O Ostrichpillow Hot é um produto inovador que oferece conforto e relaxamento. Com um design ergonômico que se adapta perfeitamente ao pescoço e à cabeça, ele proporciona um suporte ideal durante o sono ou descanso. Feito de materiais macios e aconchegantes, o Ostrichpillow Hot mantém a temperatura ideal para um sono tranquilo, permitindo que você desfrute de um descanso revigorante em qualquer lugar, seja em casa, no escritório ou durante viagens.
Além de sua função principal como máscara de dormir, o Ostrichpillow Hot se destaca como uma máscara de olhos aquecida e refrigerada, oferecendo uma terapia eficaz para aliviar olhos cansados, irritados, inchados ou secos. Com uma solução perfeita para olheiras, bolsas nos olhos e enxaquecas, esta máscara proporciona um alívio imediato e duradouro. Preenchida com contas de argila natural, a máscara de olhos ponderada distribui o calor de forma uniforme em toda a superfície, garantindo uma experiência confortável e sem queimaduras. O ajuste com fecho de velcro e o tecido macio e confortável proporcionam uma sensação luxuosa e calmante.
O Ostrichpillow Hot vem com duas bolsas protetoras: uma bolsa de tecido para aquecimento no micro-ondas e uma bolsa de plástico para congelamento, evitando a transferência de odores. A área do nariz foi especialmente projetada para garantir conforto e evitar pressão excessiva, tornando esta máscara refrigerada perfeita para relaxamento e alívio do estresse.
1. Terapia quente e fria: A máscara de olhos Ostrichpillow Hot oferece a opção de terapia quente e fria, permitindo que você escolha a temperatura que melhor se adapta às suas necessidades de alívio e relaxamento.
2. Materiais de alta qualidade: Feita com materiais premium, esta máscara de olhos aquecida é durável e resistente, garantindo uma longa vida útil e um uso confortável.
3. Alívio imediato: Com a distribuição uniforme de calor e a capacidade de resfriamento, esta máscara proporciona um alívio imediato para olhos cansados, inchados ou irritados, ajudando a reduzir a aparência de olheiras e bolsas nos olhos.
4. Versatilidade: Além de aliviar os olhos, esta máscara também pode ser usada para aliviar dores de cabeça e enxaquecas, proporcionando um alívio eficaz e relaxante.
5. Fácil de usar e limpar: Com um fecho de velcro ajustável, esta máscara se adapta a diferentes tamanhos de cabeça e é fácil de limpar, garantindo uma higiene adequada após cada uso.
Para usar a máscara de olhos Ostrichpillow Hot, aqueça a bolsa de tecido no micro-ondas por alguns segundos ou coloque a bolsa de plástico no freezer por algumas horas, dependendo da terapia desejada. Em seguida, coloque a máscara nos olhos e ajuste o fecho de velcro para um ajuste confortável. Desfrute de uma sessão de terapia relaxante e alivie os olhos cansados, irritados ou inchados. Após o uso, limpe a máscara de acordo com as instruções do fabricante para garantir a higiene adequada.
This mask with clay beads gave me hope for a mask that would retain its hot/cold for a long time. It does an ok job of that but there are a few properties that I don’t like.
The clay beads are heavy enough to pull the mask downward if you’re not lying flat on your back when using it. This put enough pressure on my nose so as to be a slight breathing hindrance. Only slight – but noticeable.
The fabric covering the mask is more heavy duty as opposed to delicate. I’ve had other eye masks that use silk or satin for a much softer feel on the face.
The area of the mask that is directly over your eyes does not have any kind of indentation to accommodate the eye bulge. This can be a good thing if you want the beads to be directly in contact with your eyelids, but if you have any kind of eye makeup on this would be a drawback.
Perhaps I’ll adapt after I use this for a longer period of time, but the Velcro-type closure puts unwanted pressure around my head. I’ve tried to loosen the fastening but have so far been unable to find the sweet spot between comfort & an adequate hold.
Those are the reasons for my lower than normal star rating.
NY retiree –
I meditate every day so I thought I would try this eye mask with the cold compress while doing a guided 10 session. I also have sinus issues and greatly diminished sense of smell so I thought this might help. The mask weights a little bit more than I am used to but is comfortable enough. The strap on each side does not go above my ear but over the tips on the top of my ear..the nose area needs a small push every once in a while to keep it snug properly. Once the mask was settled I began to sense a eucalyptus smell, faintly..not sure what that was about…perhaps just the clay beads..About 8 minutes into the meditation my phone rang so I had to stop and take the mask off. My vision was VERY blurry and I was shocked actually. It took a good minute or so for my vision to clear up, I googled that and found out that the blood supply slows down..not sure I really like having blurred vision, even for a short time. Perhaps if they took the center clay pad which is directly on the eyeball area out of the mask it would be better..not sure though.
** I did try the cold mask again during guided meditation and while my vision was again blurry afterwards for a short time I was no longer disturbed by it..over time I do think the cold mask will help with sinus inflammation.
Amazon Customer –
Not too cold. Great quality and comfort.
Braxton –
Lacked the ability to retain the warmth or cold. Soft but not my first choice.
Amazon Customer –
Shape looked good.
It says you can use Microwave to heat up! But it does not keep heat longer than 30 seconds
CBloom –
I ordered this Ostrichpillow Hot & Cold Eye Mask to help when I had migraine headaches that knocked me off my feet. Fortunately I haven’t experienced one of those lately. I have, however, been dealing with eyestrain and fatigue due to lack of sleep, allergies and too much screen time. I decided to see how the eye mask would do with that. I placed it on my eyes and laid back for about 12 minutes. It felt wonderful…. so relaxing! Just that few minutes did wonders for my eyes and tension. The pack itself is nicely made. There’s a velvety covering that makes it very comfortable to place directly on your skin and a Velcro strap to hold it in place. The beads inside mold to the shape of your face. My only complaint is that it doesn’t hold the chill as long as I’d like. By the end of 10 minutes it was still cool but not cold. (It had been stored in the freezer, so it was thoroughly ready when I used it.) It is a rather costly item, so I expected a little more in this area. It comes with a nice storage bag and since it doesn’t take up too much real estate you can leave it in the freezer for future use. (I haven’t tried it with heat, will use it mostly for cold) I’m happy with this order.
****About me: Integrity is very important to me. Reviews I’ve posted will be from items I’ve had direct contact with. These are my honest opinions. I will not post a review for a product I have not had personal contact with.
Customer Review –
Such cute presentation for this clay bead mask! When your mask arrives, you get a bag for the microwave and the freezer to put your eye mask in. The mask has some weight to it due to the clay beads…this can be a positive for some or a negative, depending on your usage. I decided to throw mine in the freezer dealing it has been hot and try it out when I had a headache. The perfect day came along when I had a bad migraine along my eyebrow area. I pulled out the mask and laid down and tried to relax. The weight of the beads felt REALLY good on my eye area- the pressure was so nice because it relieved the pain I was feeling from the headache, and the coolness sort of numbed it. The beads have a neutral scent to it- I smelled nothing. The velcro strap allows you to adjust it to whatever feels comfortable for you. The nose area felt a bit heavier, but there is foam there to prevent it from digging in from the weight of the beads! Overall, this was heaven for me and the pressure of my migraine I was experiencing! This will be my new go to as the weight relieved the pressure and put it in a new area to counteract it, and the cold numbed it and helped relax me. Plus, the eye mask is super comfy!
jessica lewis –
Item does not get very cold; nor does it seem to retain cold temperature. The eye mask also felt quite a bit uncomfortable – like a but too much pressure on the eyeballs.