Ostrim Snack Sticks de Peru com Sabor de Maçã Defumada – Embalagem com 10 unidades de 42g cada
Os Ostrim Turkey Jerky Snack Sticks com Sabor de Maçã Defumada são a escolha perfeita para quem busca um lanche prático, nutritivo e repleto de sabor. Cada embalagem contém 10 unidades de 42g, oferecendo uma experiência única a cada mordida. Com 14g de proteína, apenas 2,5g de gordura e apenas 90 calorias por porção, esses sticks são ideais para quem deseja manter uma alimentação equilibrada sem abrir mão do prazer de um lanche saboroso.
Feitos com ingredientes reais e sem adição de MSG, os Ostrim Snack Sticks garantem um sabor autêntico e natural, permitindo que você desfrute de um lanche saudável sem preocupações com aditivos artificiais. Além disso, a ausência de nitratos e nitritos torna esses sticks uma opção ainda mais saudável em comparação com outros produtos disponíveis no mercado. São livres de glúten, tornando-os adequados para pessoas com restrições alimentares ou sensibilidade ao glúten, e também são compatíveis com dietas cetogênicas.
Esses sticks de jerky são perfeitos para satisfazer a fome entre as refeições, ideais para levar em viagens, atividades ao ar livre ou como um lanche pós-treino. Basta abrir o pacote e saborear o delicioso sabor do peru defumado com um toque de maçã, aproveitando a conveniência e os benefícios nutricionais que eles oferecem.
1. Alto teor de proteína: Com 14g de proteína por porção, esses sticks ajudam na recuperação muscular e mantêm a saciedade.
2. Baixo teor de gordura: Com apenas 2,5g de gordura, são uma opção saudável para quem busca um lanche leve.
3. Baixo teor calórico: Com apenas 90 calorias por porção, são ideais para quem deseja controlar a ingestão calórica.
4. Ingredientes naturais: Feitos com ingredientes reais, sem MSG, oferecem um sabor autêntico e saudável.
5. Livre de glúten e amigável para dietas cetogênicas: Adequados para pessoas com restrições alimentares, permitindo que todos desfrutem de um lanche saboroso.
Os Ostrim Turkey Jerky Snack Sticks com Sabor de Maçã Defumada são ideais para consumo como um lanche entre as refeições, especialmente quando você precisa de uma fonte rápida de proteína. Eles são práticos para levar em viagens, atividades ao ar livre ou como um lanche pós-treino. Para aproveitar ao máximo, basta abrir o pacote e saborear o delicioso sabor do jerky de peru. A conveniência e os benefícios nutricionais desses sticks de jerky de alta qualidade fazem deles uma escolha inteligente para o seu dia a dia.
Fiontar McEoghan –
Good, healthy, high protein snack. Good flavor and texture.
These contain no artificial preservatives, so they can go bad more quickly than many other processed meat products. Based on the dates I have seen on those I have ordered, I would guess the sell by date is probably up to a year after packaging. I’ve had some up to six months after the sell by date that were fine, but I had a box a couple years ago that got misplaced and by the time I rediscovered them, they had gone notably rancid.
Related to this, my biggest knock on the product is that they do not put the sell by date anywhere on the box, but rather as a fine print marking on the packaged stick. This makes it hard to rotate your stock at home and must make it impossible for a seller like Amazon to properly rotate their warehouse stock. My advice would be to open the box as soon as you get it, check the sell by date and then mark it with a piece of masking tape with that date on the outside of the box. When ordering, I’d also make sure that you receive the product with a reasonable sell by date and return it if you do not.
How hard would it be for the manufacturer to put a sticker with a sell by date on each box?
Matt –
i am not a body builder per se but I do strength train 3-4 times a week while trying to stay lean so am always looking for ways to max my protein intake while minimizing my calories.
I have been using turkey jerky toward this goal for a few months. problem is: most taste terrible and dry and also usually have only like 7g protein of protein so you have to eat a ton to meet protein reqs.
These jerky sticks however are first all of very tastey, by far the best turkey jerky i’ve found of the dozens i’ve tried. And better yet they are thicc bois at 14g per stick, cutting how many you have to eat in half.
highly recommend for any lifters out there. Will be buying again!
Ross B. –
Been ordering these for a while now, bit this time, about half of the items were very soft and squishy. It didn’t taste and look right. It’s disgusting. Too bad because it used to be really good. Maybe just a bad batch. Unfortunately, it says it’s not eligible for return.
Steely D –
These are a great tasting quick snack that packs a good amount of protein.
I prefer these not only because they taste great, don’t have a bunch of filler, but have about twice the protein of other snacks.
I haven’t tried the other flavors but hope to in the future.
Debra Ortiz –
I had bariatric surgery last year and am always on the lookout for convenient sources of protein. I do not eat beef, so it was a pleasant surprise to find these sticks made from turkey. Fourteen grams of protein and only 90 calories–perfect. Easy to throw in my lunch bag for a snack at work. I enjoy these and have ordered them before and will order them again. Now granted, I probably do not have high expectations from processed meat sticks, which is what these are. I expect them to have sodium, I expect them to have the consistency of meat sticks…which they do. The flavor is mild, and there is no greasiness to the sticks which I sometimes have found in the past in other brands. I would recommend there to my friends, and have done so. As I mentioned, these are convenient, filling, and very tasty!
Valerie –
I used to get these regularly a few years ago and liked them. My recent purchase I thought, hmm these are not as good as I remember. Then I opened one and took a bite and spat the whole thing out. It was fermented and when I looked at it it was weirdly blotchy. Not buying again.
Bookworm –
If you are someone who doesn’t do well with spicy hot food, then I would stay away from this one. It was spicy enough to upset my stomach. If you are someone who likes a little heat, then the flavor wasn’t very good and I would recommend it for you.
Marilyn Berridge –
Didn’t care for the taste or the skin you have to pull off before you eat it which means you have to take it all out of the wrapper and peel it. Cant just eat it out of the wrapper
CallicoCat –
The seller provided these Protein Sticks on time and in perfect condition; the boxes were not crushed or damaged. I had not checked the sodium content on the product before I bought them – totally my fault; my husband and I have sodium restricted diets so I could not keep them; I did taste a stick and while the taste was good as a protein stick, the sodium masked the true flavor of the product. I gave them away to my friends at work where they were truly enjoyed and welcomed. Again, it was my fault for not checking the sodium content. I also purchased 5 boxes of the Sweet and Spice Ostrim Protein Sticks and we are eating those every day. We love those protein sticks; they are the best for us!