Descrição do Produto:
O Organizador de Comprimidos Sukuos AM PM Weekly 7 Day Pill Organizer é a solução ideal para quem precisa gerenciar a ingestão de medicamentos e suplementos de forma prática e eficiente. Com um design inovador e funcional, este organizador permite que você separe seus comprimidos para cada dia da semana, tanto para a manhã quanto para a tarde. O sistema de botão de pressão facilita o acesso, tornando a experiência de uso mais simples e rápida.
Com compartimentos destacáveis, o Sukuos é perfeito para quem está sempre em movimento, permitindo que você leve apenas o que precisa. Disponível em uma vibrante cor arco-íris, este organizador não só é funcional, mas também traz um toque de alegria ao seu dia a dia. As marcações em negrito e claras da semana garantem que você saiba exatamente quais comprimidos tomar em cada momento, e a impressão durável assegura que as marcações permaneçam legíveis mesmo após 20.000 utilizações.
O tamanho generoso do organizador, com 7 compartimentos coloridos, permite armazenar até 8 óleos de peixe grandes ou 12 vitaminas de tamanho padrão em cada seção. Com dimensões totais de 9″ x 4.5″ x 1.2″, cada compartimento mede 1.3″ x 1.18″ x 0.82″, oferecendo amplo espaço para suas necessidades diárias. Fabricado com material livre de BPA, o Sukuos é seguro para uso médico e sua transparência, juntamente com as marcações AM/PM, facilita a identificação dos comprimidos.
A abertura e fechamento são projetados para serem simples, com um botão de pressão que requer mínima força, ideal para pessoas com artrite. A aba indentada proporciona uma abertura sem esforço, enquanto a tampa segura protege contra poeira, umidade e derramamentos. Além de ser um organizador de comprimidos, ele pode ser utilizado como um estojo de armazenamento para joias e outros pequenos itens.
1. Praticidade: Facilita a organização e o consumo diário de medicamentos e suplementos.
2. Segurança: Material livre de BPA e tampa segura que protege os comprimidos.
3. Versatilidade: Pode ser usado para armazenar não apenas comprimidos, mas também joias e pequenos itens.
4. Durabilidade: Marcações projetadas para resistir a até 20.000 utilizações sem desgaste.
5. Facilidade de uso: Botão de pressão e aba indentada tornam o uso simples, mesmo para pessoas com limitações de mobilidade.
Para utilizar o Organizador de Comprimidos Sukuos AM PM Weekly 7 Day Pill Organizer, comece abrindo o compartimento correspondente ao dia e horário desejado. Insira os comprimidos ou suplementos no espaço designado e feche a tampa com segurança, garantindo que esteja bem ajustada para evitar qualquer tipo de abertura acidental. É importante seguir as orientações do seu médico ou profissional de saúde ao administrar seus medicamentos, assegurando que você esteja tomando a dosagem correta no momento certo.
Larry B –
Helping my father with medicine trays for years, along with my own supplement regimen, I have purchased dozens of daily medicine trays like this. This one is my favorite for the compartments and how they operate. When opened, each door stands straight up so it is very easy to Dispense vitamins into it. (Lots of the cheaper trays just use the flexibility of plastic, rather than an actual hinge, so the function of most medicine trays is much worse.)
My main problem with this tray is that the days are printed on the compartments incorrectly. What is displayed on the Amazon listing is what I would prefer. Instead, the morning compartments state the weekdays in reverse order. (See pic)
While I would like them as shown in the promotional pic, I’ll put up with the bad date layout because the hinges on the compartments are so good.
Alane Stief –
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I’ve found that this pillbox makes my mornings smoother and nights more relaxed. Ever since I started taking prenatals along with a few other pills, staying on top of them all was becoming a challenge. But NOW, after using this pill box it has become much easier! I started keeping the AM pill box near the coffee maker, right next to my protein and green powders. And for the PM pill box, it’s in my nightstand drawer, so even if I’m tucked into bed, I can still take them…
Loving the Bright colors of this pillbox, making taking pills less of a task and more fun. This is a huge change for me. I used to forget often, but now I have become MUCH BETTER!
If you have a busy life like me or just a BUSY BRAIN, this pill box may help you too.
Hope this HELPS!
C.B. –
I was looking for an AM and PM pill organizer and this was exactly what I needed. I like that I can remove the entire AM or entire PM side. I take the AM side in my lunchbox during the week and the PM side sits on my dining room table to take with dinner. These pack nicely when traveling and latch closed tightly so you don’t have to worry about losing any medications. They have a nice button to pop them open, which makes opening them easy. You can also change the order of the days to suit your own needs. Each spot holds several of my vitamins, some of which are very large, and I still have room for more.
David T. Fazio –
Very well thought out pill case.
Lots a room for pills and clearly labeled. Push to open lid is awesome. Best pill box I have owned.
M.S. –
I also like that they’re attractive and make taking medication a little more pleasant. The lids stay secure so there’s no worry about spilling anything. I have a couple that I’ve used for years so they last a long time. They’re easy to clean with Qtips if necessary. I just bought a set for my daughter and she says they make her smile when she takes her meds and she feels like she’s more in control of being “med compliant” with them.
Money well spent.
Kasha –
This pill holder is well-designed and sturdier than most I have used. Each pill compartment has a tab that opens very easily with a simple press of a finger. When closed, the compartments stay closed, securely keeping pills from falling out, especially when jostled during travel. Each compartment is a different color which may be an added benefit for recalling that medication has been taken. Noting the more convenient features, I quickly tossed/recycled my old pill holders and replaced with this much better one.
Larry B –
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The pill holders stay in place on the tray at first but eventually fall out. The flaps come open good at first but then start to open halfway. If you drop it the pills do come out because the flap opens. It’s not perfect but it will work. It holds 6 fish oil pills. The push buttons are nice. We will see how long the labels last.
melissa –
Sturdy. Bright colors make days easier to choose. Me and hubby have used a long time. Bought some for in-laws. We all are happy. Open-and-shut perfectly. The letters are big and have not ever came off. The size is perfect for our pills. FYI : I put little squares of black duct tape on top of the letters on my PM days bcuz a few times I was sleepy and almost got the wrong medicine. lol.