O Organizador Semanal de Comprimidos Sukuos é a solução ideal para quem busca praticidade e eficiência na administração de medicamentos, vitaminas e suplementos. Com seus 7 compartimentos diários grandes, projetados para facilitar o acesso, este organizador permite que você separe suas doses de forma clara e organizada, dividindo-as entre a manhã e a noite. A caixa colorida não apenas protege sua privacidade, mas também conta com ícones intuitivos que ajudam na identificação rápida dos itens, tornando o planejamento das doses diárias uma tarefa simples e descomplicada.
Feito de plástico 100% livre de BPA, o Sukuos é seguro e durável, garantindo que você possa utilizá-lo por mais de 10 anos, mesmo com uso diário intenso. Cada compartimento possui uma grande capacidade de armazenamento, permitindo acomodar até 6 óleos de peixe, 7 vitaminas ou 14 cápsulas, ideal para quem precisa de um suporte robusto em sua rotina de saúde. O design portátil, com estojos individuais que cabem facilmente em qualquer bolsa ou mochila, torna este organizador perfeito para viagens, garantindo que você nunca esqueça suas doses.
A facilidade de uso é um dos grandes destaques do Sukuos. Com uma aba indentada que facilita a abertura, ele é especialmente amigável para pessoas com menos força nas mãos ou que sofrem de artrite. A tampa segura evita a entrada de poeira e umidade, mantendo suas pílulas protegidas e organizadas, mesmo em caso de quedas. Além disso, os ícones impressos em serigrafia são resistentes e não se apagam com o tempo, assegurando que você sempre tenha uma visão clara de suas necessidades diárias.
1. Organização eficiente: Compartimentos divididos em AM/PM facilitam o planejamento das doses diárias de medicamentos, vitaminas e suplementos.
2. Design portátil: O tamanho de bolso e os estojos individuais permitem que você leve suas pílulas com facilidade durante viagens.
3. Fácil de usar: A aba indentada e a tampa segura tornam a abertura e o fechamento do organizador de pílulas simples e sem esforço.
4. Durabilidade excepcional: Feito de plástico livre de BPA, este organizador de pílulas é projetado para resistir a 20.000 aberturas-fechamentos e garantir um armazenamento seguro de pílulas por mais de 10 anos.
5. Versatilidade: Além de armazenar pílulas, este organizador também pode ser usado para guardar joias e outros pequenos itens.
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Para utilizar o Organizador de Pílulas Sukuos, comece preenchendo os compartimentos divididos em AM/PM com suas pílulas, vitaminas ou suplementos diários. É importante garantir que a tampa esteja bem fechada após o preenchimento para evitar qualquer derramamento. O design portátil permite que você leve o organizador com você durante viagens, facilitando o acesso às suas doses em qualquer lugar. Para manter a higiene e a segurança das pílulas, recomenda-se limpar o organizador regularmente com água e sabão neutro, assegurando um armazenamento sempre seguro e livre de contaminantes.
Amazon Customer –
These are extremely great looking and functional pill organizers. The have large sections for morning and evening which is very useful. They fit nicely in the drawer. They are marked with the days of the week and a sun/moon. These are grab and go for 7 days. Love love love these pill organizers. Oh and their customer service is incredible too.
bücherwurm87 –
💊 Sehr nützlich, um Medikamente im Voraus zur Einnahme vorzubereiten und von der Größe her ein “gutes Zwischending” zwischen den riesigen Teilen mit 4 verschiedenen “Tagesrationen” und den schmalen Teilen mit nur 7 Abteilungen, die für jeden Wochentag nur ein einziges Fach haben. Wer also zweimal täglich auf Medikamente angewiesen ist, für den ist die Box genau richtig. Praktisch ist auch, dass die einzelnen Tagesdöschchen entnehmbar sind, für unterwegs zum Beispiel, und wegen ihrer runden Form gut zu verstauen/aus- und einzupacken sind. Die ganze Konstruktion insgesamt ist schon etwas “klobig”, was aber den Vorteil hat, dass sie recht gut zu handhaben ist und die “Bedienung” nicht so fitzelig ist, wie oftmals bei kleineren Tablettenspendern. Gut ist auch, dass jede Einzeldose/Tagesdose eine andere Farbe hat, so findet man sie besser in der Handtasche bzw. kann sie leichter unterscheiden, wenn man zwei oder mehr davon dabei hat, weil man länger unterwegs ist. Die Symbole für Tag und Nacht sowie die Wochentage (abgekürzt als MO/DI/MI/usw.) sind auch sehr gut lesbar und man sieht bei den Döschen von außen, ob sich noch etwas darin befindet, d.h. ob die Medikamente schon genommen wurden oder nicht.
💡Da die einzelnen Döschen recht viel Platz bieten, kann ich sie auch für die Aufbewahrung von Schmuck auf Reisen empfehlen (natürlich keine Riesenohrringe, aber schon recht große), wobei man hierfür ein kleines Stück Stoff in die Döschen legen sollte, damit es nicht so klappert. Wer also nicht jeden Tag etwas einnehmen muss und Platz im Koffer sparen will, der kann den Tablettenspender doppelt nutzen.
(Wichtige Anmerkung: Das würde ich aber natürlich nur für Personen empfehlen, denen im Umgang mit dem Spender wirklich bewusst ist, was von dem Inhalt sie schlucken dürfen und was nicht!!! Stichworte: kleine Kinder, Demenzkranke, usw. – hier bitte sehr vorsichtig sein!!! 💛💚💙)
Christine K –
I bought this for my 81 year old mom. I filled all the boxes, day and evening compartments and my mom takes the pills as i organized it for her. It’s a handy system. The little boxes are in different colors, and have drawings of the sun for morning and half moon for evening. Occasionally, when I talk to her on the phone and need to remind her to take the pills, I can say: “take the red box, Monday with the sun”. It works well that way. When she missed a dose, I can also tell because the pills are there and everything else is empty. It works well for a non mechanical item, providing that the person remembers to take the pills The daily box is small enough to fit in my bag when we go out. The little compartment will fit about 4 large vitamins and some small ones of normal size pills. Overall, it’s handy and works well for its intended purpose.
James W Click –
This pill case holder is absolutely perfect for my medication routine. I highly recommend if you’re aiming to take meds/vitamins 2x a day. If you’re on lower doses then the sizing is perfect, each half of each day case can hold a good amount of pills. The case holding all the cases is the perfect size, hard to misplace but small enough for easy travel and accessibility. The nice part about it is you can take each day case with you’re out for long days but not necessarily traveling. I also love the bright vibrant colors, it’s helpful in wanting to take my meds regularly and staying organized
TerriG –
Good organizer but I wonder how long the plastic lid hinges will last. I have had the organizer only a few days. Printing the day on both sides of each organizer would have been helpful. Other than that it is sturdy, and easy to use.
Lasp1350 –
I rarely leave reviews and didn’t think I would do one for something as simple as a pill box, but this has been a game changer for me. I use it as my every day case and it’s so organized, easy to fill and hold all of my pills. It’s very sturdy. I don’t have to worry about the doors breaking or inadvertently leaving the smaller pills in the box. Well worth the price and I highly recommend.
SondraS –
Each pill box is marked with the day of the week and it has plenty of room for your medication and vitamins. They are labeled with a sun and moon so you know where to put your day/night pills. Each day is a different color. This pill organizer is compact which makes it easy for traveling.
A. Evans –
I love that you can take a days worth of vitamins/medicine with you anywhere. The snap closed very well. I had the traditional two pill dispenser. I like this one because of convenience and double protection (each day is in one pill dispenser kept in a larger holder). The only trouble I have is when I fill them. They tend to slide around while trying to fill. I needed to develop my own style of filling them. Great color. Great design.
Wendigo19 –
Holds so many pills. It’s just perfect for my needs and it’s the best one I’ve found so far.
randi –
The organizer came in on time. The color was as pictured. The containers open easily, and shut fully. When dropped they remained shut. The organizer fit all my pills (5/daily) with a lot of room to spare.