Descrição do Produto: Organifi Sunrise to Sunset Power Box
Descubra o poder da natureza com a Organifi Sunrise to Sunset Power Box, uma combinação perfeita de superalimentos orgânicos que transformará sua rotina diária de bem-estar. Este kit contém três misturas funcionais que vão do amanhecer ao anoitecer, proporcionando suporte nutricional essencial e energia ao longo do dia. Com 9,5 oz de cada mistura, você terá um suprimento para 30 dias, ideal para quem busca uma vida equilibrada e saudável.
- Morning Reset: O Green Juice é uma explosão de saúde, apresentando 11 ingredientes poderosos que oferecem suporte imunológico robusto. Esta mistura vegana é rica em nutrientes vitais, tornando-se a adição perfeita para um estilo de vida equilibrado e uma rotina de exercícios.
- Afternoon Energy: O Red Juice é uma fonte de energia natural, contendo 5 frutas vermelhas ricas em antioxidantes e 4 adaptógenos energizantes. Essa mistura ajuda a manter seus níveis de energia elevados durante toda a tarde, combatendo a fadiga e a falta de concentração.
- Evening Relaxation: O Golden Milk é uma mistura cremosa e deliciosa de chá de cúrcuma, que inclui 9 superalimentos que promovem o relaxamento, como cogumelos e adaptógenos. É a bebida ideal para desacelerar antes de dormir, garantindo que você acorde renovado no dia seguinte.
- Your AM to PM Ritual: Este kit curado de misturas funcionais é respaldado pela ciência, ajudando a repor micronutrientes, apoiar a energia e equilibrar hormônios. O bem-estar diário se torna fácil e prazeroso com Organifi.
- Contributing to the World We Live In: As misturas de alta qualidade da Organifi são compartilhadas globalmente. Começamos com a ideia simples de tornar a nutrição fácil e deliciosa para todos, transformando isso em uma missão de unir o mundo por meio da comunidade, integridade e transformação de hábitos.
1. Suporte Imunológico: O Green Juice fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
2. Aumento de Energia: O Red Juice proporciona um impulso natural de energia, ideal para combater a fadiga da tarde.
3. Relaxamento Noturno: O Golden Milk promove um sono reparador, ajudando a relaxar após um dia agitado.
4. Fácil de Usar: As misturas são simples de preparar, tornando a nutrição saudável acessível a todos.
5. Ingredientes Orgânicos: Com superalimentos de alta qualidade, você garante que está consumindo apenas o melhor para o seu corpo.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios da Organifi Sunrise to Sunset Power Box, siga estas instruções:
– Manhã: Misture uma colher do Green Juice em 240 ml de água ou sua bebida favorita. Agite bem e consuma logo ao acordar para um impulso de energia e nutrientes.
– Tarde: Prepare o Red Juice da mesma forma, adicionando uma colher em 240 ml de água ou suco, para revitalizar seu dia e manter a energia.
– Noite: Para o Golden Milk, misture uma colher em 240 ml de leite vegetal quente ou água. Beba cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir para relaxar e preparar seu corpo para uma boa noite de sono.
Com a Organifi, você transforma sua rotina em um ritual de saúde e bem-estar.
TylerAshley –
First negative -Oh come on these little tiny containers ../$200? Come on now . Then the container is literally half way full . I just spent $200 …on 3 half full containers .
Positive – For the night drink (gold) it smells really good and mixes well . No lumps or clumps
Great taste -definitely soothing
Ok ok update
Yellow is good for night tea time (hot)
Green is good with ice water
Red is my favorite -cold -no ice …..taste like coolaid with aftertaste of the beets but it’s really good
It’s really good ,not grainy at all ….get a shaker bottle and shake shake …shake some more
Update my skin is glowing ,I love the red in the afternoon and green in mid morning I don’t like the cost bc the containers are small but quality over quantity ….I guess
I now mix my red and green powder Separately with carrot juice and my good belly juice . It’s like juicing but without the blender .
TylerAshley –
I bought the bundle! I have not yet tasted the red, but I highly recommend the flavor of the green and gold. I took the gold before bed and slept soundly for the first time in days. I was excited after this experience to try the green! I was not disappointed! I expected it to be unpleasant. We’re not eating Hershey bars here or hamburgers, not even a salad with all the trimmings and mountains of dressing so it’s never going to be something one would crave. But it is not unpleasant. The gold has a vanilla like tea taste and is relaxing in hot water. The green has a slight yellow squash flavor, but that is the only slightly unpleasant flavor. The rest of the flavor profile is like lightly sweet tea. Neither was clumpy or grainy or gritty except maybe the last few drops. And I mean only the last few drops. I don’t have a bunch of experience with green drinks, but the few I have had have been bad tasting, gritty, and grainy. So I was pleasantly surprised to say the least. By the way, I have only drank the two once, but I already realize the impact of both. I will update once I have tried the red. But if it’s like the others, I won’t be disappointed.
I heard one reviewer say that the green left them hungry. To that I would say , one salad isn’t going to fill most people so a 16oz drink isn’t going to either. This drink is a vegetal drink to help busy/lazy people get some greens in their diet. After my drink I had some eggs and toast for breakfast and I have not been hungry. I have had a bit more gas and some irregular movements, but I think it is my system adjusting. At least I hope! Lol! I do notice after just one serving of the two varieties that I have more energy and less tiredness.
C. Scott –
I must admit the price is quite steep. Im on my first week of using it and I can see the energy it gives me throughout the day and the night time tea definitely puts me to sleep. I look forward to the results I get daily from these products!
Kyle –
I started a journey a few year’s ago to really take my health to an extrem.
I’ve aways been a really healthy person but I decided a lot of health shakes
Just no longer lived up to my expectations. This year I found
This product and began using all three daily. It’s really an incredible
Product. The taste is amazing the ingredients are superb and the daily
Use really took me to a whole new level. I work out daily and
This has really given me the energy boost to push harder then ever
I find myself able to push harder then any time in my life.
I knoticed other reviews said the product was expensive. I however found that
With the subscribe and save It’s less then a few bucks a day. I also find myself
Not even using a full sewing stretching the product well past the suggested 30
Day’s. My mental focus and stamina is on a whole new level and to me the product
Is well worth the money. Most product on the market are completely trash compared
To this. I also knoticed a difference in my skin found myself having no fatigue during the day.
I’m transitioning to a raw vegan diet and getting the super nutrients I needed made that
Transition way easier. Long story longer pound for pound no product on the market keep
Up with this all natural organic supplement. Just do it.
HeatherDawn –
The green powder still has a bit of a…well, let’s face it…a “green” taste to it, but it’s not that strong. It’s certainly heaps better than any of the other (many) green powders I’ve tried. It actually has a bit of a minty taste to it – which probably helps. It dissolves quite well. I just stir it up in a small glass of water.
The red powder doesn’t seem to dissolve as well as the green one, but it still does a decent job. Again, I just stir it into a small glass of water – no need for rigorous blending. The taste wasn’t that bad – but I certainly wouldn’t want to “sip it as an enjoyable beverage during the day” as some reviewers have indicated. I still prefer to gulp it down quickly.
The gold powder is my favorite. I add a scoop to a small mug of warm water (it dissolves quite nicely), add a couple dashes of pumpkin pie spice, and top it off with a very small splash of vanilla creamer, and it’s quite enjoyable. (Without the creamer, it has a bit of a “bite” to it – probably the black pepper.) I’ve actually started craving the gold drink before bed.
Overall, I’ve noticed a different to my health using all 3 products. Better energy. More stable moods. Definitely better digestion. The gold drink has helped me relax and sleep a lot better, too.
It’s expensive, but the ingredients are superior and, like I said, it’s the best green powder out of the bunch that I’ve tried.
They taste fine. I am really picky and hate anything with that artificial sugar taste, but luckily I have not experienced that with these. Many reviews boost they lost weight or had more energy but I did not experience either of these results. They are pricey so a bit disappointed that I did not see more benefits or results.