Descrição do Produto: Pacote de Vitaminas Líquidas para Imunidade (Pacote de 3)
O Pacote de Vitaminas Líquidas para Imunidade é uma solução inovadora e prática para quem busca fortalecer o sistema imunológico de forma natural e eficaz. Composto por três poderosos sprays: Mist de Sabugueiro (Sambucus Nigra), Mist de Aumento de Zinco e Mist de Vitamina C (Força Extra), este conjunto foi desenvolvido para oferecer suporte abrangente à saúde imunológica, utilizando ingredientes não transgênicos e de alta qualidade.
- SUPORTE IMUNOLÓGICO ABRANGENTE COM SABUGUEIRO E ZINCO: O Mist de Sabugueiro, rico em flavonoides, vitaminas A e C, e potássio, potencializa a função imunológica, enquanto o Mist de Aumento de Zinco fornece suporte essencial para a saúde imunológica, expressão gênica e metabolismo celular.
- PROPRIEDADES ANTIOXIDANTES POTENTES: Tanto o Mist de Sabugueiro quanto o Mist de Vitamina C contêm antioxidantes poderosos que neutralizam radicais livres prejudiciais, promovendo a manutenção da saúde geral e apoiando os processos naturais de cura do corpo.
- SUPLEMENTAÇÃO DE NUTRIENTES ESSENCIAIS: O Mist de Vitamina C, proveniente de frutas orgânicas de limão e laranja, é crucial para aqueles que não conseguem sintetizar esse nutriente vital naturalmente. Ele auxilia na absorção de ferro, potencializando os benefícios da ingestão de ferro para diversas necessidades de saúde.
- SAÚDE E INTEGRIDADE DA PELE: O Mist de Aumento de Zinco não apenas apoia a saúde imunológica, mas também desempenha um papel crucial na manutenção da integridade e saúde da pele. Aplique 8 sprays sublingualmente, diariamente, para máxima absorção e eficácia. Esse benefício adicional garante que sua pele, o maior órgão do corpo, receba os cuidados necessários como parte de sua estratégia geral de bem-estar.
- PACOTE CONVENIENTE DE TRÊS: A combinação dos Mists de Sabugueiro, Vitamina C e Aumento de Zinco em um único pacote oferece uma abordagem simplificada para a suplementação de saúde, garantindo uma rotina bem equilibrada que apoia a função imunológica, a atividade antioxidante e a provisão de nutrientes essenciais.
1. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: A combinação de ingredientes naturais proporciona um suporte robusto para a defesa do organismo.
2. Ação Antioxidante: Ajuda a combater os radicais livres, promovendo uma saúde geral melhorada.
3. Melhora na Absorção de Nutrientes: A Vitamina C potencializa a absorção de ferro, essencial para a saúde sanguínea.
4. Saúde da Pele: O Zinco contribui para a manutenção da integridade da pele, promovendo um aspecto saudável.
5. Praticidade e Conveniência: O formato em spray facilita a administração e a inclusão na rotina diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se aplicar 8 sprays sublingualmente de cada um dos Mists (Sabugueiro, Vitamina C e Aumento de Zinco) diariamente. A administração sublingual permite uma absorção mais rápida e eficaz dos nutrientes, garantindo que seu corpo receba o suporte necessário para um sistema imunológico forte e saudável. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
LP –
I love this product and reordered the Immunity Pack. The Zinc leaked, I contacted customer service and they are sending another bottle. I love that they are not making me send back the whole package to replace one item.
Paul –
This product is best absorbed if sprayed underneath the tongue.
Nobody in the media seems to be talking about ways to help boost our immune system to help protect our bodies from contracting Covid-19.
Personally, I had many of the Covid-19 symptoms and started this regimen. Not all of these things came in at the same time from Amazon. The last thing to come in was Quercetin. Once I started taking it in combination with the other vitamins, I felt much better within 24 hours and completely back to normal within 48 hours.
A friend of mine tested positive for Covid-19 and his father had the same symptoms but wasn’t tested. I brought him this regimen the same day of the positive test result. Within 24 hours both were feeling much better and within 48 hours they were completely symptom free.
I found this regimen shortly after developing some of the symptoms. This video can be found on YouTube and it is called “Coronavirus Pandemic Update 59: Dr. Seheult’s Daily Regimen (Vitamin D, C, Zinc, Quercetin, NAC).”
In the video, Dr Seheult (who works directly with Covid-19 patients) recommends the following regimen using these over-the-counter vitamins and supplements. DISCLAIMER: always consult your physician before adding any new supplements to your diet.
1) Vitamin C (2:14)
2) Vitamin D (4:21)
3) Quercetin (7:02)
4) NAC (8:17)
5) Zinc (9:47)
1) Liposomal Vitamin C – is an anti-inflammatory and antiviral. Specifically liposomal vitamin C has a much higher absorption rate than regular vitamin C. The only thing better is intravenous vitamin C.
2) Vitamin D – even if you can get 15 minutes of sun every day, you should still consider adding a vitamin D supplement to your diet. Multiple studies have proven the effectiveness of vitamin D towards fighting Covid-19. If you do a Google search for “Vitamin D mortality rates Covid-19,” you will find all kinds of scientific research.
In one of the studies from Indonesia, patients with normal levels of vitamin D, the death rate was 4%. In patients with insufficient levels of vitamin D, the death rate was 88%. In patients with deficient levels of vitamin D, death rate was 99%.
3) Quercetin – has the ability to interfere with the enzyme in your cells that the coronavirus requires to get in your cells and begin replicating. Similar to Hydroxychloroquine, Quercetin is a zinc ionophore. A zinc ionophore activates the port to allow zinc to enter a cell. Once in the cell, zinc is then able to block the enzyme RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which turns off viral replication.
4) NAC also called N-Acetyl Cysteine – people claim it helps shorten cold, flu, & sinus infections. It is used to increase levels of glutathione, which is one of the body’s most important antioxidants. It also helps burn fat more effectively through its ability to improve insulin sensitivity, which means it helps the body use insulin more efficiently to help treat Type 2 diabetes. NAC’s ability to replenish & regulate glutamate levels helps improve brain health for conditions like Alzheimer’s, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD), and other addictive behaviors. Warning, if you have asthma or bleeding problems, consult your doctor who may tell you to avoid NAC.
5) Zinc – it is well known that zinc (Zn) possesses a variety of direct and indirect antiviral properties, but over time it decreases copper levels in your body. Administration of a zinc supplement enhances antiviral immunity to restore depleted immune cell function.
Zinc also protects or stabilizes the cell membrane which contributes to blocking of the virus entry into the cell and inhibits viral replication. Zinc does this by blocking RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), the core enzyme of their multiprotein replication and transcription complex that is critical for the copying of viral RNA.
Fortunately, there are molecules that can act as facilitators and enhance the entry of zinc into the cell. These are known as zinc ionophores. In addition to Hydroxychloroquine, other things like Quercetin and to a lesser extent Green Tea are zinc ionophores (both of which can be bought over the counter).
How zinc ionophores work. Zinc ions stay outside the cell. The cell’s membrane and binding molecules limit the ability of zinc to penetrate into the cell. A zinc ionophore activates the port to allow zinc to enter a cell. Once in the cell, zinc is then able to block the enzyme RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which turns off viral replication.
6) Alkaline Water – this was not mentioned in the above video, but has been mentioned in other videos. It is used to raise your alkaline levels and it is also an anti-inflammatory.
Amazon Customer –
This is the best zinc supplement ever because it’s very convenient to take by spraying under the tongue and is a game changer not having to deal with pills or droppers. I am a repeat user and one of the bottles I received once was not spraying super well so I just poured the new liquid into the old bottle that worked better. It tastes nice and I don’t get a metallic taste. Also I discovered there are different formats of zinc supplements, just like iron supplements, and this one doesn’t give me nausea that the regular pills from the grocery store give me. Zinc is a binder so I take this at night before going to sleep, but am sometimes too tired and I forget, in which case I pay for it the next morning. I take more if I’ve been around someone sick and this coupled with saline nasal rinse and throat gargle saved me from catching a lot of bugs. I like that it also has vitamin C and elderberry but no binders like calcium or magnesium that would deactivate the mineral supplements.
Honee –
I have tried other zinc sprays in the past. This one is by far the best. I use it daily and have not been sick in 2yrs. The taste is very mild and pleasant with no lingering after taste. Dosage could not be simpler. 5 stars from me. Also, customer service from seller is easy and quick when needed
John K. Barberii –
Mi niña de 4 años lo consume, y las gripas fuertes no le dan por lo menos, poco mas de 1 año
Luzma –
As an ER physician, on the front lines for the last four months, (NYC and Navajo Nation) more often than not,… I finally have something meaningful to share. None of this should be considered to be medical advice. It’s just one Physicians tale of survival. In the pictures you will see how I have survived in a coronavirus atmosphere. I have done everything from intubations, respiratory therapy treatments, and all other sorts of horrible things in the emergency room during this coronavirus outbreak with the PPE tools you see in these pictures. The literature states, that RNA reverse transcriptase viruses are very susceptible to poisoning by zinc (believe in Zicam? ) in the ribosome. There’s plenty of review articles on this from the Ebola and coronavirus literature from 2015 to 2018. Google for yourself. The problem has been getting zinc into the cell – – it’s a big positively charged ion. Ionophores help with zinc passage across the cell membrane, and ionophores include quercetin, EGCG (green tea extracts) , and interestingly enough, hydroxychloroquine. GIVOL’s ZINC BOOST is one of the most cost effective products I have found, being a 4 months supply at 100 mg per day. In addition, the product has plenty of vitamin C, and bioflavonoids–that also help push zinc into the cell. With such an approach, you can avoid the toxicity of high doses of zinc, by actually getting the zinc you ingest into the cells. I also use vitamin D, for immune support. Please note, the K2 in SBRs vitamin D would not be good for patients on Coumadin, as it would negate the effects of Coumadin, being a vitamin K.
Again, I have been operating in a coronavirus atmosphere for four months in extreme exposure. You will see the simple surgical water resistant Gown, that we manually disinfect with disinfectant wipes, up to 15 times a day, roll up outside-in, and reuse the next day. Thank you 3M for P100 respiratory protection at 99.8 percent (these are the original 3M 2297 pads from February, 2020, that you can wipe down and use until you can’t breathe through them) and RK goggles that have protected my eyes. I use baby wipes, boosted with 91 percent isopropyl alcohol to wipe my face, my goggles, and my respirator at least 5 times a day, besides the doffing cleanings. I use a Balaclava lycra head cover, not pictured here, but the thin ones I found on Amazon.
I don’t think my cleaning and equipment is optimized by any means, and I’m sure I breached PPE precautions, and accidentally exposed myself many times. That means I have probably been exposed numerous times to SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, my conclusion is that this oral regimen of Quercetin, Zinc, and Vitamin D has at least help afford some protection against infection in my exposure environment. That’s what the literature predicts. I am motivated to share this information with Amazon users, in hopes it will help someone along the way. Remember that besides social distancing, wearing masks, and good handwashing, we don’t have many treatments or tools to help, and those tools don’t work in the ER, or are not practical. It’s not proven information, except in my own experience. It’s not a treatment for Coronavirus, but it may serve to help some who have to work in this environment, and it could be extrapolated to help treat those who contract the virus, you be the judge. At this instant in time, it’s as good as any other information on protection and treatment that’s out there, at least by my experience. I received no financial gain from any of the suppliers noted, and most of the products I ordered off of Amazon before the shutdown for Hospital Order/Use Only. I have no mouth piece, or any other way to share this information. This is not meant as a treatment protocol, only some observations for having lived through this virus…. So Far, So Good. I’m going to keep doing what I do with these tools, because they have worked for me. I don’t know if Amazon will print this review, but God Bless you all and protect you all, and best wishes. B
Caroline Ino –
This is the 3rd immunity pack I bought b/c it is so good! It’s easy to use, the kids love the flavor and the ingredients are great. I’m recommending this pack to my friends!
Caroline Ino –
My child love it!