O Ora Organic Greens Powder é uma bebida super verde vegana, sem glúten e orgânica, projetada para fornecer energia e desintoxicação ao seu corpo. Com mais de 20 vegetais orgânicos provenientes da terra e do mar, incluindo couve, spirulina, clorela, suco de grama de trigo, grama de aveia, brócolis, dulse e kelp marinho, este suplemento de greens pode complementar qualquer refeição com uma variedade de nutrientes.
Além disso, o Ora Organic Greens Powder é livre de glúten, soja e laticínios, sendo 100% livre de alérgenos. Durante todo o processo de fabricação, nunca são utilizados glúten, soja ou laticínios, garantindo que pessoas com restrições alimentares possam desfrutar deste produto. Além disso, ele é certificado como orgânico pelo USDA e não contém organismos geneticamente modificados.
Uma característica única deste produto é a sua mistura adaptogênica proprietária, que utiliza a sabedoria ayurvédica antiga e a herbologia, incluindo a formulação exclusiva da Ora de Ashwagandha, Tapioca e Triphala. Esses ingredientes ajudam na digestão, apoiam o sistema imunológico e promovem uma reação saudável ao estresse.
Outra vantagem do Ora Organic Greens Powder é que ele é naturalmente alcalino. A poderosa combinação de vegetais terrestres e marinhos e adaptógenos é formulada para equilibrar a acidez no corpo humano, aumentando a alcalinidade. Isso pode ajudar a melhorar a saúde geral e o bem-estar.
Além disso, ao contrário de outros suplementos verdes, o Ora Organic Greens Powder não tem gosto de grama. Nosso co-fundador e chef interno, Ron, passou por centenas de formulações para criar um sabor cítrico leve de laranja e limão, tornando a ingestão diária de greens agradável e tolerável. Você pode tomar o suplemento com uma refeição saudável, adicioná-lo a um smoothie ou até mesmo criar um delicioso molho para a próxima festa.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Fonte de vegetais orgânicos e fibras: Com mais de 20 vegetais orgânicos, este suplemento fornece uma variedade de nutrientes essenciais para apoiar sua saúde.
- Livre de glúten, soja e laticínios: Se você tem restrições alimentares, pode desfrutar deste produto sem se preocupar com alergias ou intolerâncias.
- Mistura adaptogênica exclusiva: A inclusão de Ashwagandha, Tapioca e Triphala ajuda na digestão, fortalece o sistema imunológico e promove uma resposta saudável ao estresse.
- Equilíbrio natural do pH: A combinação de vegetais terrestres e marinhos neste suplemento ajuda a equilibrar a acidez do corpo, promovendo uma saúde geral melhor.
- Sabor agradável: Ao contrário de outros suplementos verdes, o Ora Organic Greens Powder tem um sabor cítrico leve de laranja e limão, tornando a ingestão diária de greens uma experiência agradável.
O Ora Organic Greens Powder oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina diária. Primeiramente, ele fornece uma fonte rica de nutrientes essenciais, ajudando a aumentar a energia e a vitalidade. Em segundo lugar, sua fórmula adaptogênica promove um suporte robusto ao sistema imunológico, essencial para manter a saúde em tempos de estresse. Além disso, a desintoxicação natural do corpo é facilitada pela combinação de vegetais orgânicos, que também ajudam a equilibrar o pH, promovendo um ambiente interno saudável. O sabor agradável torna a inclusão deste suplemento na dieta diária uma tarefa simples e prazerosa, permitindo que você se mantenha saudável sem abrir mão do sabor.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher de chá do Ora Organic Greens Powder com 240 ml de água, suco ou adicione a smoothies. Consuma diariamente como parte de uma dieta equilibrada. Para maximizar os benefícios, recomenda-se o uso contínuo e a incorporação em refeições saudáveis. Armazene em local fresco e seco para preservar a qualidade do produto.
speaking-oracle –
What I love about this product:
#1: Taste: Green with a tinge of citrus. No odor. Very pleasantly surprising taste with a hint of citrus that does not lead from the front, but shows up as an after note. I usually do my taste tests with the powder first in plain water, then in milk, then in food items. Ora Organic Greens Powder, by far, has the best taste in water and in milk. It does fantastic in creamy liquids, however. Heavenly. Think Green yoghurt, yoghurt drink, Kefir drink, coconut milk, etc (yes I tried them all).
Cooked Foods: I felt that could not try this as an ingredient in my pasta sauce due to the citrusy taste. It was like setting up OOGP for disaster, and a complete kill joy for my kids. But one day, I decided to add it into a pesto sauce- and it was VERY good. Then I tried it in mac and cheese and the kiddos ate it. (They were wondering why the mac and cheese turned green, and St Paty’s was already behind us… so Kryptonite stories came out.)
#2 Texture: Very finely milled. Be careful when you open the jar. Some of the powder comes flying out because it is so fine. So fine. I had light dusting of green powder on my countertop and kitchen table for the first 7-8 times I opened the jar. (Yes, I can be a slow learner sometimes)
But the fine texture makes it so easy to dissolve into anything, and thats probably why you cannot taste any of the greens. Works for my family.
#3: Cost: A bit on the high side, but I cannot fault them. High quality and High potency, then high quality processes are needed. So I can see where the money is being spent.
I can certainly tell you that the product taste and workability is VERY superior to anything else I have used.
My favorite recipe so far is beating it with an egg in the mornings and tossing it on the pan on weekends, and in my morning cup of home made chia yoghurt on weekdays. Power start to the day.
Next up: Green yoghurt muffins. (I have not yet tried baking the powder into any recipe. I need to figure out some ratios first).
Monica J Wright –
I really like the nutritional benefits this drink offers. It’s nice that there are actual vegetables in it besides the micro greens and probiotics. The flavor is a light citrus which complements the grassiness that you expect from it, but isn’t overly sweet so it mixes well with other drinks. I used a nutribullet the first time I tried it and found immediately that some of the powder doesn’t dissolve well (so it had a chalky texture) but was exponentially better after I let the sediment settle for a minute or two. I tried it again mixed with another protein powder and some frozen fruit (and again, let it settle) and it was even better. Overall, I’m pretty happy with it!
kelley prince –
I like the health factor but the taste is a bit strong for me.
TJ –
I came across this product after a recommendation from a friend and after trying it, it’s become a part of my daily morning routine. I like to mix one scoop into a large 32oz glass of water first thing in the morning. The taste is a very light, tasty, refreshing veggie taste with a hint of citrus— not overwhelming at all. I’ve found that it fills me up for several hours before I have an actual breakfast. It’s a great addition to any fruit smoothie as well— the mild flavor complements fruits and is only overpowering in color.
The rest of my family enjoys the green powder as well. I somehow convinced my grandfather (who REFUSES to drink plain water) to try my mixture of one scoop in a large glass of cold water, and he absolutely loved it. It’s a struggle to get him to drink water and eat vegetables, but he is happy to drink a glass of this. He agrees with me that the taste is very refreshing and mild, so I am very thankful to have found this product to help incorporate a more healthy routine into his life!! I look forward to trying other Ora Organic products soon.
Yeun –
Greens for me usually don’t taste like anything or taste good. This product made me either gag or throw up every single time I drank it. It has such a nasty taste to it and the after taste is even worse. Just thinking about it I wanna gag. Do not waste your money on these greens there are so many out there that are worth your money and taste good. This is just gonna sit and waste away in my pantry.
Tamara Caldwell –
The taste is greeny but its far better than many others. I use a small amount of juice each night and drink it. I did not like it in my smoothies. I have purchased many times.
Amazon Customer –
This is my favorite greens powder I have ever tried! And I have tried about 5 I think? The difference between this one and the others is the taste and texture. Most greens powders add berry flavors to try and hide the “earthy” taste (something I personally don’t hate because I know it’s so good for me) but like anybody else I still have a hard time enjoying it. Most are also pretty chalky too because of the plethora of ingredients added to it. This one is somehow still so nutrient dense but very smooth. The flavor is SO GOOD too. It has almost like a lemongrass flavor to it that complements everything so well. It honestly reminds me of green tea. My favorite way to drink it is to make a green smoothie with almond milk, the powder, half a frozen banana, and chia seeds. I literally drink it everyday, it’s so delicious!! My absolute fave. It also makes me feel really good because getting enough greens is something I struggle with in my daily diet. It is a great addition to my diet and I am feeling the difference in my energy and health!
Amazon Customer –
so I saw another review on here and thought I would clarify because apperently no one else has taken an in depth science class.
So the quality of this green drink is really good. I drink it every day and LOVE IT. response to the person who said “Beware of the Nanoparticles.” yeah yeah yeah. this phenomenon is very common in IRON RICH FOODS especially in powdered form. we contain lots of iron in our bodies and its important for our blood ad healthy oxygen transport. So no BS government nanoparticle blah blah blah.
Point is, it’s a good yummy drink to help you get your vitamins in 🙂 and it’s also great to learn some science. Toodles Hope y’all enjoy my review hehe