Descrição do Produto: Optimum Nutrition Instantized BCAA Branched Chain Essential Amino Acids Capsules, 1000mg, 200 Count
As cápsulas de BCAA (Aminoácidos de Cadeia Ramificada) da Optimum Nutrition são formuladas para fornecer uma dose potente de 1000mg de aminoácidos essenciais em cada cápsula. Com um total de 200 cápsulas por embalagem, este produto é ideal para atletas e entusiastas do fitness que buscam otimizar seu desempenho e recuperação muscular. Os BCAAs são fundamentais para a síntese de proteínas e desempenham um papel crucial na redução da fadiga durante os treinos intensos. A formulação instantânea garante uma absorção rápida e eficiente, permitindo que os aminoácidos cheguem rapidamente aos músculos, promovendo uma recuperação mais eficaz após o exercício.
- 200 Capsules
- Serving Size: 2 Capsules
Os BCAAs são compostos por três aminoácidos essenciais: leucina, isoleucina e valina, que são conhecidos por suas propriedades anabólicas e anti-catabólicas. A leucina, em particular, é reconhecida por sua capacidade de estimular a síntese de proteínas musculares, enquanto a isoleucina e a valina ajudam a fornecer energia durante o exercício. Este produto é livre de aditivos desnecessários, garantindo que você esteja consumindo apenas o que há de melhor para o seu corpo.
1. Acelera a Recuperação Muscular: Os BCAAs ajudam a reduzir a dor muscular e aceleram a recuperação após treinos intensos.
2. Aumenta a Performance: Melhora a resistência e a performance durante atividades físicas prolongadas.
3. Reduz a Fadiga: Diminui a sensação de fadiga durante os treinos, permitindo que você treine por mais tempo e com mais intensidade.
4. Promove a Síntese de Proteínas: Estimula a construção muscular, essencial para quem busca hipertrofia.
5. Fácil de Consumir: As cápsulas são práticas e convenientes, facilitando a inclusão na rotina diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas de Optimum Nutrition Instantized BCAA antes ou durante o treino, e mais 2 cápsulas imediatamente após o exercício. Isso garantirá que seu corpo receba os aminoácidos essenciais no momento mais crítico para a recuperação muscular. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com uma quantidade adequada de água para otimizar a absorção. Este produto pode ser utilizado por atletas de todos os níveis, desde iniciantes até profissionais, e é uma excelente adição a qualquer regime de suplementação.
Mandi Braithwaite –
I started in a very intense workout program and have started taking these to help with soreness. I’ve noticed a drastic difference and as long as I’m doing the weight lifting program I will be ordering them and taking them. The price is amazing and I highly recommend them
M. Bunge –
Trusted brand, high quality supplement. Highly recommend for postworkout recovery.
Jorge Ruiz –
Great BCAA capsules from Optimum Nutrition. Helps with muscle recovery after workouts. Highly recommend!
Nick&Vikk Nicholson –
And the journey to get my body to his physical peak, this is a perfect submit to keep on hand has everything you need in it and it lasts a very long time for the price you will spend three times out in store
Nick&Vikk Nicholson –
A entrega dentro do praso, na a reclamar
Sj –
Good product
K-Town –
Works well. Comes as advertised. Tasteless.
Vicente Sousa Andrade –
Fast shipping, Great product
im –
This product does work, but it’s very slow. You have to stack these pills up. Take two with every meal, so thats 3 meals a day or two at most, so 4-6 pills on meals.
Then when you are getting ready to workout, I take 2 more pills 30 minutes before I workout and drink an Amino drink mix, (not a protein shake) while I workout. After the workout, I make a protein shake and take 2 more pills. So I’m taking in about 6-10 pills a day on average, when I do workout. I noticed a difference in my body. I was already built somewhat and have been athletic all my life. I’m now 21 and am doing P90x with this supplement and more. I’ve had these for a while now, I stopped taking them cause I had to get surgery, and I wasn’t going to stack BCAA’s in my system when I was doped up from surgery with no working out. BUT…
From working out again, stacking my amino drink, BCAAs, along with protein and energy carb meals, with two protein shakes a day. My body has gained maybe 3-5 pounds in muscle weight. I can’t tell a size difference, but I definitely can say I am really toned and ripped up from good workouts and the having good nutritional intake.
Now, I was not dieting either keep this in mind. These BCAAs do work, but my brother had also done research on BCAA’s and the powder form of BCAA’s with a scooper seems to absorb in your body much better, thus giving your body a better chance at metabolizing and building your muscles with the amino.
I really do enjoy having this product, it does help and I do notice a change. I’ve been working out off and on, every other day, so on, taking small breaks not exerting myself. These pills work and I’m glad I found out about these a long time ago.
Benvedere –
I have been using whey protein powder and as such getting all my amino acids. I decided to add some BCAA capsules to see if they might augment my working out and muscle building. Boy, did they. I was really surprised. BCAAs are said to possibly provide additional energy but that is not their main emphasis. To my surprise, they gave me additional energy in the gym and nothing else changed with my supplement intake except adding in these BCAAs. I will watch to see how muscle growth takes place, too. Each time I make a protein drink I pull a BCAA capsule apart and put the BCAAs powder directly into my protein drink. I was skeptical that taking these BCAAs would do anything, but as I’ve mentioned, they did for me and I’m very surprised. I will continue to add these BCAAs into my protein drink. I highly recommend this supplement. And Optimum Nutrition is a great brand to trust. I’ve used their products for years and never been disappointed in any of their supplements.