- 📦 Conteúdo: 10-14 Dias de Limpeza Detox – 2 Latas de 2 Litros de Xarope Madal Bal, 1 Manual de Instruções Neera, 2 Caixas de Chá Herbal Orgânico Neera, 1 Pimenta Caiena, 2 Sais do Himalaia.
- 🌿 Dieta Master Cleanse: Comece sua jornada de desintoxicação com a Dieta da Limonada, que inclui uma bebida de água com sal, chá laxante herbal para limpar o estômago e a limonada detox, tudo dentro da sua Dieta Master Cleanse.
- 🍵 Mistura Detox: Neera Natural foi desenvolvido como uma dieta de limonada detox, oferecendo uma mistura especializada que proporciona uma limpeza mais eficaz do que o tradicional Xarope de Bordo.
- 🌊 Limpeza Detox: Inicie sua limpeza detox com confiança utilizando a Dieta da Bebida Detox Master Cleanse – permitindo que seu corpo se limpe no conforto da sua casa.
- 🍋 Substituição de Refeição: Experimente a conveniência e nutrição do Neera Natural como sua solução de substituição de refeição, fornecendo nutrientes essenciais para energizar seu corpo enquanto apoia seus objetivos de desintoxicação!
Este pacote é mais do que uma simples dieta; é um convite para revitalizar seu corpo e mente, promovendo uma sensação de leveza e bem-estar. Com ingredientes naturais e uma abordagem holística, o Pacote Detox de 10-14 Dias é a escolha perfeita para quem deseja se sentir renovado e energizado.
1. Desintoxicação Eficaz: Remove toxinas acumuladas, promovendo um corpo mais saudável.
2. Apoio à Digestão: O chá laxante herbal e a mistura de limonada ajudam a regular o sistema digestivo.
3. Energia Sustentada: A substituição de refeições com Neera Natural fornece nutrientes essenciais, mantendo a energia ao longo do dia.
4. Facilidade de Uso: O kit completo vem com instruções claras, tornando a desintoxicação acessível a todos.
5. Conforto em Casa: Realize sua limpeza detox no conforto do seu lar, sem necessidade de dietas complicadas ou restritivas.
Para utilizar o Pacote Detox de 10-14 Dias, siga as instruções contidas no manual Neera. Prepare a bebida de limonada misturando o Xarope Madal Bal com água filtrada e suco de limão fresco. Consuma a bebida ao longo do dia, intercalando com a ingestão do chá herbal para maximizar os efeitos de limpeza. Utilize a pimenta caiena e o sal do Himalaia conforme indicado para potencializar a desintoxicação. Mantenha-se hidratado e ouça seu corpo durante todo o processo, ajustando a ingestão conforme necessário.
Trixy –
Does the trick and the syrup is delicious!
Naomi –
I have just completed week one and the results are amazing. I had done the cleanse a few years ago and I did it to get me through a weight loss plateau, and because I had already begun loosing weight prior to the cleanse it worked so fast, I only needed to do one week. My advice is to get through the first few days. I could barely drink the solution this second time around, but I realized I just needed to adjust my ratios. I prefer more lemon, less cayenne and a fraction less syrup than lemon. I am going for 15 days because I didn’t prepare for this time around (hadn’t been cutting anything out of my diet or exercising because I broke my ankle) I have already broken the urges, so I feel confident. One day at a time I recommend because in the first few days I was focused on the end date, but that made me feel like giving up, then once I decided to just do one day at a time and told myself ‘you can give up after just one more day’ when another day came I kept thinking, ‘i can do at least one more’. Then you get to day 4 and it’s fine! Once you start seeing the results you won’t have a problem sticking with it! I hope this makes sense. The point is, I highly recommend it and you will surprise yourself how much will power you can muster!
Fabiane B. Nease –
A colleague of mine had mentioned how great this product was and therefore I decided to give it a shot, given I needed to lose some weight in a short period of time.
I did the 10 days program and I have to say, the first 2 days were pretty tough as I experienced some cleansing symptoms (massive headache and vomiting).
After the first 2 days, I sailed through this diet. The mix is delicious (think of a lemonade sweetened with brown sugar!!). It took away my hunger which was the most impressive thing. I even had enough syrup for an extra day so I did the program for 11 days instead. I lost 1 pound per day and I am still losing. This product has reeducated me on eating as now I think 3 times before eating any junk and will eat everything in moderation since my stomach has changed and cant take much anymore.
It’s been 1 week since I finished the program and I am feeling and looking great! I highly recommend this! Total weight loss so far: 13 pounds!
Jo –
Awesome product comes with supplies needed to complete a two week cleanse. Mine was missing the tea and customer service sucked but the product worked great second order had everything.
Michelle M –
This kit is one of my most important purchases I make on Amazon. I do a master cleanser fast four times a year and I always order from the seller. The kit is fully stocked and always arrives quickly. I can’t be without this detox kit.
Annette –
Works well in aiding with weight loss… tastes good to me!!
Anita –
Ok, I think this product does what it says it does. I tried to keep the diet twice and every time I found that my appetite went away (didn’t really experience hunger) and lost some weight. BUT I gave up every time after a couple of days because I couldn’t stand the taste. The smell and taste of it made me sick. Some people say they liked it or was okay. I suggest you try some Madal Bal syrup beforehand and decide whether you can drink that for some time (and imagine it combined with the same amount of lemon juice and some cayenne pepper).
Kyle Kemper –
…Well so am I! use this and fit in those clothes you’ve had in your closet for months that look terrible on you but you are saving in case you loose 10-20 or 100 pounds