Descrição do Produto: OPC150 – 30 Porções
O OPC150 é um pó para bebida isotônica de 100g, oferecendo 30 porções de uma fórmula inovadora que contém mais OPC por porção do que o OPC-3 da Market America. Este produto é uma verdadeira revolução no mundo dos suplementos, trazendo uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes que promovem a saúde e o bem-estar. Com três materiais de OPC da mais alta qualidade, importados diretamente da França, o OPC150 se destaca por sua eficácia e pureza.
Desenvolvido a partir da pesquisa do renomado cientista francês Jacques Masquelier, o OPC (Oligômeros Proantocianidínicos) é conhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes excepcionais. Entre os ingredientes-chave, o Oligopin se destaca como um dos antioxidantes mais potentes, contribuindo para a proteção celular e a manutenção da saúde geral. O OPC150 não é apenas um suplemento; é uma solução para quem busca um coração saudável, combate ao envelhecimento e uma vida mais vibrante.
Com a sua fórmula isotônica, o OPC150 é facilmente absorvido pelo organismo, garantindo que os nutrientes sejam disponibilizados de forma rápida e eficaz. Este produto é ideal para aqueles que desejam incorporar um suporte antioxidante em sua rotina diária, promovendo uma saúde robusta e um envelhecimento saudável.
– Aumento da Imunidade: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
– Saúde Cardiovascular: Contribui para a manutenção de um coração saudável, reduzindo o risco de doenças cardíacas.
– Propriedades Antienvelhecimento: Combate os radicais livres, promovendo uma pele mais jovem e saudável.
– Melhora da Circulação Sanguínea: Auxilia na circulação, proporcionando mais energia e disposição ao longo do dia.
– Fácil Absorção: A fórmula isotônica garante que os nutrientes sejam rapidamente absorvidos pelo organismo, maximizando os benefícios.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o OPC150, recomenda-se dissolver uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 3,3g) do pó em 200ml de água. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. O ideal é consumir uma porção diariamente, preferencialmente pela manhã ou antes de atividades físicas, para maximizar a absorção dos antioxidantes e potencializar a energia. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
C Anderson –
We received FrenchGlory OPC on June 26. I started taking it that same day. I was looking forward to using this product as I read many positive reviews for it. The ingredients seemed to be exceptional.
I took it for around two weeks. My husband did the same. I ended up being greatly disappointed.
This is my, personal experience with it. First off, I had taken the Market America brand some years ago. I had more energy and felt great the whole time I took it. But our distributor stopped selling it so I couldn’t get it any more. I did not have the same experience with FrenchGlory. Actually, the opposite happened. I felt more tired rather than energized. I thought that rather odd.
This was before I had internet.
The flavor of FrenchGlory versus Market America. I did not mind the flavor of Market America’s OPC. In fact, I actually enjoyed drinking it. I didn’t have pain, either. FrenchGlory OPC is another matter entirely. It is bitter. Even with extra water, it did not taste good. and it did nothing for my pain.
My husband did not mind the taste. Like me, though, he didn’t feel any more energetic or better than before.
Since it is past the return date, we lost out on getting our money back. And, now, I have a half bottle and a full bottle that we will never use. I really feel we wasted our money. And this is not cheap.
My recommendation is, get Market America OPC. In that, I don’t think you will be disappointed.
Amazon Customer –
The bottle and powder was fine the very first time I received the order, but this second bottle that I received…the powder was hard as a rock and it was definitely not good to use anymore.
Margo Ruschmann –
I ordered for help with sun damaged skin and I tend to be a “picker” at scaly spots. I am at an age when it seems I bruise easily from picking at my skin, perhaps fragile capillaries. I seem to have fewer dry spots and the little blood bruising doesn’t happen now. I have been taking it for several months so it has been gradual. I live in a humid place so the smaller bottle is better and doesn’t harden up like when I bought the large size. The taste is ok nothing special.
MamaG –
But this is ok in a pinch….
Brian Malloy-thorpe –
Originally, I used OPC-3 from Market America, which was very beneficial when I used three servings each day. However, I experienced problems with Market America’s delivery and some OPC-3 was damaged due to overheating. Also, OPC-3 didn’t last the three months it was supposed to, even though I refrigerated it. Finally, I learned about this product (OPC 150) and purchased it for less money and found it was stronger than OPC-3. I have been using 1 serving of OPC 150 each day for many months and I am very pleased with overall better health. Wow!
Jackie –
Last 3 month orders, with same lot number of T226008 exp. date of 11/25 has moisture , clumps are sticking pads inside of bottles. concidering another Brand 2nd report of this issuen after several years of using his product. VERY Dissapointed
Darkim –
The flavor is not bad at all. Product is fresh. Mixed up per package directions. Took a double dose and saw results quickly. Always took on an empty stomach and waited a bit to eat in the morning. Has improved my circulation and energy. It has different effects for different people, as everyone’s body chemistry is different. I will keep ordering.