Descrição do Produto: ONNIT Alpha Brain Instant – Sabor Limão com Amora
O ONNIT Alpha Brain Instant é um mix de bebida instantânea delicioso que visa apoiar as funções cognitivas, incluindo memória, velocidade mental e foco. Ideal para estudantes em período de provas, profissionais em busca de produtividade, gamers que desejam melhorar seu desempenho, artistas em busca de inspiração, empreendedores e pessoas que estão sempre em movimento. Este suplemento nootrópico é a solução perfeita para quem precisa de um impulso mental ao longo do dia.
Os benefícios do Alpha BRAIN Instant são notáveis: ele apoia a memória e o foco, promove o processamento mental, ajuda a alcançar o estado de fluxo, auxilia na clareza mental e melhora o tempo de reação. Além disso, é livre de cafeína e glúten, tornando-se uma opção segura para todos.
Como funciona? Para ajudar seu cérebro a pensar com mais clareza, é essencial concentrar-se em dois aspectos: promover a produção de ondas alfa no cérebro e apoiar os níveis de acetilcolina, um neurotransmissor chave. O Alpha BRAIN Instant foi formulado com esses objetivos em mente, utilizando uma mistura exclusiva de ingredientes que cria um ambiente propício para que o cérebro opere em sua máxima capacidade, garantindo clareza mental. Entre os ingredientes estão L-Theanine, Alpha GPC, extrato de Huperzia serrata e Vitamina B6.
O sabor Limão com Amora é doce e levemente azedo, e se tornou um favorito entre os apreciadores do Alpha BRAIN Instant desde seu lançamento, proporcionando uma experiência refrescante e energizante.
– Suporte à memória e foco, essencial para estudantes e profissionais.
– Promoção do processamento mental, ideal para gamers e criativos.
– Auxílio na clareza mental, ajudando a evitar a fadiga cognitiva.
– Melhora do tempo de reação, benéfico em atividades que exigem agilidade.
– Fórmula livre de cafeína e glúten, adequada para diversas dietas.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o ONNIT Alpha Brain Instant, recomenda-se misturar uma colher do produto em 240 ml de água fria ou sua bebida favorita. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Consuma uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente antes de atividades que exijam concentração e foco, como estudos, trabalho ou jogos. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
TexasOdessa –
Helps with memory and focus, especially when taken with Alpha Brain. Great stuff!!!
Melissa L –
Great flavor
Jamez –
I notice a marked improvement in my mood and overall cognitive function when I take this. 37 year old male. It is not coffee, no buzz. I just find myself feeling really good and better able to recall information and articulate myself which improves self-confidence. Great product.
Farrell R. –
Love this product!
Ben –
Complete waist of time and money. Flavor is awful what a way to suffer through trying this stuff. Thanks a lot Joe Rogan.
Randy –
Terrible flavor. Did nothing for focus.
Erik The Wrench –
I don’t care for pills, long story short a buddy left me half a
bottle of Accelerin, said if I ever change my mind…ok? Well one
day I was out of coffee and groggy so I tried one. 45 min later I
felt instant speed, motivation, focus, memory… so I took the
other. and zzzOOM!!!!!!!
I was in my shop, balancing things on edge while fixing, reaching
behind me, opening drawers with out looking and pulling out parts I
had searched all week for like they where never lost, I mean never
skipped a beat until I ran out lol I felt relaxed, yet had so much
energy, no lethargic sense what so ever, , just motivation to
overcome obstacles, I mean I felt like in tune with everything.
I also found that just like any drug, repeated use causes your body
to stop producing these chemicals naturally, and becomes dependent
on the new false source! So while you will feel this rush of “brain
power” and focus, taken regularly, the only way to feel that boost
again will be to up the dose…
I still take when I need a JUMP START and meditate on the elevated
chemically induced state as reference point for the amounts your
body should naturally produce, balancing your personal chemistry!
Accelerine haD an unhealthy amount of caffeine, and researching the
ingredients, right away I find the GABA, has no effect taken
orally, and the THEANINE is mainly to take the jitters off the
caffeine, and is natural in green tea.
So I tried CLARITY, it had everything the ACCELERIN had except
caffeine, theanine and gaba, but also had a lot of other stuff,
well, better than nothing, but not the right levels…
NOW, I found that most ingredients in Accelerine are either to
vascolate the blood vessels to improve oxygen levels in brain. or
they have to do with ACETYLCHOLINE, like the 3 main most common
I find are ALPHA GPC (CHOLINE made from SOY LECITHIN) your body
turns it into ACETYLCHOLINE. Then their is HUPERZINE A
(Huperzia Serrate Moss) and this helps prevent the breakdown of
the production of ACETYLCHOLINE. and it is also proven to repair
brain damage.
So I took in more of these 3 and feel closer to how the ACCELERIN
boosted me, even took in the same amount of caffeine and some
Theanine as well. but It is still missing something. Now ACCELERIN
has 3 times the NIACIN as CLARITY, and that is a big thing I can
feel missing, ALL B vitamins help create energy by converting carbs
to glucose, but NIACIN helps produce ATP witch is the MAIN SOURCE
OF ENERGY FOR THE BRAIN. it is also a Vasolator. so it seems these
are the big 4…
As for the other ingredients in ACCELERIN we have one more
vascolator, VINPOCETINE (a synthetic Perry winkle plant extract)
and BACOPA MONNIERI (north India herb) that helps maintain
speed of nerve transmission in Hippocampus. It helps sleep,
relaxing, is a cure for all anxiety types, helps reverse ageing
memory loss…. and I never slept slept so well than when on
Accelerin , not so much with CLARITY so I can tell their needs be
more of this as well. I really want ACCELERIN with out the caffeine
and gaba lol but they don’t tell you how much is in there…
And I mean That stuff is great. I tried a couple more a few days
ago, and boom right back there lol
I ordered ALPHA BRAIN, seems to have larger dosages of
everything the acellerin had, except gaba, caffeine, and niacin.
It does have OAT EXTRACT and A-11 cats claw, and PTEROSTILBENE(an
antioxidant from blueberries), says it reduces stress caused by
oxidation. It worked almost like accel even with out the caffeine,
INFO WARS product.
They are like AlphaBRAIN, and has Yerba Mate Leaf (caffeine
like stimulant) and b12. but do not have cats claw or oat
Update on Brain-Force And AlphaBRAIN
Personally I liked to take 1 ( 1/2 dose) BrainForce in the morning
and a 1 (1/2 dose) alphaBRAIN b4 bed. Your body begins to need less
after a while because you “cull” the good stuff in your body and
start to make your own, so I was down to 1 capsule a day of witch
one was on sale (B-F or A-B) lol. Also, if your taking b4 bed the
yerba mate will keep you up…
The proper dose will have to be balanced for your body’s
metabolism, it will be close, I am 160lb, 6’1″ in good shape, yet
If I ate food like an average healthy person I would be huge!
Megan Casler –
The flavor is good and it mixes well in water. I have taken it a few times so far and didn’t notice any change in my ability to focus or general awareness. It doesn’t have caffeine, so it doesn’t make you wired and didn’t effect my sleep at all. No negative effects, but also no positive effects either.