Descrição do Produto: ORS (Solução de Reidratação Oral), Recuperação Rápida, Eletrolíticos para Desidratação Extrema, Pacote com 12 (Variedade de 4 Sabores)
A ORS (Solução de Reidratação Oral) é a escolha ideal para quem busca uma recuperação rápida e eficaz em situações de desidratação extrema. Com um pacote contendo 12 unidades, distribuídas em 4 sabores variados, este produto é formulado para repor os eletrólitos essenciais que o corpo perde em momentos de intensa atividade física, doenças ou calor excessivo. Cada sachê contém uma combinação balanceada de sódio, potássio e glicose, que promove uma absorção rápida e eficiente de líquidos, ajudando a restaurar o equilíbrio hídrico do organismo. A praticidade do formato em sachês permite que você leve a solução para qualquer lugar, garantindo que você esteja sempre preparado para enfrentar a desidratação, seja durante treinos, viagens ou em situações de emergência.
1. Recuperação Rápida: A fórmula avançada de eletrólitos permite uma reidratação eficaz em menos tempo.
2. Variedade de Sabores: Com 4 opções de sabores, a ORS torna a reidratação mais agradável e menos monótona.
3. Praticidade: O formato em sachês facilita o transporte e o uso em qualquer lugar, ideal para atividades ao ar livre.
4. Equilíbrio Eletrolítico: Reposição rápida de sódio e potássio, essenciais para o funcionamento adequado do corpo.
5. Uso Versátil: Pode ser utilizado por atletas, pessoas em recuperação de doenças ou qualquer um que precise de reidratação.
Dissolva um sachê de ORS em 1 litro de água potável. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. A solução pode ser consumida ao longo do dia, especialmente após atividades físicas intensas, episódios de diarreia ou vômitos, ou em condições de calor extremo. Para melhores resultados, recomenda-se iniciar a ingestão assim que os primeiros sinais de desidratação forem percebidos. Armazene em local fresco e seco, e consuma a solução dentro de 24 horas após o preparo.
Amazon Customer –
I bought this for the first time this summer, as it was unusually hot and I still wanted to be able to work out. Little did I know how helpful it would be! Not only have I had more energy, but it takes care of the headaches I get better than anything else I’ve tried. I live in a very dry climate and have medical issues that make it hard to stay hydrated. This has been a total game changer! Awesome product! Tastes great, too!
Amazon Customer –
I am a studio artist who works out of the garage of my home. It gets to over 100 degrees where we live and quite draining getting production done during this time of year. Constantly drinking water wasn’t cutting it so I wanted to try this Fluid product.
I can’t believe the noticeable difference it’s effect had. Before Fluid, I would get super irritable and not enjoy anything I had to do. Soon after mixing up some Fluid, I could feel my body come back to normal. It feels like a boost of energy that fuels me through tough environments. Super happy.
Love the Lake –
Needed these rehydration packets for a trip to the Amazon. The packets travelled well, and were easy to add to a bottle of water. The lemon was delicious and I believe did what they were to do as we did not have any ill effects from dehydration while hiking. Pleasant to take and easy to use. Very pleased.
HD –
Does the job
John Thompson –
Be sure to dilute to at least the recommended 16oz. I’m going to 22-24oz and it’s still salty….
Hunter Warrior –
These are good electrolytes for rehydration. This variety pack comes in 4 different flavors with 3 packets each for a total of 12 packets. They are super convenient and easy to mix in the water. They work well to quench my thirst after physical activities. The flavors are quite fruity and pleasant. Though they are a little too sweet for my taste. Each packet contains 18g of sugar from cane sugar, which is the first ingredient in the list. On top of the sugar, it has sucralose as a sweetener as well. They do have added 25% DV vitamin C and zinc, which are nice.
Overall, these electrolytes packets are super convenient and easy to make on site after sports. They do a nice job of rehydrating your body quickly. They are good tasting but too sweet. If you have a sweet tooth, you’ll love these. Other than the somewhat excessive sweetness, I quite like them. They get the job done.
evan thornhill –
Being a Wildland firefighter, we are subjected to working long hours in some very extreme conditions. Gatorade is always available, but I’ve noticed the results are only temporary. Having now tried Fluid Tactical, I dont think Ill go back to anything else. After a long shift, one packet of Fluid added to a bottle of water is all you need to bounce back to life.
There is not that typical syrupy, sugary coating left in your mouth. Easy drinking, flavor is there but not too strong. Good balance of Potassium, Sodium, Zinc and Vitamin C, which you dont see often.
Overall, good product, good price point, quick acting and long lasting.
Highly recommend to anyone who subjects themselves to extreme conditions!
T.T. –
Flavor is not too strong or too sweet