Descrição do Produto: ONE A DAY Women’s Prenatal 1 Multivitamin
O ONE A DAY Women’s Prenatal 1 é um multivitamínico completo, projetado para fornecer suporte nutricional essencial para mulheres antes, durante e após a gravidez. Este suplemento é uma escolha ideal para aquelas que buscam garantir que estão recebendo todos os nutrientes necessários para uma gestação saudável e para o desenvolvimento do bebê. Com uma fórmula que inclui vitaminas A, C, D, E, B6, B12 e DHA, cada cápsula macia é uma fonte concentrada de saúde e bem-estar.
- Um multivitamínico pré-natal completo que oferece suporte nutricional para mulheres antes, durante e após a gravidez.
- Nota do produto: A exposição ao calor ou à luz solar pode levar ao derretimento/dano do produto. Portanto, espera-se que os clientes estejam disponíveis durante a entrega do produto.
- Com nutrientes-chave, como ácido fólico, DHA, ferro e cálcio, tudo em uma única cápsula macia.
- Fornece 100% do valor diário de ácido fólico; livre de glúten.
- Marca pré-natal recomendada por OBGYN. Livre de laticínios.
- Isento de: adoçantes artificiais, sabores artificiais, trigo, laticínios.
- Suporta o desenvolvimento cerebral e ocular fetal com DHA.
1. Suporte Nutricional Completo: Garante que você e seu bebê recebam os nutrientes essenciais necessários em cada fase da gravidez.
2. Fórmula Prática: Com todos os nutrientes em uma única cápsula, facilita a rotina diária de suplementação.
3. Recomendado por Especialistas: Aprovado por OBGYNs, oferecendo confiança e segurança na escolha do suplemento.
4. Livre de Aditivos Indesejados: Sem adoçantes artificiais ou laticínios, ideal para mulheres com restrições alimentares.
5. Desenvolvimento Fetal Apoiador: O DHA presente na fórmula é crucial para o desenvolvimento saudável do cérebro e dos olhos do bebê.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma cápsula macia do ONE A DAY Women’s Prenatal 1 diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição para maximizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante manter o produto em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para preservar sua eficácia. Caso tenha alguma condição de saúde pré-existente ou esteja sob medicação, consulte seu médico antes de iniciar o uso deste suplemento.
Steph F –
On my 3rd bottle of this brand. Great product. 2nd bottle however came sealed but lots if yellow coated inside. Only smelled like vitamins (like tablets even tho capsule). I wasnt concerned thinking oh one leaked probably. Week later it smelled fishy. Only info online was opinions. So I used OneAday customer service online chat to ask if they had any info on if it’s safe to continue taking and explained. They advise do not take if inside is all yellow. They took some info from me and the bottle incase quality needs to contact me. Told me to keep bottle as they may ask it be mailed to them for testing for up to 30 days. And even tho I stated I got it from Amazon they offered me a refund if I email receipt. What a nice company. Went to walmart and bought a new bottle but the one with another bottle for choline. Still love the product. Doesnt upset my stomach and I get dha and so many vitamins.
Mimi Collado –
I have used this prenatal prepping for our first pregnancy back in fall 2022 and still use it now since I am still breastfeeding 2-ish years. I will not order it via Amazon again… with the Texas heat, it ruined the vitamins and had a foul odor that made me vomit. Normally I buy this at our grocery store. KEEP IT AT ROOM TEMP OR COOLER.
Vincent –
I have this problem with the most recent bottle I received. Two capsules cracked and the rest look good good to use, however it’s almost impossible to swallow them during pregnancy with the fish smell. I tried and ended up vomiting 🤮. I also tried to return it, Amazon refunded me and said I can keep the product. So I was going to trash it today, when it came to my mind that I probably could remove the fish smell with a few drops of lemon juice and it actually works. So it’s possible to swallow it now, but you need to squeeze a few drops of lemon juice on the capsule to remove the fish smell every time before you take it.
Eileen –
Does it smell rancid? Yes. Does it taste rancid? Yes. But does it do what it’s supposed to? Also yes.
I’m not even pregnant yet so I cant imagine having to stomach these while also struggling with morning sickness. But I will admit — they give me a boost and I feel better when I take them.
Just swallow fast with a huge gulp of water and try not to let them touch your tongue.
MrsCounselortoYou –
Great option!
Vincent –
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Received the item this way. Product defect or delivery related issue, dont know! The problem is it’s non-returnable. Luckily it’s refundable.
Dara Lovett –
This is my first time taking a prenatal vitamin. I was recommended by a friend to begin using these. I am not pregnant, but I am planning on becoming pregnant soon with my husband. The tablets are a bit larger than I expected, but because they are soft gel, they go down really easily. Just don’t psych yourself out by how they look lol. I have not noticed any fishy smell or bad taste. Also, I haven’t noticed any drastic changes in my body however I know they are working because look at my nail growth!!! One day, I just looked down and noticed my nails looking like this, and I have only taken these for a little over a month now! I am so pleased with my nail growth because typically my nails are very brittle and tear & break very easily. I feel like I look a lot more feminine now just because of my nail growth lol. I am very pleased with this prenatal vitamin and will continue to take them. I am sure when I am pregnant it will provide my body with the nutrients that I will need! 😊
Helen Ebere. –
It’s a nice product.
Amazon Customer –
I have been taking these pills for years during my prenatal/pregnancy/postpartum journey. They are normally great – fairly tasteless, decent price, containing the essentials. My last two orders from Amazon have no been terrible.
I ordered a 90 day supply in January and noticed that the coating was coming off some of the pills. A few of the capsules were not affected and I could tolerate them but the majority of them were horrific tasting. To the point that I gagged them down and even vomited. I assumed that I received a one off, bad batch and decided to cut my loses and toss the bottle. I went to the local grocer and bought a 30 day supply which was of normal quality. I recently thought I would be brave and ordered another 90 day supply from Amazon. As soon as I opened the seal I was greeted with a horrific smell and the coating was once again coming off (pictured). I didn’t even try to tolerate these and closed the pill box and requested a refund.
The refund/product support for these, however, is confusing. Amazon says to contact the manufacturer which I have done more than once but have yet to hear back them. To me, this seems like an Amazon warehouse issue. I have never had an issue until now and I wonder if the conditions at the warehouse (extreme temps) caused the coating of the capsules to erode. Since I am unable to contact Amazon about this issue I am leaving this review. I have spent nearly $84 on prenatal capsules that I cannot use. If you are in the Denver area, I caution you not to order these through Amazon as their supply is clearly defective. Hoping I can get some assistance!