OmegaXL Joint Support Supplement – 60 Softgels é o suplemento definitivo para a saúde e mobilidade das articulações. Vai além dos suplementos de ômega-3 padrão, que geralmente contêm apenas EPA e DHA. É uma fonte concentrada de óleo de mexilhão de lábios verdes, embalado com uma poderosa combinação de ácidos graxos saudáveis e mediadores lipídicos. Com mais de 35 anos de pesquisa clínica, essa mistura de alta potência promove a saúde das articulações, músculos, sistema imunológico e respiratório.
Nossa fórmula exclusiva ajuda a aliviar o desconforto ocasional nas articulações e músculos relacionado ao exercício, fornecendo ácidos graxos ômega-3 em uma forma de ácido graxo livre mais absorvível do que os óleos de peixe padrão. Não deixe que pequenos desconfortos o impeçam de levar uma vida ativa e saudável. OmegaXL é um suplemento alimentar natural, livre de drogas, que, quando tomado diariamente, tem mostrado promover a saúde das articulações e melhorar a mobilidade.
Além disso, OmegaXL também oferece suporte ao sistema imunológico, ajudando-o a funcionar corretamente, fornecendo 5.000 UI por dia da forma mais natural e absorvível desse nutriente vital em uma pequena cápsula gelatinosa diária, sem adição de enchimentos.
Sabemos que a vitamina D é essencial para a saúde da pele e que nosso corpo a produz quando exposto à luz solar. No entanto, é difícil obter o suficiente naturalmente, especialmente durante as mudanças sazonais. Nossa fórmula pura, combinada com óleo de cártamo, oferece uma maneira simples e segura de obter um pouco de sol por dentro.
A Great HealthWorks, fundada em 2003, está comprometida com o bem-estar e dedica-se a fornecer produtos de saúde e bem-estar de qualidade aos nossos consumidores. Nossa missão é fazer diferenças significativas na vida das pessoas, oferecendo soluções naturais baseadas em ciência. Dica: Durante o verão ou em climas mais quentes, mantenha seus suplementos na geladeira ou em um local fresco e seco para manter sua forma original em cápsula gelatinosa.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Suporte abrangente para a saúde das articulações e mobilidade.
2. Fórmula exclusiva com ácidos graxos saudáveis e mediadores lipídicos.
3. Alívio do desconforto ocasional nas articulações e músculos relacionado ao exercício.
4. Suporte ao sistema imunológico com a forma mais natural e absorvível de vitamina D.
5. Maneira simples e segura de obter vitamina D durante as mudanças sazonais.
Recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas gelatinosas de OmegaXL Joint Support Supplement por dia, de preferência com uma refeição. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
Momm2three –
My rating is 0 stars, but they didn’t have that as a choice.
My father insisted I buy this for his hurting legs. I talked to his doctor about it, and she giggled about mussels having green lips, but said if he wanted to try it, she wasn’t going to stop him, however, it’s not FDA approved. Long story short, we spent hundreds of dollars on this stuff and it didn’t even touch his pain. We weren’t aware of this initially, but you need to take 4 pills for 8 weeks to get to your therapeutic effect. PEOPLE this is a money grab preying on elderly people with chronic pain looking for relief. PLEASE look further into this before you buy! This product provides nothing you can’t get from other, MUCH CHEAPER omega 3 supplements. Read that again, and don’t let your elderly loved one get sucked into this. I’m so disappointed in John Walsh for putting his name on this stuff. If this helps you, hey, good for you, hopefully it’s not a financial strain. Just like Tylenol doesn’t work for me, but works great for others.
Definitely do some research before you buy. Also, I understand it’s difficult to stop the auto-ship once you’ve signed up. BEWARE!!!!
faith ruacho –
This truly is a miracle. I was in so much pain in my knee and the pain was horrible and it wouldn’t ease up or go away the only time I didn’t feel pain is when I was able to sleep. I went to a specialist and he said it Was arthritis and gave me a shot in my knee that hurt but the pain was back in 2hours went to anther doctor she said it was varicose veins gave me cream. Nothing was helping I couldn’t take the pain I was even crying yelling cut off my leg give me some relief. I was going crazy. Then I saw omega xl on TV and listen and I order on Amazon and after only 2 days my pain was Lmost gone it was at least bearable.within a week no more pain I’m able to walk again no side affects there’s only one thing to remember you got to take them every single day. I miss 2 days and the pain started coming back so I don’t miss a day…They are expensive but compare to pain or no pain it’s worth it. I’m a very happy 😊 and satisfied customer. I highly recommend to everyone. I rate this 100 stars and two thumps up. Thank you for making a miracles
Roxanne R Mead Author –
I’m an author and my typing is a must so this product has made an impact . I have been on my computer morning – tonight when I’m trying to put out a manuscript for my new book.those keys were singing as I had to meet the timeline production.I needed something that would work. I can move my hand. I’m just starting these tablets I’m hoping that I can continue to see this great success.
Paula M. –
Love this product. I would order directly from Omega, but I don’t want to be on an auto ship. Also, it comes faster via Amazon. Love the Vitamin D3 as well. My Dr wants me on Omega, and this product has no fishy taste, and is all natural.
Order omega xL is very good. The D3 was not in my order.
Cynthia Gross –
This product is helping me a lot
The item I received was just what I needed. –
Mega XL Work wonderful. A very wonderful product.
Charles R. Ector,Jr –
Not helping with the pain that it claims to it would. Not as I expected.