O Organizador Semanal de Comprimidos Extra Grande é a solução ideal para quem precisa gerenciar uma rotina de medicamentos e suplementos de forma prática e eficiente. Com um design jumbo, este organizador permite armazenar uma quantidade significativa de comprimidos, facilitando o acesso e a organização diária. Com compartimentos separados para a manhã e a tarde, ele é perfeito para aqueles que precisam tomar múltiplos medicamentos ao longo do dia, garantindo que nada seja esquecido.
Este organizador se destaca por sua conveniência, pois pode ser facilmente separado em compartimentos menores, permitindo que você leve apenas o que precisa durante suas atividades diárias. O sistema de travamento confiável assegura que os comprimidos permaneçam seguros, mesmo quando transportados em bolsas ou mochilas. Além disso, cada compartimento é projetado para armazenar uma quantidade superior de comprimidos em comparação com outros organizadores, tornando-o uma escolha inteligente para quem utiliza suplementos em grande quantidade.
A impressão em tecnologia UV garante que as informações sobre as datas sejam duráveis e visíveis, enquanto as tampas transparentes permitem que você visualize o conteúdo sem precisar abrir cada compartimento. O design ergonômico é especialmente benéfico para pessoas com dificuldades de mobilidade, como artrite ou síndrome do túnel do carpo, tornando o uso do organizador mais acessível e confortável.
1. Praticidade em Viagens: Compartimentos que podem ser separados facilitam o transporte de medicamentos.
2. Segurança Garantida: Sistema de travamento que evita vazamentos e perdas.
3. Maior Capacidade: Compartimentos que armazenam até 50% mais comprimidos do que organizadores comuns.
4. Visibilidade e Durabilidade: Impressão UV que resiste ao desgaste e tampas transparentes para fácil visualização.
5. Conforto para Todos: Design ergonômico que atende às necessidades de pessoas com limitações de mobilidade.
Para utilizar o Organizador Semanal de Comprimidos Extra Grande, siga estas etapas técnicas:
1. Abra o organizador desencaixando os compartimentos conforme necessário.
2. Distribua os comprimidos ou vitaminas em cada compartimento, respeitando a dosagem recomendada para cada período do dia.
3. Feche o organizador, assegurando que todas as tampas estejam devidamente travadas para evitar qualquer abertura acidental.
4. Para transporte, separe os compartimentos que você deseja levar e coloque-os em sua bolsa ou bolso.
5. Ao tomar os comprimidos, localize o compartimento correspondente e retire a dose necessária, garantindo que sua rotina de medicamentos permaneça organizada e eficiente.
Aproveite a praticidade e a segurança do nosso organizador de comprimidos extra grande para manter sua saúde em dia. Compre agora mesmo na Vitaminer Shop!
Kathy Klein –
Love the large capacity, you can take the daily meds with you by popping it off the strip it sits on.
Amazon Customer –
Big size to hold all the supplements. Like the snap tight fit so not easy to knock over
Renee R –
Large Size, tops stay closed and the clear sides
Renee R –
This was a great item to help me keep track of my daily intake of vitamins and prescriptions while on vacation. The organizer could carry all of my supplements without issue. It was easy to open and close the compartment latches, and they never flipped open on their own during travel. The only issue I had was how the latches were labeled. If you look at the PM side. They are labeled from left to right – Saturday through Sunday. On the opposite side (the AM side), they were labeled the same way but upside down. As I don’t read upside down and didn’t want to accidentally open the wrong compartment in the morning, I would turn the organizer around every time I took my pills and vitamins so that when I returned to it, the next serving was ready to be opened. However, when I would turn it around after taking the PM portions, the AM labels had to be read from right to left. I would have to remember to look closely at the day before opening the compartment in the morning. I really wish they had not affixed the AM labels upside down. It is a small thing but I think if they fixed this issue, the labeling would make more sense.
Great size for all your medications and vitamins.
kcfridge –
I take care of my disabled sister. She has the early stages of dementia. These pillboxes are large and each day can be removed if needed to be its own little one-day pill box, which is very helpful. The bright colors and a little reminder sheet I make for her that has the days of the week with am and pm boxes for her to check have helped improve her ability to take her meds accurately. I bought two and each week I take a fresh box to her and pick up the old one. They’re very sturdy. The larger size makes them easy for me to fill and for her to get meds out of. She’s on a lot of meds and the larger size is also good for that. Would definitely buy again.
Amazon Customer –
This was the first pill organizer that I found that could handle all my supplements for the day. For anyone that has a decent number of pills that they take at a time, this works well. I like the AM/PM functionality. My only criticism is that the lids don’t stay up “perfectly” during filling. They are quite bulky, so for traveling, they would take up a lot of room. Overall, great product and worth the investment if you have been trying others that didn’t quite have enough room for your pills.
Doesn’t lower BAC –
I take a lot of vitamins and supplements. This is the greatest pill container ever. The lids snap shut tightly. They open wide to be filled. I haven’t traveled with it yet, but I’m optimistic none of the containers will pop open. I wish the base they snapped onto was rigid though. I bought some wide silicone rubber bands to wrap around the whole thing for when I travel to keep them from popping open. However, the base is flexible so when I put the bands on the whole thing curls up. The lids do snap shut so well I’m thinking I may never have a problem. This is a great vitamin holder and I’m glad to have it
Mark Walters –
The large size holds all our vitamins and supplements and prescription pills. Individual daily containers can be detached for mobile convenience. Durable and the writing doesn’t wear off. I recommend this product.
Douglas C. –
Fits many pills and vitamins. Seals well and not a cheap plastic, like other pill organizers. snaps nicely in to place on actual boxes and strip that holds them. Wash well. Shipped quickly and nicely packed Would buy again.