Descrição do Produto: ONNIT Premium Alpha Brain Bundle
O ONNIT Premium Alpha Brain Bundle é uma combinação poderosa de suplementos nootrópicos projetados para otimizar a função cerebral e melhorar o foco e a concentração. Este pacote inclui um frasco de Alpha Brain com 90 cápsulas e um frasco de New MOOD com 60 cápsulas, oferecendo uma solução abrangente para quem busca elevar seu desempenho mental e emocional.
O Alpha Brain Classic é uma mistura nootrópica livre de cafeína que apoia a memória e o foco, promovendo um processamento mental eficiente e clareza cognitiva. Com ingredientes cuidadosamente selecionados, ele auxilia na agilidade de reação, permitindo que você se destaque em tarefas que exigem atenção e rapidez. Por outro lado, o New MOOD é ideal para relaxar após um longo dia de trabalho, ajudando a regular o humor e a resposta ao estresse diário. É como um profundo suspiro de alívio e um sorriso, proporcionando um estado de tranquilidade que favorece a recuperação mental.
A ONNIT se destaca por oferecer suplementos premium respaldados pela ciência, elaborados para promover o bem-estar físico e mental em seu auge. Com o Alpha Brain e o New MOOD, você não apenas melhora sua capacidade cognitiva, mas também cria um ambiente propício para a recuperação e o relaxamento, essenciais para um desempenho ideal.
– Melhora a regulação do humor e a função cognitiva com a combinação de Alpha BRAIN e New MOOD.
– O New MOOD é excelente para relaxar após um dia estressante, promovendo uma resposta saudável ao estresse.
– O Alpha Brain Classic apoia a memória e o foco, essencial para estudantes e profissionais.
– A mistura nootrópica livre de cafeína promove clareza mental e agilidade de reação, ideal para atividades que exigem concentração.
– Suplementos respaldados pela ciência, garantindo qualidade e eficácia para o bem-estar mental e físico.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas de Alpha Brain diariamente, preferencialmente pela manhã ou antes de atividades que exijam alta concentração. Para o New MOOD, tome duas cápsulas à noite, antes de dormir, para ajudar a relaxar e promover um sono reparador. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada e uma alimentação equilibrada para potencializar os efeitos dos suplementos. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação.
its_bray_den –
WOW! I gotta say the Alpha Brain really gets me going in the morning! It’s blend of quality ingredients that are independently tested to prove potency and that the ingredients are indeed quality and included.
I have tried several similar supplements, and the Alpha brain I actually noticed a huge boost to focus!! I do not recommend taking it after Mid-day as it kept me awake at night! it’s great to take first thing in the morning! As for the New mood? I can’t say I notice much. I have taken it in the evenings(with or without Alpha in the morning) and notice no real affects, which is disappointing for the price! I don’t know if they can split them up, but i’d just buy the Alpha Brain next time!
Robert –
I can sometimes have difficulty falling asleep and I was hopeful the ingredients in “new mood” would help on that front. I have used Alpha Brain before and when used properly it does produce a noticeable difference for me. I take new mood around 30 minutes before bed and it helps calm me down so that rest comes a little more easily.
I trust the Onnit brand because they do independent testing for their products. Independent testing is important to me to validate the product contains only what the label says it contains.
Helps calm me to sleep
New mood is relaxing
Alpha brain works well
Independent testing
Robert –
This is an interesting nootropic stack, but it’s actually not my favorite formulation. The more stimulating version is basically a combination of relatively common ingredients including theanine, tyrosine, cat’s claw, bacopa, alpha-GPC, etc. The sleep stack is no better and a blend of very low dose magnesium, valerian, chamomile, lemon balm, and 5-HTP.
Alpha-GPC, from what I understand, isn’t even ideal to take on a daily basis – so I actually have tried to remove supplemental choline from my stacks. I stick to eggs for choline.
Overall – it’s an interesting nootropic stack, but nothing particularly special or what I would consider optimal. The ingredients are very common, not clinically studied forms (for example, regular bacopa extract versus Bacognize or Synapsa).
The Meta Gentleman –
I have taken supplements like this in the past and have had success. I took both of these as described for the past few weeks now and I feel pretty indifferent about this one. I cannot think of any instances where I felt more alert or better rested while taking this. That all said, I am confident that it did do some of what it claims to do – just not noticeable to me. Good mix overall – came clean/sealed – no stomach issues or anything. Thank you !
Nathan Swift –
I had great results with both products.
Buckwheat’79 –
If you are looking for an expensive product with placebo potential, and a big name connected to it, you got it here. Other than that, I don’t see anything worth the money here.
Interesting that they are not showing all the ingredients on the product page. Maybe because some people would already notice this is a supplement that is not high quality at all?
Adding Maltodextrin into a supplement that you take to improve health or cognition is already a red flag, but when you look at pricing and product comparisons, it all falls apart.
But, hey, even though I don’t typically want to ingest any Maltodextrin, I made an exception for this test, because I should at least check if the supplement delivers what it promises. I gave it several weeks, and after almost being done with the bottle, I notice ZERO effect. Not even some “I think I might be noticing something, I wonder if it is the supplement” wondering. No. Nada!
This supplement seems to be a cash grab, that’s all. But that is not surprising, since I have had the best results with brands that were not necessarily the most popular but that were produced by companies whose owners actually were in the business to offer the highest quality, not simple profit from the supplement craze.
Skip this brand, there is better out there for less money.
its_bray_den –
Alpha Brain products seem to work to somewhat sharpen my mental processing. It’s not as if it gives me a whole new brain, I still have to work to remember names and memorize things that I’ve read. I don’t believe that I experience any side effects.
New Mood works to sort of key me down and help me to relax a bit. They recommend that it be taken before bedtime but it can also be taken in the daytime to help break high stress situations. I don’t seem to experience side effects with this product either.
average shopper –
This convenient bundle is just what I needed to get my brain back on track. The Memory and Focus blend is fantastic for getting me, well, focused. I have taken many of its individual ingredients separately in the past, ie, huperzine, phosphatidylserine, B6, L-theanine; but altogether they seem to work synergistically with the other active ingredients. I take the Mood and Relaxation during stressful times and it calms my mind. I too, have taken several of its ingredients separately previously (5-HTP, magnesium glycenate, tryptophan). The mood blend combines several other actives and one that I had never heard of, ie, jujube, and it works for me. These are good, quality products and I will continue to use them. I take two capsules of each/dose. I take Alpha Brain daily, and I only take the New Mood when I feel like I need it. They are both easy to swallow.