Descrição do Produto:
Descubra o sabor irresistível e os benefícios dos *Destiny Keto ACV Gummies Extreme 2000MG*. Este pacote duplo de gomas de vinagre de maçã é a maneira mais deliciosa de incorporar nutrientes essenciais à sua rotina diária. Com uma fórmula avançada que combina vinagre de maçã com suco de beterraba e vitamina B12, cada goma é uma explosão de sabor que transforma o cuidado com a saúde em um prazer.
- DESTINY KETO GUMMIES ACV EXTREME 2000MG: Sua rotina diária nunca teve um gosto tão bom. Nossas deliciosas gomas de ACV incluem nutrientes enquanto têm o sabor de um doce!
- INGREDIENTES ADICIONAIS: Nossa mistura exclusiva de gomas de vinagre de maçã contém raiz de beterraba, vitamina B12 e folato.
- RÁPIDO E FÁCIL: Adicionar gomas à sua rotina diária é uma maneira fácil e deliciosa de incorporar vitaminas e nutrientes.
- ÓTIMO SABOR: Repletas de sabor e feitas com ingredientes da mais alta qualidade, nossas gomas certamente deixarão você querendo mais.
- SEGURANÇA E QUALIDADE: Veganas, não-GMO, sem glúten e sem gelatina, com base de pectina. Testadas por terceiros e fabricadas em uma instalação certificada pela GMP.
1. Apoio à Dieta Keto: As gomas são formuladas para complementar uma dieta cetogênica, ajudando na queima de gordura e no controle do apetite.
2. Aumento de Energia: A presença de vitamina B12 contribui para a produção de energia, ajudando a combater a fadiga e a manter a disposição ao longo do dia.
3. Saúde Digestiva: O vinagre de maçã é conhecido por suas propriedades que favorecem a digestão, ajudando a equilibrar o pH do estômago e a promover um sistema digestivo saudável.
4. Antioxidantes Naturais: O suco de beterraba e a combinação de ingredientes oferecem propriedades antioxidantes, que ajudam a combater os radicais livres e a promover a saúde celular.
5. Praticidade e Sabor: A forma de goma torna o consumo de vitaminas e nutrientes muito mais agradável e fácil, ideal para quem tem uma rotina agitada.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir duas gomas por dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições. As gomas podem ser mastigadas diretamente ou combinadas com um copo de água para uma experiência refrescante. É importante manter uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável para maximizar os benefícios do produto. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para preservar a qualidade e a eficácia das gomas.
Marilyn Verhoff –
It’s easy to pop a couple
Gummies in on your way out the door in the morning and again about an hour before dinner. Keeps you feeling full and my body feeling good.
Sharon Breslin –
I love it
Marty –
I asked for the ones Kelly Clarkson lost weight. These are not it. These you take two gummies one to three times a day. Kelly said one pill at 9 o’clock. Plus they taste old as I took one. Very disappointed
LSmith –
I started using gummies about three weeks ago and they were 1000mg per gummie and I was shocked that they really worked. They taste very good and I lost weight.
Then I found these 2000grams gummies and I kept losing. Don’t think because you read or heard Kelly Clarkson lost all her weight and it sounds like it went wham bam!!! I have done a ton of research because I am not a trusting person. I don’t believe that these are going to have you drop weight every single day 1lb or 2lb. Like Kelly says, “I lost weight without any special diet and I didn’t go to a gym” Then she added, That she was enjoying her wine and chocolate.
Well I don’t believe that one bit. However, both the 1000gr and these 2000gr helped my appetite. I started out at 178 and 3 weeks later I am 174.
But with that said, you do have to watch what you eat. I am thrilled with my suppression of hunger pains. For me they don’t exist.
These gummies come with a one month supply. 60 gummies!! Take 1 in the morning and 1 before bed.
I have read some people saying they take 3 gummies a day. Why? Follow the directions. Then 2 a day work.
What I eat everyday is this. I normally get up at 5 am anyway. So I have my coffee then eat my 1 Yogurt cup. I chew 1 gummie. Then I go tend to my horse and go for a trail ride. Then by this time it might 11:00 am and I come home. I am not hungry at all, but I may grab a square of cheese. So I have a coffee here at home and for dinner which is my main meal, I eat before 6 pm. I focus on protein and veggies. I watch the carbs. I don’t count calories or carbs. I just know that meat and veggies are delicious and good for me. So I use my Air Fryer a lot. I may eat a hamburger patty with mushrooms, onion and tomato on it but never the bun. I have stopped eating bread period! I don’t miss it.
I love meat and fish and all of that is carb free.
So I highly recommend these Gummies.
One last thing. These gummies contain “Folate”, which is really good for you. Google that please.
Lastly the appetite thing is real. What it really is stops my craving for sweets. I could never walk in the grocery store and the first place I have to walk through is the darn bakery. Before I would wheel my grocery cart through and look at everything then since I didn’t have any control I would end up getting som sort of sugary pastry’s and go home and pig out. Now I do not have any cravings at all. Criss cross my heart.
I am taking my horse on a two week vacation and seeing old friends in Washington state in August and I will be back to my size 9 jeans and not in these size 16. I am so done with this fat body.
Good luck to you all.
Rustymusician –
Didn’t lose weight but I didn’t gain any weight when using this product.
Kristine Walker –
I’m 60 yrs old and maybe that’s why it doesn’t work but I took it as prescribed for a month and did not loose any weight. I am type 2 diabetic also. The only good thing was it wasn’t bad tasting
LSmith –
Flavor was fine (lot’s of vinegar scent)! Didn’t lose any weight, even with increased activity! I do believe the vitamin content can’t hurt! Didn’t live up to the hype!
sid swails –
Doesn’t work didn’t gain or lose