Olympian Labs Beef Protein Isolate lb, 1 Pound, Chocolate, 16 Ounce (03273)
O Olympian Labs Beef Protein Isolate é um suplemento em pó de proteína isolada de carne bovina, com 1 libra (16 onças) de sabor chocolate. Este produto se destaca por sua alta concentração de proteína, apresentando 24 gramas de proteína isolada por porção, além de ser livre de lactose e glúten, tornando-se uma excelente opção para aqueles que buscam evitar produtos lácteos ou de soja. Com um baixo teor de gordura e carboidratos, o Olympian Labs Beef Protein Isolate é ideal para atletas e pessoas que desejam aumentar a ingestão de proteínas para melhorar o desempenho físico e a recuperação muscular.
Além de sua composição rica em proteínas, este suplemento contém mais de 2 gramas de BCAA’s (aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada), essenciais para a recuperação muscular e o crescimento. Com mais de 28 gramas de aminoácidos totais, o Olympian Labs Beef Protein Isolate fornece os nutrientes necessários para apoiar a síntese de proteínas e promover o desenvolvimento muscular. É uma escolha confiável para adultos de todas as idades que buscam melhorar seu desempenho físico, seja em atividades esportivas ou na rotina diária.
- 1. Alta qualidade: Com 100% de proteína isolada de carne bovina, garante uma fonte pura e confiável de proteína.
- 2. Livre de hormônios BST: Proporciona uma opção segura para quem deseja evitar produtos hormonais.
- 3. Rico em BCAA’s: Auxilia na recuperação muscular e no crescimento, com mais de 2 gramas por porção.
- 4. Fonte de aminoácidos essenciais: Com mais de 28 gramas de aminoácidos totais, apoia a síntese de proteínas e o desenvolvimento muscular.
- 5. Adequado para adultos: Recomendado para qualquer adulto que deseja aumentar a ingestão de proteínas e melhorar o desempenho físico.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 24 gramas) do Olympian Labs Beef Protein Isolate em 8-10 onças de água ou sua bebida favorita. Recomenda-se consumir uma porção diariamente, preferencialmente após o treino ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. Este método de uso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e potencializa os benefícios do suplemento na recuperação e no crescimento muscular.
Amazon Customer –
been taking protein powders for 15 years and this is one of the best. great dark chocolate taste, stacked with aminos, great consistency even just in water. great deal too.
Ali –
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This is the worst protein I’ve ever eaten.
When you shake the protein it makes dough and can’t mixed properly.
Brandon H Mardis –
Pros: Good taste. Reminds me of cocoa crispy’s cereal.
Easy on stomach. Zero issue with digestion or stomach.
Price: Great price.
Cons: It does not mix well. Use a blender for best results. I prefer to use shake bottle being on the go, or after the gym and it’s a choir mixing this way. If you can look past that 1 flaw. It’s a great protein for your money.
HBren –
I bought this in the past and was very pleased with the taste and how it didn’t affect me negatively in my gut. I recently purchased again and the flavor tastes different and it immediately made my stomach feel like it was the 4th of July inside. It’s gross.
Ali –
容器の割に中身が少なくてびっくりした! 笑
そのせいかな? トレーニング前に飲んでましたが
取り敢えずリピはしません! 高いし… 笑
JC –
Minimal ingredients. Clean protein
I like it uses stevia vs artificial sweeteners.
Could it taste better? Yes but at what cost.
Tip: use 50% Raw Milk or Half &Half to water, improves the flavor
C. Ellis –
This is the only time I’ve ever reviewed an item with no promptings or email requests from sellers. That’s how impressed I am with this.
This tastes so friggin’ good!! Some time ago I developed an obssession with a certain fast food joint’s chocolate milk shakes and it started to worry me. The cost for one but also the nutritional aspect. I had no idea what I was really drinking when it came to the ingredients. One day I randomly came across a guy on youtube who talked about how this protein drink was the only protein drink product he knew of that he could fully support due to the ingredients. Just for s***s and giggles I bought 2 since the price was right. As soon as I opened one, I immediately noticed that they sell by weight and not volume. These are only half full! That pissed me off quite a bit. I don’t know much about shipping stuff so that was news to me…it might not be for you but FYI. I then blended a scoop with Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Vanilla flavored milk and took a sip. Holy !@#^$ cow!!! (no pun intended). Since then I have become hooked to this cause it’s that good! I’ve also tried this with Blue Diamonds Original milk and still tasted good but slightly less sweet (obviously). No more chocolate shakes that are incredibly bad for me. No more guilt when I succumb to temptation while trying to take care of myself. No more looking for the next best protein drink product in the “health” industry. I’m sticking with this item and when able am going to buy more. The half full container still irks me but the taste is too distracting for me to care long term. Eventually I will probably add comfrey to make this even healthier! I’ve added cacao powder to give it a stronger chocolate taste and to make it healthier and it’s friggin’ awesome! One thing I might also do is add 1 or 2 ice cubes to make it colder….frankly I would recommend you do the same but to each their own.
A word of warning and this is purely guessing. I looked up this company’s website and couldn’t find this product on their site. I am thinking that they have discontinued this product which explains the relatively low price which then means that eventually these will run out. If I am right, and again I haven’t bothered to verify, then you may want to hurry it up with your purchase.
Final thought: the reviewer who was bashing this product is very suspect to me. I can’t help but think they might be a competitor or disgruntled former employee, etc but that’s just me. I checked both of my containers for a “cancer sticker” and can’t find any so again, not sure why the hissy fit from that doofus.
All that said, if you want a delicious and extremely healthy protein drink instead of fast food milk shakes or protein drinks that have added crap put into them which then renders them unhealthy, then buy this and buy it now!
RoyS –
I have purchased this protein through Amazon many times. It appears to be the best beef protein at the lowest price. I also consume egg protein and whey protein at different times throughout the day. I have had good results with this. My only complaint is that it tastes awful. No pain. No gain,
Jake B. –
I can’t speak for muscle building because I don’t work out at all, but the chocolate flavor is good. I mix in some powdered peanut butter and it tones down the slight metallic taste. Not bad, will try more flavors.
Czarmaine –
Good but not enough for the price