Suplemento Optivite PMT – Suporte para TPM em Mulheres, Equilíbrio Hormonal, Multivitamínico Feminino, Alívio da TPM, Suplemento de Magnésio – 180 Comprimidos
O Suplemento Optivite PMT é uma fórmula especialmente desenvolvida para mulheres que enfrentam sintomas pré-menstruais, como irritabilidade, inchaço, dores musculares, dores de cabeça ou desejos intensos*. Com uma fórmula baseada em evidências científicas, o Optivite PMT é composto por vitaminas essenciais como A, B6, B12 e E, além de outros nutrientes como colina, manganês, cromo e ferro. Esses nutrientes oferecem o suporte nutricional necessário para o seu corpo*.
As vitaminas são os blocos de construção da boa saúde, por isso é importante fornecer ao seu corpo as vitaminas essenciais de que ele precisa. O Optivite PMT é um multivitamínico feminino que adiciona vitaminas e minerais à sua dieta, ajudando a promover um equilíbrio hormonal saudável e aliviar os sintomas da TPM*.
Além das vitaminas, o Optivite PMT também contém minerais essenciais. Cada comprimido contém 15 mg de ferro, 250 mg de magnésio e 1,5 g de vitamina C. Essa combinação de minerais ajuda a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, promover a saúde óssea e muscular, e contribuir para o bem-estar geral das mulheres. O Optivite PMT é livre de trigo, glúten, milho, levedura, laticínios, ovos, peixes, frutos do mar e amendoim, tornando-o uma opção segura para mulheres com restrições alimentares*
A Vitaminer Shop recomenda o Suplemento Optivite PMT por 5 motivos principais:
1. Suporte Hormonal
O Optivite PMT oferece um suporte essencial para o equilíbrio hormonal das mulheres, ajudando a aliviar os sintomas da TPM e promovendo uma sensação de bem-estar durante o ciclo menstrual.
2. Fórmula Baseada em Evidências
A fórmula do Optivite PMT é desenvolvida com base em pesquisas clínicas e evidências científicas, garantindo a eficácia e qualidade do produto.
3. Multivitamínico Completo
Além de oferecer suporte hormonal, o Optivite PMT é um multivitamínico completo que fornece as vitaminas e minerais essenciais para a saúde geral das mulheres.
4. Livre de Alergênicos Comuns
O Optivite PMT é livre de trigo, glúten, milho, levedura, laticínios, ovos, peixes, frutos do mar e amendoim, tornando-o seguro para mulheres com restrições alimentares ou alergias.
5. Qualidade desde 1978
A Optimox combina pesquisas clínicas com fórmulas nutricionais baseadas em evidências para criar produtos de qualidade que promovem uma melhor saúde. Com mais de 40 anos de experiência, você pode confiar na qualidade do Optivite PMT.
- Alívio eficaz dos sintomas da TPM, como irritabilidade e inchaço.
- Promoção do equilíbrio hormonal, contribuindo para um ciclo menstrual mais saudável.
- Suporte ao sistema imunológico e à saúde óssea devido à presença de minerais essenciais.
- Fórmula livre de alérgenos comuns, ideal para mulheres com restrições alimentares.
- Confiança em um produto de qualidade, respaldado por mais de 40 anos de experiência no mercado.
Recomenda-se tomar 2 comprimidos do Suplemento Optivite PMT por dia, de preferência com as refeições. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e fora do alcance de crianças.
Jazmine Stamps –
Update: this is my second period on this Herb and I see alot of improvement. It is worth mentioning that I take this and sam-e daily. I take 3 pills of optivite everyday until the week before my cycle, then I take 3 in the morning and 3 at night.
I have more energy and my blood doesn’t feel as thick as it normally does before my cycle. I’m slightly irritated but not NEARLY as irritated and moody as I usually am. I have no depression right now and my usual is severely depressed the week before my cycle. I believe the product is worth a try. It may take a cycle or two before you see a difference though.
I have pmdd and pcos.
Original review: Well this is my first period after taking this for about three weeks. I’m still super depressed and terrible cramps. I feel like I normally feel during my cycle, which is completely out of control of my emotions and in pain. I don’t see any relief to the pmdd symptoms. I’ll review again next month.
Julie C –
Short story:
My psychiatrist recommended this supplement 1 month ago for my depression and panic attacks. I have been taking 2 tablets each morning and evening (4 daily) for 4 weeks now ( I also still take my prescription meds). My depression and anxiety symptoms are still there, but I haven’t had even 1 full blown panic attack in 3 weeks! I was having them almost daily. It took about 3-5 days . My depression/ mood has improved a little.
My doc said I can try increasing dose to 6 a day. I will update any changes/ improvements in a few weeks.
*I started taking fish oil supplements at the same time.
Why I am taking this supplement:
I asked him to recommend a supplement that had the B vitamins, vitamin D, calcium and magnesium after I researched natural remedies for depression, panic disorder and adhd. There are thousands of supplements that claim to help, but many have ingredients that are not proven to be safe …
OR WORSE : some supplements directly effect the brains neurotransmitters and can not be taken with most prescribed antidepressants.
All the research seem to agree that these vitamins were proven to help my symptoms. My psychiatrist agreed and suggested this supplement because so that I wouldn’t have to take several different supplements. Although this supplement is marketed for relieving premenstrual mood / irritability, my doctor chose it because it includes the vitamins that I need and other ingredients that would NOT interfere with my prescribed medications.
Dosage 4 daily (2 in morning and 2 in evening).
Joe –
My dr recommended these to me when I went a full year without a cycle. Within 2 months of taking these I became regular and feel better than ever. These are magic!! I know 6 pills a day feels like too many, but I’m telling you- it’s worth it! 3 in the morning 3 at night. You’ll feel better and have more energy!
Side effect: Your urine will be bright yellow.
Momof8 –
I was very hesitant to take these vitamins, especially so many at a time, but gave it a shot out of desperation. My hormones were completely out of whack, my cycle was a super short 27 or 28 days, and I’d recently (within the previous 2 years ) suffered from 3 miscarriages and 1 ectopic pregnancy. I already had children and knew that my body was off balance in the hormonal department. I’d read Marilyn Shannon’s excellent book about fertility and cycles and saw that she recommended this vitamin for many conditions, including several of which I was showing symptoms of. So I ordered it with the hopes that dietary improvements on my part and the boost in key vitamins and minerals from these vitamins would help me out. Not to mention I was running scared from several OB’s advice to take this hormone cream and that supplement, all of which were pretty heavy duty and had some worrisome side effects….
I’m not a medicine taker. I avoid them if at all possible. Taking 5 of these babies at a time bothered me, so I worked my way up to 5 a day over the course of 2 months.
I didn’t notice any changes in my emotions or mental state, to be honest. They could have been there and I just wasn’t aware. But I did notice that in 3 months time my cycle extended to 31 days and stayed there for the next 3 months. Very exciting! My mucous became more normal ( according to NFP guidelines ) and best of all, I became pregnant on the 4th month after starting these vitamins.
I’m not claiming that they’re miraculous or a cure-all. But I feel that they played a major role in getting my hormones back in balance, enough so that my body could sustain a healthy pregnancy and bless our family with a beautiful son. Please note that I also overhauled my diet, as outlined in Marilyn Shannon’s book as well, and avoided certain foods that caused an increase in estrogen production ( part of my issue was estrogen dominance ).
I recommend these vitamins to any woman struggling with hormonal issues. It might not fix all of your problems, but then again, it can’t hurt to try. I’ve found that hormonal issues tend to compound, one upon another. Fix one of them, and several more are fixed exponentially. It’s all about that balance.
As far as the percentage of each ingredient, they appear to be extremely high and clearly exceed the recommended dosage in some cases. But Marilyn Shannon explains why it works in her book, which helped me overcome my hesitancy in taking these. I’m so thankful I did!