Descrição do Produto: Matys Baby Cough Care Bundle, Organic Day
O Matys Baby Cough Care Bundle é um conjunto essencial para o cuidado da tosse do seu bebê, projetado com ingredientes orgânicos e seguros que proporcionam alívio eficaz e reconfortante. Este kit, que inclui três peças, é ideal para pais que buscam soluções naturais e confiáveis para o desconforto respiratório dos pequenos. Com ingredientes como lavanda, camomila, aloe e agave, cada produto foi cuidadosamente formulado para oferecer um cuidado que você pode confiar, tornando-se também uma excelente opção de presente para chás de bebê.
O pacote de xarope para tosse Matys, que inclui versões para o dia e a noite, é feito com ingredientes limpos e orgânicos, como agave, vinagre de maçã e camomila. Livre de melatonina, álcool e mel, este xarope é uma escolha segura para aliviar a tosse sem comprometer a saúde do seu bebê. Além disso, o bálsamo para o peito, testado pediátrica e dermatologicamente, é livre de petróleo e mentol, combinando a suavidade da lavanda, camomila e vapores de eucalipto para ajudar a aliviar a congestão e proporcionar um sono tranquilo.
Os pais adoram a eficácia suave dos produtos Matys, que acalmam a garganta irritada e a congestão dos pequenos, podendo ser usados sempre que necessário. Este conjunto é um item indispensável no armário de medicamentos de cada família, no quarto do bebê ou durante viagens. Produzido nos EUA, o Matys é uma marca que acredita no poder da Mãe Natureza e nos alimentos funcionais para ajudar seu bebê a se sentir melhor, utilizando apenas ingredientes reais para um alívio real e qualidade que você pode confiar.
– Ingredientes Orgânicos e Naturais: Composição livre de substâncias nocivas, garantindo segurança para o seu bebê.
– Alívio Eficaz: Proporciona conforto imediato para tosse e congestão, permitindo que seu bebê durma melhor.
– Fórmulas Testadas: Produtos testados pediátrica e dermatologicamente, assegurando que são seguros para uso em bebês.
– Versatilidade: Ideal para uso diário e como presente para novos pais, sendo um item essencial em qualquer casa com crianças.
– Compromisso com a Qualidade: Fabricado nos EUA com ingredientes de alta qualidade, confiáveis e eficazes.
Para o uso do Matys Baby Cough Care Bundle, recomenda-se administrar o xarope para tosse conforme indicado nas instruções do produto, respeitando a dosagem adequada para a idade do bebê. O xarope pode ser administrado a qualquer momento durante o dia ou à noite, conforme necessário. Para o bálsamo para o peito, aplique uma quantidade generosa na área do peito e nas costas do bebê, massageando suavemente até que o produto seja absorvido. Utilize sempre que o bebê apresentar sinais de desconforto respiratório, garantindo que ele tenha um alívio seguro e eficaz.
Chas P. –
Wasn’t expecting these to be this small. Oh goodness these definitely need better packaging, my bottles were stuck together because spilled all over inside. Smell awful…this is worrying me!? Don’t know if should use them now. What a waste of money.
Patzie Freels –
I absolutely loved the chest rub and it works amazing!! But as far as the syrups they leak and only last 90 days after you open and they have a very funky smell.
Madison –
Main issue: so far 3 stars simply because they were packaged well but somehow were covered in the sticky syrupy medicine inside the box. But once I cleaned them off (I mean it was COVERED, like someone dipped them in it) all of the packaging was still intact and no seals were broken.
-I feel like this is a good price point for this kind of natural product.
-I like the glass bottles they’re packaged in simply because it’s cute lol. *after looking at it for more than a min. It is not glass 🤣 just thick plastic. Also easy to clean off (thank god) and thick so they wouldn’t break or bust open.
-When I first opened up the chest rub it looked like it was going to be thick and waxy but it’s really just like lotion and you don’t need much
-Chest rub smells amazing, definitely encourages me to slather my baby up in it 🤣
-I’ve only opened the day time cold medicine so far, but it smells good and I taste tested it and it’s sweet but not too sweet. I wish all medicine tasted like that. My baby (3.5 months old) definitely enjoyed it. No complaints from him.
-My baby enjoyed having the chest rub on his chest and feet (we’re not doing hands because he won’t keep them out of his mouth as it is lol)
-Chest rub actually did seem to soothe him
I can’t speak on either cold medication because I don’t think we’ve used enough of it to review it.
*The syringe provided is a basic plastic syringe you’d get in any kind of child’s liquid medicine*
Other than the careless packaging resulting in me being covered in cough medicine the consistency of honey 🤣… I really have no other complaints.
I will update on the effectiveness of the products as we use it!
Update: I used the nighttime cough syrup and I think it actually did help, my baby sleeps through the night already (I know, I’m lucky lol) but when I wake him up to change him he’s been coughing, not last night though. I gave him more about an hour ago and we still have some congestion but it’s better than before (I’m also using Frida products to eliminate congestion and snot so that’s been helpful) chest rub is a winner.
HUGE ISSUE: The sticky medicine in the bottle sealed the lid so tight I couldn’t open it. I had to have my bf do it and it still took him forever (which is saying a lot) also got my nightstand sticky, my hands sticky, my bed sticky. Pretty much anything it could – it did. My solution is to just totally wipe it all down (I use a baby wipe because, convenient) before putting it away and before handling it. The bottle, the outside of the lid, the inside of the lid, where I place it on my nightstand. I still had to wash my hands even after wiping them with a wipe because the wipe wasn’t enough for my hands. And that might suck if it’s 3 am and you just want to squeeze this in your baby’s mouth and roll over and pass out. So I am keeping this at a 3 star review. I have so far enjoyed the product but it’s really inconvenient- I should’ve known that if the company couldn’t even package this without getting it everywhere, I’d have a hard time too.
Update: after I posted my review I was contacted by seller and the issue with the packaging was resolved. Wonderful customer service. Will definitely be purchasing again as I already enjoyed these products, but being contacted by customer service has cemented that!
Chas P. –
Like many others, the cough syrups that I received both leaked. One of the bottles didn’t have a safety seal at all, while the other had one, but it wasn’t sealed. It’s a shame, because there aren’t many products for infants to begin with, and this one was a huge disappointment. The balm was great though, but you can buy it separately. I decided to suck some of the liquid into a syringe and it had a strange smell (probably the acv) and had these brown flecks. Both bottles had the brown flecks. Anyone else experience that?
Sadly, as much as I wanted to love this product, my baby’s safety is more important and buying this cough syrup again would be a hard no for me. I would also definitely not recommend it to anyone.
Katie Connor –
This works really well. Baby liked the taste and the dose is small so even though the container is small its a good value. I love that it has simple and clean ingredients. Having a baby medicine syringe makes it easier to feed to your little one with less mess.
Gabby –
It dejarlo helps my little guy feel better. My pediatrician said he was doing great after just 2 days off using this. My little guy was super sick and to small for most baby meds. I found this and the doctor was unsure as she had never heard of it before. Because my son was so small when he got sick she said to give it a try. We went back 2 days later for his follow up, and he was so much better.
We treated it ourselves before giving it to him. It has a nice taste and smell to it. I won’t lie I even use the chest rub myself. Love the natural ingredients.
Heather Armstrong –
I was nervous to get because the reviews were so left and right. Most weren’t impressed with the packaging. All three were in boxes, and wrapped. No leaking at all. Smell is off a bit. The medicine is in small bottles like it says, but the dosing are small so should last a bit. I will review again, once they’ve used it a couple days, and let you know if I think it’s working!
estar –
I always prefer not using harsh medicines with my children and if these have always been great, especially the chest rub. My son has used the chest rub for most of his life and he is now four My daughter just started using it and it seems to be working well for her too My son has never complained about the taste of the medicine. Neither has my daughter so it must be good tasting