Descrição do Produto:
O Omorfee 100%% Organic Lip Lightening Stick é um batom clareador de lábios escuros, projetado para restaurar a cor natural e o brilho dos lábios. Com proteção solar (FPS), este produto não apenas nutre, mas também repara a pele dos lábios danificada, combatendo a pigmentação causada por fatores externos. Com resultados rápidos e avaliações positivas globalmente, ele se destaca como o melhor clareador de lábios disponível no mercado.
Formulado com ingredientes 100%% orgânicos certificados, o bastão contém manteiga de cacau, que proporciona hidratação intensa, deixando os lábios macios e suaves. O óleo de semente de cenoura, rico em vitamina E, protege e revitaliza a cor natural dos lábios, tornando-o um dos bálsamos clareadores mais eficazes. O extrato de abacaxi adiciona um sabor tropical, muito apreciado pelos nossos clientes. Para melhores resultados, recomenda-se o uso regular, especialmente para fumantes.
O Omorfee Lip Lightening Stick é livre de parabenos, parafinas, silicone, PEG, SLS, álcool, corantes sintéticos e fragrâncias artificiais, garantindo que apenas ingredientes orgânicos sejam utilizados para nutrir os lábios. Além de clarear, este bálsamo hidrata lábios secos, proporcionando uma aparência saudável e suave.
Prático e portátil, o produto pode ser facilmente transportado. Aplique-o nos lábios limpos como uma base para maquiagem labial ou sob o batom para resultados otimizados, especialmente em lábios superiores que tendem a escurecer devido ao tabagismo. Seu tamanho compacto é ideal para viagens e cabe facilmente no bolso, enquanto a embalagem elegante reflete a qualidade premium do produto.
Ao adquirir o Omorfee 100%% Organic Lip Lightening Stick, você também contribui para o plantio de uma planta orgânica, já que a Omorfee se compromete a plantar uma planta para cada produto vendido. A satisfação do cliente é nossa prioridade, e este produto é fabricado em instalações de ponta, utilizando ingredientes selecionados de fazendas para oferecer uma opção natural e saudável.
- Clareia os lábios escuros, restaurando a cor natural e o brilho.
- Proteção solar com FPS, defendendo a pele dos lábios contra danos solares.
- Formulado com ingredientes 100%% orgânicos certificados, sem químicos nocivos.
- Hidrata profundamente os lábios secos, proporcionando suavidade e conforto.
- Compacto e com embalagem atraente, ideal para uso diário e viagens.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o Omorfee 100%% Organic Lip Lightening Stick nos lábios limpos. Utilize-o como uma base para maquiagem labial ou aplique sob o batom para potencializar a eficácia. Para lábios superiores que estão opacos e escurecidos devido ao tabagismo, recomenda-se a aplicação regular do produto para clarear e restaurar a cor natural. Este bálsamo é seguro e eficaz para uso diário, garantindo lábios saudáveis e bem cuidados.
Olivia Pope –
I received this product on April 3rd. I used it once everyday sometimes twice. I have darkened lips I don’t know why, maybe perimenopause, sun exposure, antibiotic usage or the permanent lipsticks but my lips were bad. It certainly lightened up and softened. I don’t have chapped, rough lips but the color was very upsetting. I used a simple scrub too, I just mixed sugar and coconut oil with couple of drops essential oil. That helped with those white bumps but still working on them. I bought 50spf lip balm and prepared turmeric scrub now but I still use this balm. As someone said before, do not use it like a regular chapstick, a lentil size is enough and use your fingertip. It also helps to keep lips soft and hydrated as well. Smells nice, no taste.
Dhan –
I’ve been using 100% Pure and Burt’s Bees for many years…have tried every lipstick and lip-treatment imaginable but have never found anything that made a real (and lasting!) difference to lip texture, or tone. In my case the issue is not smoking, but the darkening and discolouration that comes with age: thinning tissues and probably sun exposure (a purplish’ blue cast is not very kind to a pale complexion!) . This beautiful formula is not only super-moisturizing, but restorative. After two weeks of use–constant use I should mention, but only because it feels wonderful–my lips are starting to look like they did in my twenties. Nothing but the highest praise for this wonderful lip balm–please never stop making it! I wish I’d taken a “before” picture so that I could show you the difference, which is like night &day.
Leo –
Does the job.. I have sensitive lips so this works well
S.Young –
I thought it was working after about a week. Left my lips very moisturised but now my lips look messed up. They have actually gotten darker and you can see the texture a lot more which is not a nice look at all. You know after you come out of the bath and your skin looks wrinkled, that’s how my lips look.
Don’t know what happened but I’m discontinuing use and won’t buy again…such a shame! Smells nice tho!
Basak yilmaz –
I recently tried the Omorfee 100% Organic Lip Lightening Stick for Dark Lips, and overall, I found it to be a reliable and natural option for lip care. This lip balm offers a combination of organic ingredients such as cocoa butter, carrot seed oil, and pineapple extract, aiming to provide lip lightening, protection, and repair.
One of the notable aspects of this lip lightening stick is its commitment to using organic ingredients. I appreciate that it is free from harmful chemicals and artificial additives, making it a safer choice for those who prefer natural products. The cocoa butter and carrot seed oil work together to nourish and moisturize the lips, leaving them feeling soft and supple.
The inclusion of SPF in the formula is a welcome addition. Sun protection is essential for maintaining the health and appearance of the lips, and the presence of SPF in this lip balm helps shield against harmful UV rays. It provides a layer of defense against sun damage, preventing further darkening or pigmentation.
ylifactory –
So I’ve only been using this product for 2 days. I had a really, REALLY bad reaction to a lip plumper that left my lips hyperpigmented and dry. My expectation was that with proper use, this would help – not cure – my issue. I read the reviews saying the product melts, and is gritty and that the applicator isn’t great. Guys, there’s literally instructions that state that you’re supposed to use your finger to warm the product and then dab it onto your lips. The tube is not an applicator, it’s just… a tube holding the product lol.
I got this Friday evening and applied *as instructed* before bed. By morning, when since my issue began, my lips have literally been so dry they make noise, they were supple again and considerably less dark. We’re talking less than 24 hours with one application!
I promise you, I am absolutely not a believer in miracle treatments and was not even expecting this kind of result from this product. However, here I am, astounded by this stuff after just 2 days.
Now, I will concede that the feel is not luxurious. When you warm it as instructed, it’s not gritty, but it’s definitely not a pillowy feel. It feels like a treatment, which is what it is. The smell is pretty pineapple-y, which I don’t mind at all. I also agree that the tube is pretty small, and the twist function pushes too much out for what’s actually needed. It’s definitely kind of a shabby setup for the cost. For that, and the fact that I’m only 2 days into use, I am not giving the full 5 stars.
I put Aerin rose lip conditioner over this treatment for a more emollient feel and it’s sublime. I’m super happy with this product overall and am also happy to return to this review to give the full 5 stars after at least a full week.
** Back to add 5th star! Totally reversed the darkness in less than a week! When I ran out, I purchased the version in the wooded tub and am now about to get a second container to replace it. The packaging on the wooden tub is super nice – gift worthy honestly. Highly recommend!
MK Foster –
Did not notice a change in my lips but the product is moisturizing. Be careful around heat/ body heat because it will leak through the package.
Francine –
still yet to find the effect
Basak yilmaz –
I have only had mine for a few days. Upon opening it and comparing it to the balm the product consistency is off. It’s very gritty as if it wasn’t even mixed together. The smell is okay and everything but I just wish I would have gotten sent a product that wasn’t off. Now I have to be inconvenienced in order to receive a refund and go return it to the store instead of throwing it away where it belongs due to no one else being able to use it. I hope the next one is better though. I really want to give the product a chance.
Olivia Pope –
This is not as described and absolutely not worth the cost. I usually will review only purchases that I really like, but will just ignore the ones I don’t like and never buy them again. I just had to write this review though, because I think the cost of this item isn’t worth it at all, even a 99cents lip balm will do better. It was described as a balm that helps lighten discolored lips, but the images I’ve attached with this review shows that the claim is wrong. The first 3 pictures was the first 3days of receiving and using the item (Feb. 9th-11th) and the last pic is today (Mar. 3rd) and my lips have no sign of improvement in the color. While using this I still experienced chapped/cracked bleeding lips which was painful because I thought this would stop it because the price seemed like it could do what it claimed, unfortunately I was wrong. I got the pineapple fragrance one. Another thing is that it melts in room temperature. so you have to constantly leave it in the refrigerator to stay solid otherwise you’ll find a mess when you open it up. Just sad I paid $14 for this.