Descrição do Produto:
Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydro Whey, Turbo Chocolate, 1.75 Pound é uma proteína de alta qualidade, projetada para atletas e entusiastas do fitness que buscam maximizar seus resultados. Com uma fórmula avançada de proteína hidrolisada, este suplemento oferece uma absorção rápida e eficiente, ideal para o pós-treino. Cada porção contém 30 gramas de proteína pura, com baixo teor de carboidratos e gorduras, tornando-se uma excelente opção para quem deseja aumentar a ingestão proteica sem comprometer a dieta. O sabor Turbo Chocolate proporciona uma experiência deliciosa, tornando o consumo de proteína mais prazeroso. Além disso, é livre de glúten e contém enzimas digestivas que auxiliam na absorção, minimizando desconfortos gastrointestinais.
1. Absorção Rápida: A proteína hidrolisada permite que o corpo absorva os nutrientes de forma mais eficiente, ideal para recuperação muscular após treinos intensos.
2. Baixo Teor de Carboidratos e Gorduras: Perfeito para quem busca uma dieta equilibrada e deseja controlar a ingestão calórica.
3. Sabor Agradável: O sabor Turbo Chocolate torna o consumo de proteína mais prazeroso, facilitando a adesão ao suplemento.
4. Enzimas Digestivas: A presença de enzimas auxilia na digestão, reduzindo o risco de desconfortos estomacais e melhorando a absorção dos nutrientes.
5. Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser facilmente misturado em shakes, smoothies ou receitas, tornando-se uma adição prática à rotina alimentar.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher medida (aproximadamente 30g) de Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydro Whey em 200-300ml de água ou leite desnatado. Utilize um liquidificador ou shaker para garantir uma mistura homogênea. O ideal é consumir imediatamente após o treino para otimizar a recuperação muscular. Este produto também pode ser incorporado em receitas de panquecas, bolos ou smoothies, proporcionando uma maneira versátil de aumentar a ingestão de proteínas ao longo do dia.
TexaSaint –
Easily the best tasting protein powder you can buy. The chocolate may technically taste the best, but the strawberry flavor is also fantastic and is the better choice for blending smoothies (ie mix w/ frozen fruit and blend for a easy and healthy breakfast).
This protein powder blends so easily. Just about everyone uses those “blender bottles” with that little “blender orb” to mix it. That certainly works, but you could just about stir it with a fork in 8 oz of milk or water and it’ll blend pretty effectively too.
Also, this was one of the safest protein powders Consumer Reports tested back in July 2010 (the one that discussed contaminants in protein powders; definitely work checking out if you’re a frequent user of these powders).
robin conner –
Staple in our house, can be mixed with water or added to smoothies etc as the taste is great.
Kickz Junkie –
The review title says it all. I’ve had many protein shakes in the past and ON has done it. Mixes very well with just water. I used to take the ON Gold standard and mixing it with just water is just nasty so I mixed that with 5oz of water and 5oz milk per 1 scoop to make it taste a little better. With ON Platinum Hydrowhey, I mix 1 scoop with 7 oz of water and it tastes great (no extra fat and extra calories from milk)! I’m a chocolate lover too and this totally helps my chocolate cravings. The consistency is smooth and not grainy/chalky like most protein shakes . I even got my wife to drink this and she normally hates chocolate protein shakes. I also noticed a huge difference in results when taking the ON Gold standard vs the ON Platinum Hydrowhey. I stack the ON Platinum with BCAAs, CLAs, fish oil and multi’s as part of my daily regimen along with watching my calorie intake and have lost 20 lbs in 2 months! I used to just do cardio for weeks and have seen only minimal result and lost a few pounds. Once i started hitting the weights (mixing in some cardio) and increasing my protein intake drinking ON Platinum, my body started shredding the fat and dropped the pounds. A little more expensive than the ON Gold standard but totally worth it.
Michael Goodman –
Overall I like the product. It blends really well, doesn’t clump, albeit it is still a bit grainy. It has a good flavor as well. I’m however skeptical of the heavy metals which may be present, based on some studies that I’ve seen. For that it gets a 4/5.
JP –
This has been my go to protein powder for several years now. It only has 2 grams of carbs per serving, and provides 30 grams of protein. Also, this protein dissolves and mixes quickly even in cold water. I have tried every flavor they make, and personally the chocolate is the only one that I like. If you are adventurous feel free to try the others. Overall a great product.
MG500 –
It was time for me to resupply and so I ordered a new one. The product has new packaging and the package no longer says “contains 0 grams of lactose”. The nutritional facts clearly show the product contains “less than 1 gram of sugar”. This sugar is lactose. I called the company and had this confirmed. They said the whey they are using now is no longer up to the same standards they used to be.
Old review:
I’m very lactose intolerant and as the product states, there is 0 lactose in it. Normally when companies day “0 grams” they really mean there is XXX milligrams of lactose in it (aka, i still get sick). I do not believe this is the case here.
This product gave me a ton of energy and was easy to digest for being lactose intolerant. I put it in soy milk and it tasted great.
The only con I can think of is the cost.
Edit: I’ve tried three of the flavors so far and I have to say the vanilla/chocolate are both tasty. I recently bought the strawberry and I have to say it tastes like really nasty strawberry flavored medicine. This product is NON-REFUNDABLE so unless you really enjoy potent strawberry flavored medicine I’d steer clear of this flavor.
I can’t believe i made the mistake of paying 60 dollars for 1.75 pounds. I thought that i was buying the 3 pound. I was purchasing this in a hurry. I seriously thought i was buying the bigger one even the picture showed the bigger container. I guess its really my fault. Next time i will pay attention more to detail instead of looking at the picture.
meganbfsu –
I bought the Turbo Chocolate Hydrowhey because I am trying to watch my cholesterol intake. I chose the Hydrowhey because they advertised the it had no Cholesterol. But when I received it in the mail, on the nutritional facts it says it has 5mg of cholesterol. This is lower than their other products and lower than most other whey protein products. That’s my main problem with the Hydrowhey, that they falsely advertised no Cholesterol.
On to the flavor: the turbo chocolate isn’t bad. The powder is very fine so it mixes really well. I do find that it has a little bit of a “BCAA” aftertaste. If you have had BCAA powders you know what I mean. It’s not awful but it’s not desirable either.
Previously I’ve had the Optimum Gold Standard Whey Double Rich Chocolate. I prefer that flavor over this one but that nutritional info on the Hydrowhey is better.