Descrição do Produto: Silver HOLISTICS Colloidal Silver Liquid Bundle
O pacote Silver HOLISTICS Colloidal Silver Liquid Bundle é uma solução inovadora e eficaz que combina a pureza do prata coloidal com a conveniência de um spray. Produzido com prata coloidal pura em água destilada, este produto oferece uma solução de 10ppm, conhecida como água de prata coloidal, que permite uma fácil absorção de nutrientes e eliminação de impurezas. A riqueza em partículas de prata proporciona um suporte imunológico constante, ajudando a reduzir inflamações, combater problemas menores de pele e eliminar toxinas do intestino.
Este pacote completo inclui um frasco spray de vidro azul de 4 OZ, ideal para aplicação prática, e uma solução de recarga de 16 OZ, acompanhada de um conta-gotas gratuito. O frasco spray permite uma aplicação em névoa fina, facilitando o uso em diversas situações, enquanto o frasco maior é perfeito para reabastecimento, garantindo que você tenha sempre à mão a sua solução de prata coloidal.
A segurança é uma prioridade para nós. O suplemento mineral de prata é livre de conservantes, estabilizantes e sais adicionados, tornando-o seguro para crianças, adultos e até mesmo para seus animais de estimação. Produzido nos Estados Unidos, o Silver HOLISTICS garante que sua fórmula contém apenas 99,999% de prata e água destilada pura, assegurando a integridade do produto. Com isso, você pode ter a certeza de que está utilizando um produto 100% seguro e saudável.
– Suporte Imunológico Constante: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
– Redução de Inflamações: Contribui para a diminuição de inflamações no corpo, promovendo um bem-estar geral.
– Tratamento de Problemas de Pele: Auxilia no combate a problemas menores de pele, como irritações e acne.
– Desintoxicação do Intestino: Ajuda a eliminar impurezas e toxinas do sistema digestivo, promovendo uma saúde intestinal ideal.
– Segurança e Pureza: Produto livre de aditivos químicos, seguro para toda a família, incluindo pets.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se agitar bem o frasco antes de cada uso. Aplique o spray diretamente na área desejada ou na boca, conforme necessário. Para uso interno, utilize o conta-gotas para medir a quantidade desejada e ingira com água. Para a aplicação tópica, borrife a solução na pele limpa e seca, permitindo que o produto seja absorvido naturalmente. Utilize diariamente para maximizar os benefícios do prata coloidal em sua rotina de saúde.
Patricia A Orsi –
Great price. Good taste. Loved the packaging of product, kept very safe from breaking.
Amazon Customer –
I love how this comes with a bottle with spray and the fact the bottles are glass because I read in several places, the colloidal silver needs to be in glass dark bottles to keep its potency. Great product I would recommend buying it and I bought 3 sets for family members.
Anna –
This review is for those who suffer from rosacea and look for alternative (not prescribed meds) solutions.
Here’s my brief background in this area. I have rosacea and I was prescribed many kinds of meds, orally and externally. For 7 months I’ve been on prescribed meds, including hormonal and antibiotic creams. After 7 months I saw zero results and I knew that I couldn’t be hooked on antibiotics for life. I started looking for alternative solutions. I got a recommendation that colloidal sliver may help with rosacea. I ordered a bottle with no high expectations. I had tried so much for rosacea and very few solutions work. To make a long story short…I noticed the difference after the first use.
Now I’ve been using colloidal silver for about 5 weeks. I definitely see positive results. I use it several times a day. I do not imagine my every day skin routine without it. Rosacea is a big pain, it causes stress, discomfort and insecurity. The quality of life goes down dramatically.
I will describe briefly the way I use CS on my face. I hope it will be helpful for someone.
1) I spray CS on face and clean skin with a cotton round (once or several times depending on how dirty my skin is at that point, I clean until a cotton round is totally clean). Then I spray CS again and either leave it on my skin until it dries naturally. Or I apply some cream right on damp skin.
2) I clean skin with CS. I STOPPED USING TAP WATER to wash my face. The only times I wash face with tap water is when I take shower. When I come out from shower I dry skin with a towel and spray CS right away.
3) I DO NOT THINK that CS can cure rosace. Because rosacea is a vessel condition. But rosacea comes with very oily (yet dehydrated) skin. Skin sebum (aka oil) and bacteria cause infection. That’s what CS helps with. It cleans skin thoroughly and kills bacteria. Skin irritation comes down. When skin is clean and bacteria-free, it is less inflamed. It looks better and feels better.
4) CS is NOT THE ONLY product that I use externally to keep rosacea under control. I also use very mild exfoliator, several creams and masks with clean ingredients.
Silvia & Marcus –
Effective. So, I wrote a review that included a testimonial about how this obliterated some health issues, and _m_zon wouldn’t post it. We’ve bought this brand before and it really works well. Nice to also have a spray bottle.
norma ordonez –
La uso para heridas, tomada en gotas cuando hay infección , asta neumonia esto me salvo busca información es económica excelente
Scorpio –
I was skeptical of trying colloidal silver. It was recommended to me for infections. So we used it for that. Reading reviews, I used it on my children’s cuts, and they went away quickly without the sting. My kids actually love taking it. It healed their sore throats fast also.
But the true value, came when it saved my bunny’s life!!
My bunny got sick. It happened so fast, that there wasn’t a whole lot we could do. It was a Saturday and every vet that treats rabbits, were closed until Tuesday (Due to Memorial weekend holiday)
He was dying, we don’t know what happened, but he got really cold, and wouldn’t eat or drink. He wouldn’t leave his cage and he was hiding in the dark. He had bad diarrhea, and wasn’t breathing well. I’ve been a bunny owner for a long time, bunnies are easily susceptible to illness. When they get like this, they usually die fast…within 24-48 hours. I didn’t know what to do without a vet. I remember reviews that someone healed their puppy, and decided to go for it. He was already dying… Gave him a tiny cap full. He drank without any issues. He started warming back up to temperature. Gave him another later in the day. Then he started eating a small bite, drinking a small drink.
The next day we gave him more, and then he was starting to eat more. He was moving around, but was scared looking and still hiding.
By Monday, he was fine again. Running around, eating regular, playing and no longer scared! It was amazing!
This is the before and after picture of him. I totally recommend this product! It was safe for a bunny and they are sensitive to so many things!
JoAnn Gallaghrr –
Just started using, don’t have results yet.
Sheila Kunkel –
Best stuff ever