As lágrimas artificiais Optase Dry Eye Intense Drops foram desenvolvidas para proporcionar alívio duradouro e eficaz para aqueles que sofrem de sintomas severos de olhos secos. Com uma fórmula avançada, estas gotas são isentas de conservantes, garantindo que cada gota seja pura e segura para o uso diário. A combinação de glicerina e ingredientes de alta qualidade permite que as gotas se misturem com os óleos naturais dos olhos, protegendo as lágrimas e hidratando a superfície ocular, melhorando assim a qualidade das lágrimas.
A Optase Dry Eye Intense Drops é a única solução do mercado que oferece uma combinação de ingredientes sem conservantes em um frasco multidose, ideal para pacientes com olhos secos. Sua formulação de longa duração proporciona conforto não apenas para aqueles que enfrentam a secura ocular, mas também para pacientes pós-operatórios. Além disso, as gotas são seguras para uso com lentes de contato, oferecendo alívio sempre que necessário.
A tecnologia avançada do frasco permite que as gotas mantenham a esterilidade por até três meses, sem a necessidade de conservantes. Isso elimina a inconveniência de frascos individuais, tornando-as perfeitas para quem está sempre em movimento. O regime de cuidados oculares recomendado por especialistas, que inclui as gotas Optase, é uma abordagem de três etapas para tratar as causas e sintomas de olhos secos, blefarite e disfunção das glândulas meibomianas (DGM).
– Hidratação Prolongada: Proporciona alívio duradouro para sintomas de olhos secos, melhorando a qualidade de vida.
– Isento de Conservantes: Seguro para uso diário, minimizando o risco de irritação ocular.
– Conforto para Usuários de Lentes de Contato: Alivia a secura ocular sem comprometer a segurança das lentes.
– Tecnologia de Frasco Avançada: Mantém a esterilidade por três meses, facilitando o uso em qualquer lugar.
– Recomendado por Especialistas: Parte de um regime de cuidados oculares completo, abordando as causas subjacentes dos problemas oculares.
Para utilizar as Optase Dry Eye Intense Drops, incline a cabeça levemente para trás e puxe suavemente a pálpebra inferior para criar um pequeno espaço. Posicione o frasco acima do olho e aplique uma ou duas gotas, evitando o contato direto do bico com a superfície ocular. Feche os olhos por alguns segundos para permitir que a solução se espalhe uniformemente. As gotas podem ser aplicadas conforme necessário, até quatro vezes ao dia, ou conforme orientação médica. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Bwieder –
Although, the drops work well for dry eyes for most people, many people complain about the bottle. They complain they need to squeeze so hard to get the first drop out, they frequently get, instead, multiple drops or a stream of drops.
Why is this bottle designed this way, you might wonder. The simple answer is that in order to keep drops sterile in a multiuse bottle, the bottle had to be designed to let drops out when you squeeze, but not allow contaminants to be sucked into the bottle when you release. These contaminants could be in the air around you or on the tip of the bottle had it unintentionally touched anything. So the bottle was given a flatter dispensing end to keep the tip out of your eye. It has a blue exit point instead. (More on that latter). Inside there is a one way valve, that stays closed until you use the drops. (See picture) . When you squeeze the bottle, an extremely small flow of liquid opens the valve to allow the drop to exit, but this requires more time to deliver the drop, than a conventional bottle not having the resistance of such a valve. If you impatiently squeeze too hard, two things happen. 1. Multiple drops may be dispensed. 2. Air that is packaged in the bottle above the liquid may be forced out of the bottle along with the drops. (If the bottle his held vertically while instilling the drops, the latter is less likely to happen.) Since the valve works in only one direction, as the bottle empties and no air gets back in, a vacuum is created causing the bottle to collapse, making it more difficult to squeeze out every bit of its contents. Optase says they overfill the bottle beyond the claimed 0.33 ml, to give you a usable 0.33 ml, even though some remains in the totally collapsed bottle.
Given the necessity for this design, in order to keep preservative free drops sterile, is there any easier way to dispense drops?
Here is my procedure:
1. After removing the cap, be careful to keep the blue tip from touching your face or eye.
2.Imagine the blue tip to be a “bulls eye” upon which you will focus while squeezing the bottle.
3. Sit in an easy chair or sofa and steady your head backwards against the back, so that you are looking at the ceiling.
4. Hold the bottle vertically over your eye so that you can focus on the blue tip. Position the bottle so the “blue bulls eye” is in the center of your view close to your eye.
5. Squeeze the bottle with steady pressure until a drop begins to form on the blue tip. As it begins to form, the blue target becomes somewhat blurred, but continue squeezing until the drop actually drops into your eye. (Be patient while squeezing. It may take up to 15 seconds for the first drop to actually drop.) Squeezing harder will not speed this up and may result in wasted extra drops. After the first drop, the next drop will take less time.
4. After administering the drops, be sure to shake off, in a horizontal direction, any extra liquid that may remain on the blue tip. If you fail to do this before recapping the bottle, that extra drop my cause mold to form inside the cap.
5. Tighten the cap completely after use.
All of this seems like a pain, especially if you are accustomed to drop bottles that contain preservatives and don’t need bottle of this design. (BTW, Optase is not the only maker of preservative free drops, who use this bottle. Both BioTrue and Systane make preservative free versions in the same bottle.) Unfortunately Optase doesn’t give you a choice of daily vials that Systane and BioTrue also offer. If you don’t want the hassle, check out BioTrue drops in single use vials. They have nearly the same ingredients as Optase and probably work nearly as well. The downside of single use vials is they are more expensive than a multiuse bottle. Perhaps, because Optase is already so expensive in a preservative-free multiuse bottle, they don’t offer single use vials. It could be most people couldn’t afford them.
Johnson –
I discovered Optase Dry Eye Intense when shopping for Optase Advanced Eye Drops. The Intense version is better for sleeping than the Advanced version. Both are excellent. I appreciate they have no preservatives and my eyesight is clearer when keeping my eyes hydrated with these products.
Some people complain about getting the squeeze bottles to dispense the drops. I’ve only had that problem with forgotten or misplaced opened bottles (with caps on). I suspect the drop hole gets clogged over time. This is a non-issue when I use the drops regularly.
Bwieder –
I bought the Hylo night ointment first, so impressed I got the Intense drops. Completely followed the instructions after being so frustrated with BioTrue bottles. History: dryness and vision issues, after lasik in ‘99, moved to dry Las Vegas on 2001, followed by macular hole and retina detachment surgery, in 2013, cornea infection and damage from the latter, back to gas perm contacts to somehow get to 20/25 vision in 2015, then cataracts and YAG surgeries combined to make dryness a constant issue, despite every brand of tears and ointment made and used throughout the day and night. Lordy have prices gone up!!! The detachment surgery, in 2013, also brought on massively stringy mucous in my right eye, which made it impossible to see clearly half the time. The Hylo ointment used at night made a difference in the amount of mucous. When I started the drops a week ago, I could feel a difference from the first drop. I use at night after contacts and in the morning before. Seriously have made a HUGE difference, often not needing anything else during the day – and for me, I will never again have to use Lumify – redness GONE. Mucous way less thick and frequent. Vision also better. One drop inside the lower lid of each eye, twice a day, no over-watering, no lash gunk. Had forgotten what real moisture in my eyes feels like. Anxious to amaze my ophthalmologist in March and share the products. May try the others in the “system”, but have always washed my lids twice a day with baby shampoo and hot water, and have a moisture heat mask made for contacts wearers. Imagine I can finally use my ceiling fans again this simmer, too! Best money I ever spent!