Descrição do Produto: ONNIT Premium Alpha Brain Bundle
Descubra o poder do ONNIT Premium Alpha Brain Bundle, uma combinação excepcional de suplementos nootrópicos projetados para elevar suas funções cognitivas a um novo patamar. Este pacote inclui o Alpha Brain Black Label e o Alpha Brain Classic, ambos formulados para promover foco, concentração e produtividade extrema.
- Adquira o stack nootrópico definitivo para apoiar funções cognitivas, incluindo memória, velocidade mental, foco e produtividade extrema.
- O Alpha Brain Black Label estimula a energia mental e a alerta, desbloqueando seu próximo nível com os efeitos energizantes da combinação sinérgica de cafeína em baixa dose e L-Theanine, proporcionando uma motivação agradável sem nervosismo, resultando em uma sensação de alerta relaxado.
- O Alpha Brain Classic é uma mistura nootrópica livre de cafeína que ajuda a apoiar a memória e o foco; promove o processamento mental; auxilia na clareza mental; e melhora o tempo de reação.
- Devo tomar o Alpha BRAIN Classic ou o Alpha BRAIN Black Label? Pense no Alpha BRAIN regular como um bom suplemento para tomar diariamente para apoiar a função cognitiva. Mas, em dias que você realmente precisa estar mais focado e produtivo, o Alpha BRAIN Black Label é a melhor opção. (Nota: NÃO tome ambos os produtos em um período de 24 horas.)
- Receba (1) frasco de Alpha Brain 90ct e (1) frasco de Alpha Brain Black Label.
1. Aumento da Concentração: Melhora a capacidade de se concentrar em tarefas importantes, ideal para profissionais e estudantes.
2. Melhoria da Memória: Auxilia na retenção de informações e na recuperação de memórias, essencial para aprendizado e desempenho acadêmico.
3. Energia Mental Sustentada: Proporciona um impulso de energia mental sem os efeitos colaterais da cafeína em altas doses, permitindo um foco prolongado.
4. Clareza Mental: Ajuda a eliminar a névoa mental, promovendo um pensamento mais claro e decisões mais rápidas.
5. Versatilidade de Uso: O Alpha Brain Classic é perfeito para uso diário, enquanto o Black Label é ideal para dias de alta demanda, oferecendo flexibilidade conforme suas necessidades.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma cápsula do Alpha Brain Classic diariamente, preferencialmente pela manhã ou antes de atividades que exigem foco intenso. Nos dias em que você precisa de um impulso extra, utilize o Alpha Brain Black Label, tomando uma cápsula, mas não em conjunto com o Classic dentro de um período de 24 horas. Mantenha-se hidratado e combine o uso com uma alimentação equilibrada para maximizar os efeitos dos nootrópicos.
its_bray_den –
I think i feel more dumb after being swindled into trying this crap. It does nothing, and costs way too much to do nothing! Bad, wouldn’t recommend, come on joe, you put you name to this?
Bill The Pony –
I’ve heard about this product on various podcasts, and was excited to try it. I’ve been using them for around 2 weeks now, alternating between the alpha brain and the regular strength depending on how tired I am when I wake up. I don’t feel much with the regular one and after taking 4 capsules of the alpha brain (the highest recommended dosage on the label), it feels on par to a cup of coffee. The ingredients are top notch…in the limited research I’ve done, that is clear. This feels like a much better way to feeling sharp than an energy drink or other sugary unhealthy beverage. It may not make me super energetic, but if nothing else, I’m I taking high quality vitamin ingredients. No regrets and I’m happy with both of these OnnIt products.
Back Scratcher –
These supplements claim to have some amazing ingredients and the packaging is over the top.
Unfortunately I do not see any mention of any ingredients being organic so I worry about what other ingredients might be included that I don’t want.
A lot of the ingredients are in a ‘blend’. I’m not a fan of this as not only is it difficult to know exactly how much you are getting of each nutrient, but this also makes me question how equally each nutrient is from pill to pill. And since there is no mention of third party testing, that questions the accuracy of nutrients.
For the price I find the things listed above unacceptable.
I have tried the Nootropic Brain Supplement as it is caffeine free (I already drink my daily coffee or tea, so don’t think I need more caffeine) and have not noticed any big change. Not sure if it needs to be taken more frequently before noticing anything or not.
At this point, I personally would not recommend this product. I have seen other options that are cleaner and at least tested for accuracy.
Tnek –
Tried for a couple of weeks, didn’t really notice anything. Seems like the product has quality ingredients though. The price is the issue here. I think if you look around a bit you can end up with similar quality across a couple of pills for about half the price. I would shop around.
Not as advertised. Trouble booting, and resetting. Returning. Very disappointed –
Really like, does as advertised
Wolfgang Hendrix –
A splendid concoction of earth-grown nutrients promising mental acuity without the jitters of caffeine. It’s a symphony for the mind, dear listeners, promoting clarity and focus fit for the discerning intellect. Whether crafting an opus or pondering the complexities of life, Alpha BRAIN aims to sharpen your cognitive prowess with the finesse of a well-aged Bordeaux. An intriguing blend that tantalizes the synapses, enhancing cognitive performance without compromising one’s refined sensibilities.
Silmarwen –
I am still in my first month, but I do feel like I am seeing some mild improvements in focus and clarity. I often find myself getting distracted and trying to multitask too many things at work. These capsules helped me focus on tasks for longer periods of time and I feel that I was able to get a lot more done in the same amount of time.
The capsules were easy to swallow. They are a small/medium size capsule with a coating that makes them slide down your throat more easily. There is no taste and very little odor. The ingredients appear high quality and are effective. My main concern with taking this supplement long term is the relatively high cost. And what the heck is up with this 2-pack? You are not supposed to take capsules from both bottles in the same day as they have many of the same ingredients. Apparently, the Alpha Brain supplement is for regular, everyday focus and the Alpha Brain Black Label is for days you need extra focus. I would rather purchase these separately as there doesn’t seem to be a benefit to ordering them together.
its_bray_den –
Both Alpha Brain products seem to work to somewhat sharpen my mental processing. It’s not as if it gives me a whole new brain, I still have to work to remember names and memorize things that I’ve read. I don’t believe that I experience any side effects.
The Black Label product works to give a high end presentation in that the product comes in a very large cardboard tube with the capsules themselves in a glass bottle.