Oral Probiótico K12 para Sinusite, Pedras nas Amígdalas, Mau Hálito, Gotejamento Pós-nasal, Garganta, Boca, Dentes
Apresentamos o Oral Probiótico K12, um produto revolucionário que combate efetivamente bactérias nocivas na boca, ouvido, nariz, garganta e seios da face. Com a sua fórmula exclusiva, este probiótico oral introduz bactérias benéficas na boca, combatendo o mau hálito crônico e promovendo gengivas saudáveis. Além disso, o BLIS K12 é uma cepa bacteriana potente que também fortalece as defesas gerais na região do peito e da cabeça. A saúde bucal é vital para o seu bem-estar geral, e com apenas 2 probióticos dentais por dia, você pode combater problemas comuns nos dentes, gengivas e hálito. A satisfação é garantida, pois cada compra é respaldada por nossa equipe de alto nível, que está empenhada em garantir a sua felicidade.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Respaldado pela Ciência: O Oral Probiótico K12 é formulado com as cepas BLIS K12 e BL-04, que foram comprovadamente eficazes contra bactérias nocivas na boca, ouvido, nariz, garganta e seios da face.
- Promove uma Boca Saudável: Este probiótico oral introduz bactérias benéficas na boca, combatendo o mau hálito crônico e apoiando gengivas saudáveis.
- Suporte Respiratório: O BLIS K12 é uma cepa bacteriana potente que também fortalece as defesas gerais na região do peito e da cabeça.
- Proteção Avançada: A saúde bucal é vital para o seu bem-estar geral. Com apenas 2 probióticos dentais por dia, você pode combater problemas comuns nos dentes, gengivas e hálito.
- Satisfação Garantida: Cada compra é totalmente respaldada por nossa equipe de alto nível, que está empenhada em garantir a sua felicidade.
O Oral Probiótico K12 oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua saúde bucal e respiratória. Primeiramente, ele reduz significativamente os sintomas de sinusite e gotejamento pós-nasal, proporcionando alívio imediato. Em segundo lugar, combate eficazmente o mau hálito, promovendo uma respiração fresca e confiante. Terceiro, ajuda na prevenção de pedras nas amígdalas, evitando desconfortos e infecções. Quarto, fortalece as defesas naturais da garganta e boca, reduzindo a incidência de infecções. Por último, melhora a saúde geral dos dentes e gengivas, contribuindo para um sorriso mais saudável e bonito.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 probióticos dentais por dia. Coloque um probiótico na boca e deixe-o dissolver lentamente, sem mastigar. É importante evitar comer ou beber por pelo menos 30 minutos após a ingestão, permitindo que as bactérias benéficas se estabeleçam adequadamente na boca. Para resultados otimizados, utilize o produto de forma contínua, integrando-o à sua rotina diária de cuidados com a saúde bucal.
Captain Subtext –
I was in some pretty good pain with what I thought was tonsilitis. Got some of this stuff which is supposed to help. Took one single lozenge. The thing started hurting more for about 2 hours. I was getting ready to to a Teledoc and get some antibiotics.
Then I sang along with the chorus of “Tuesday Afternoon” By the Moody Blues (without realizing it was actually Tuesday afternoon) so it hurt a bit more, then poof! The pain disappeared. A few minutes later I found a little grey stone on my lip. Stinky little thing too.
This is the only thing that changed really in the previous few days so I am assuming it was this that evicted the stone. If it was something else, well then this stuff gets to take all the credit.
That said, everyone should take this as directed. You will probably have problems if you overdo a probiotic. They are kind of tasty but please don’t snack on them.
Stephen McLeod –
A definite improvement in oral hygiene and less restrictive in the throat and upper respiratory system. Will keep using and keep you informed
aprileliana –
Have used for a while but feel like the price is extremely high for only 30 tablets and don’t know if I will continue, I’m looking at alternatives. I think this is taking advantage of people.
KC –
I have been dealing with bad sinus problems for close to a year, chronic congestion and thick mucus. After taking these for 4 days I am noticing my nose opening up more, mucus flowing better, and sense of smell returning. I would recommend to anyone give a bottle a try, nothing to lose. So far I am a believer.
Cynthia Hoskey –
I got Bionaze in a last ditch effort to do something about the chronic post-nasal drip I have that causes a chronic upper-respiratory wheeze. When I lie in bed at night I sound like the penguin from Toy Story and it drives me nuts. I have had a lifetime of post-nasal drip. I have what’s called “non-allergic rhinitis” which means I have horrible allergy attacks of sneezing and nose running for no reason whatsoever since, according to all the tests, I am not allergic to anything. I take two different allergy/asthma medicines every day to keep this in check and they are certainly more effective than when I take nothing. But they do nothing to stop the post nasal drip. I’ve also tried every nasal spray, both prescription and over the counter. They either don’t help at all or they’re so noxious I can’t force myself to take them for long enough to know whether they’re helping or not.
So, after literally 4 decades of this, I was doing an internet search to see if there was anything new I could try and I came across the website for Bionaze. My hubby, who has IBS, has had really good luck with probiotics for digestion, so I thought it couldn’t hurt to try probiotics for my post-nasal drip issues. I really didn’t expect much, but the price is reasonable so I thought it was certainly worth a chance.
I have been pleasantly surprised at how well it really works! I take one when I go to bed (after teeth brushing) and one in the morning after I’m done with breakfast and coffee. Within minutes I can feel an improvement in the ability to breathe. At night the squeaking completely goes away, which was kind of a shock to me. I thought it would take longer to work, or need to build up over time, but it really seems to work for me really quickly and far more effectively than I thought it would. No more squeaking!!
Ankhashakti8 –
So far I’m very pleased with this product. I get tonsil stones. Not big ones that are visible but tiny little ones and a small amount that are absolutely disgusting and ruin my life. They are unreachable unremovable and the only way to stop them is to not get them in the first place. The other night I hacked some up in the middle of the night while I was sleeping. They had been in my throat for a good month or two and making my life miserable. I decided to order an oral probiotic the very next day so that I could get a jump on them because oral probiotics have helped me so much in the past just to mitigate the bad breath. I chose this oral probiotic because of the two strains that are in it Bliss K12 has helped me a few times in other products but I had never tried the bl04 I believe that’s what it’s called. Because of my throat problem it seems like my lymph nodes are constantly swollen. I also have hearing problems that change daily due to inflammation from my upper respiratory tract. And I have noticed that although I don’t feel like I have an infection I have constant post nasal drip which I think contributes largely to the problem of the tonsil stones mixed with a diet including dairy, bread,and sugar. When I let one of these melt in my mouth the first night after brushing I noticed immediately that my breathing was clear as I slept. The next morning I woke up with no post nasal drip whatsoever and every day that I take it there is no mucus running down from my nose to my throat. I took one day off and I could feel the flow returning so I know that it is this product that is helping everything. I’ve been using the product now for about 5 or 6 days and since then my lymph nodes seem way less swollen my throat feels normal my tonsils literally feel like they’re more closed instead of open all the time to receive mucus running into them. I really like this product it’s working very very well. I have tried lozenges in the past that have a slight mint flavor which makes my breath feel a little fresher. The taste of these is fruity strawberry and don’t taste quite as fresh. They do taste good though. I have noticed while wearing my mask that there is virtually no smell anymore of yucky saliva after a full day of using them so they must be improving my breath drastically. Also after I hack up some tonsil stones usually about 2 or 3 days later I can usually taste the tell taie taste of them starting to form again. I do not have that at all right now 🙂 I think it’s stopping the formation of the stones a lot. If this could affect continues it will be life-changing. I have also noticed way better sleep since I started using this product because I can breathe so much better throughout the night and don’t wake up. From coughing or clearing my throat.
Amazon Customer –
Just like taking a Tum. Don’t waste your money.