Armazene uma semana de medicamentos com o organizador de pílulas semanal AUVON iMedassist à prova de umidade, 4 vezes ao dia, grande caixa de pílulas de 7 dias portátil para viagem com recipientes individuais removíveis para guardar vitaminas e suplementos. Este organizador de pílulas é perfeito para quem precisa tomar medicamentos várias vezes ao dia e deseja manter tudo organizado e seguro.
- Armazene uma semana de medicamentos. O organizador de pílulas com código de cores ajuda você a acompanhar suas pílulas diárias, e o design removível permite um uso fácil e prático. (Tamanho do compartimento: 0,9 “x 1,1” x 0,9 “)
- Não mais derramamento de pílulas. O mecanismo de travamento confiável na tampa de encaixe mantém suas pílulas seguras, e cada tampa do organizador diário de vitaminas fecha firmemente, para que você não precise se preocupar com o derramamento de pílulas por toda parte.
- Fácil de usar. O dispensador de pílulas possui um design testado e amigável para facilitar a abertura; O material translúcido permite monitorar facilmente qual caixa está vazia sem precisar abri-la.
- Livre de BPA. O organizador de medicamentos é útil e seguro se você tomar medicamentos 4 vezes ao dia, e os compartimentos separados são feitos de plástico durável moldado livre de BPA para guardar várias pílulas.
- O que você recebe: 1 x organizador de pílulas AUVON iMedassist de 7 dias, nossa garantia de 12 meses e um atendimento ao cliente amigável.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Organização e praticidade
O organizador de pílulas AUVON iMedassist permite que você mantenha seus medicamentos organizados e prontos para uso, facilitando o cumprimento do seu regime de medicação.
2. Segurança garantida
Com o mecanismo de travamento confiável e as tampas que fecham firmemente, você não precisa se preocupar com o derramamento de pílulas e pode transportar o organizador de forma segura em suas viagens.
3. Fácil monitoramento
A transparência do material do organizador de pílulas permite que você verifique facilmente quais compartimentos estão vazios, sem precisar abrir cada um deles, economizando tempo e esforço.
4. Livre de BPA
O AUVON iMedassist é feito de plástico durável e livre de BPA, garantindo a segurança e a qualidade dos seus medicamentos.
5. Garantia e atendimento ao cliente
Ao comprar o organizador de pílulas AUVON iMedassist, você recebe uma garantia de 12 meses e um atendimento ao cliente amigável, garantindo sua satisfação e tranquilidade.
Para usar o organizador de pílulas AUVON iMedassist, basta preencher cada compartimento com as pílulas correspondentes ao horário do dia. Certifique-se de fechar firmemente as tampas para evitar derramamentos. Ao longo do dia, basta abrir a tampa do compartimento correspondente e tomar as pílulas necessárias. O design removível permite que você leve apenas os compartimentos necessários para viagens ou saídas, mantendo o restante do organizador em casa. Lembre-se de seguir as instruções do seu médico ou farmacêutico ao tomar seus medicamentos.
- Organização eficiente: Permite que você organize sua medicação semanalmente, evitando esquecimentos e confusões.
- Proteção contra umidade: Mantém os medicamentos seguros e em boas condições, mesmo em ambientes úmidos.
- Portabilidade: O design compacto e removível facilita o transporte durante viagens, garantindo que você tenha sempre suas pílulas à mão.
- Segurança: O mecanismo de travamento evita derramamentos acidentais, proporcionando tranquilidade ao transportar o organizador.
- Material seguro: Feito de plástico livre de BPA, assegurando que suas vitaminas e medicamentos estejam armazenados de forma segura.
Ronald W. Griffith –
This is a very nice, well made pill organizer. The silicone sealing strip around the outer box will definitely lock out moisture and keep your pills dry.
While the hinges on the outer box are of a typical knuckle and pin design, the hinges on the individual pill compartments are a part of the molding and work by folding the polypropylene back and forth when opening and closing. I was concerned that these might not last, but a little research revealed that these types of hinges typically last more than a million cycles when tested. That’s probably more than anyone will need and they should be fine.
Overall, it’s much easier to organize and keep up with my daily pills and I am very happy with this purchase!
Cyberlis –
This is a wonderful pill organizer. I needed something that had 4 compartments to sort all of my husband’s medications.
Previously, I used the ones I had on hand, which meant that I’d have to use three separate organizers which took up a lot of room. I wanted to get a different kind of pill organizer that wasn’t as bulky, but could divide the doses into 4 separate compartments while remaining small enough to keep on the table. (I also chose the charcoal tint because it makes it look less like a pill organizer, while protecting those medications from light exposure.)
This organizer fit the bill perfectly. The containers inside could be taken out (separately) to one needed to take the day’s worth of doses with you to the office or while traveling.
It looks great and has a small profile, so it doesn’t take a lot of room (or “screams-out” that its a pill container)!
It’s just a very nice design and and seems to be quite sturdy as well. The space saved alone is worth it as most other containers are simply too bulky! Yet despite the reduction of size, it still can accommodate huge capsules and tablets like no one’s business! It’s just a great pill container in both form and function.
It also states that it’s moisture-proof, so that’s another benefit, since moisture can ruin some medications – especially if you live in an area that frequently rains or is humid.
I genuinely recommend this item, and may have to update my own current pill organizer with one of these babies as well! It’s a great container at an awesome price-point.
Xeromancer –
My wife loves this pill organizer. It is the perfect size for her and it is extremely convenient for home use as well as taking one of the daily containers with her on the go. The main feature that she really likes is it is secure as far as avoiding accidentally popping open when dropped or picked up.
IR13 –
This is a cheerful pill organizer. It is perfect and exactly what I was lookimg for. I like how each daily organizer sits in the “box” that has a lid and closure on it. I also like the symbols on the daily organizer to represent morning, noon, evening and bedtime. And the rainbow colors is just an added touch. Who knew that something like that can add cheer to one’s day and add a smile to a face each time they take their supplements or medications.
June Mull –
I take 20 individual vitamins per day. I sort them up into 5 pills four times per day. Some of the calcium and glucosamine and fish oil are pretty big tablets. So to find a container that can accommodate that many pills was always very difficult. Each individual day is clearly marked but most of all It’s so easy to open. Not only do these come in the best individual cases for travel it has, a locking case. Absolutely the best medication container I’ve ever had.
wolfynn –
If your looking at this pill box, there’s a good chance you or your loved ones are on alot of medication.
I recently had to take over “managing” my husband’s medication, some of which he teaches 4x a day, and this is by far the best pill box I’ve ever seen or used & I used to work in health care with medical supplies & pharmacy.
You can remove one strip / day & take it with you if you’ll be gone all day. It’s easy to open or close compared to many other cheaper boxes. The individual boxes are large enough to handle most if not all pills – that said we do not take supplements & if you have alot of medicine already ymmv on how many monster sized pills you can add to that.
I think for 99% of people with the need for meds 3-4x a day you won’t find better on the market. It’s high quality & sturdy & I will be buying another soon so I can fill two weeks worth at once.
Amazon Customer –
Perfect for folks who need to keep track of several medications. Each space has room for a few pills and the 4 slots for each day makes keeping track of timing easier. Each day container can be taken out individually for a day away from home, or keep the whole the thing together for a week. The case is heavy duty and looks to be water tight for years.
Princesilla –
I like that I can just pull out one strip each morning for the day and not carry around a big organizer. Of course, you have to dedicate some time one day each week to fill them all up. Doing that can be a little annoying at first but becomes a secheduled ritual. It keeps my mind sharp and I can easily see when reordering is needed. Each square fits a boatload of pills which is great for me since some of my meds are 8 a day, 3 a day, 2 a day…well, you get the idea.
I noticed some reviewers said the lock/latch bar broke. To avoid that I always open on the side of the front where the mechanism is strongest. Not in the middle; and, it’s very secure and strong. Good color choices too. I would buy again.