OLLy Energized Thinker Brainy Chews: A Revolução do Foco e Energia
Em um mundo onde a agitação do dia a dia pode facilmente nos deixar sobrecarregados, encontrar uma maneira eficaz de manter a energia e o foco é essencial. Os OLLY Energized Thinker Brainy Chews surgem como a solução perfeita para aqueles que buscam um impulso mental sem complicações. Com 70mg de cafeína e vitamina B12, esses chicletes não são apenas um lanche saboroso, mas também um aliado poderoso para o desempenho cognitivo.
A fórmula inovadora dos OLLY Brainy Chews combina ingredientes que trabalham em sinergia com o seu corpo. A cafeína, conhecida por suas propriedades estimulantes, proporciona um aumento imediato de alerta e concentração, enquanto a vitamina B12 é fundamental para a produção de energia celular e a manutenção de um sistema nervoso saudável. Juntas, essas substâncias promovem uma clareza mental que pode ser a chave para enfrentar desafios diários, seja em um ambiente de trabalho exigente ou durante uma sessão de estudos intensos.
Os sabores tropicais de maracujá, goiaba, laranja e manga tornam a experiência de consumo ainda mais agradável, transformando a rotina de suplementação em um momento de prazer. Sem corantes ou sabores sintéticos, e com a garantia de serem vegetarianos e sem glúten, esses chicletes são uma escolha consciente para quem se preocupa com a saúde.
1. Suporte energético para o cérebro e desempenho cognitivo.
2. Mistura inteligente com 70 mg de cafeína.
3. Contém vitamina B12 para promover a produção de energia celular.
4. Sabores deliciosos de maracujá, goiaba, laranja e manga.
5. Fácil de levar para qualquer lugar com 20 chicletes por frasco.
Para obter o máximo de benefícios dos OLLY Energized Thinker Brainy Chews, recomenda-se mastigar 1 chiclete por dia, conforme necessário. É ideal levá-los na mochila ou bolsa, garantindo que você tenha sempre à mão um suporte energético quando a necessidade surgir. Não exceda a dose recomendada para garantir uma experiência segura e eficaz.
Blue Hedgehog –
Definitely like what this has to offer, but I really wish these were just regular old supplements since they definitely do not taste good enough to continuously chew.
First of all, they come in a nice bottle with a distinct shape and labeling. Inside each bottle is twenty of these tiny little square-shaped chews that resemble classic candies like Starburst a little too much in my opinion. They offer a similar taffy-like texture with a bright yellow color and faint fruity scent. I was excited to try them because of their resemblance to candy, but I was definitely disappointed in how they taste.
Each gummy features a blend of ingredients to capture a flavor that is reminiscent of a variety of tropical fruits such as passionfruit, guava, orange and mangoes. While I did taste a fruity flavor, it is immediately overpowered by a distinctly bitter and oddly salty flavor. I really didn’t like this flavor, but I didn’t want to spit it out. I tried to swallow it like any other pill but something about it just makes it really hard to swallow whole. My gag reflex keeps kicking in even though it isn’t particularly offensive. Far from pleasant but definitely not the worst thing I have ever put in my mouth. After the initial hurdle, I did find that the chews provide a tangible improvement in my alertness that is similar to caffeine but not as intense.
Worth trying for the benefits, but the taste is just really unpleasant. Definitely keep that in mind if you are particularly averse to awful flavors. This is like eating the bitter part of fruits.
Jasmine –
The taste is absolutely vile, if you want to know what bug spray taste like it would be this. It has the consistency of a starburst.
Josh –
These taste gross. The ingredients are all good except glucose syrup. Like why use that if you’re supposed to be a health conspicuous brand. I felt like this did nothing and my coworkers all said the same thing and we all hated the taste. Avoid
PerdHapley –
These OLLY Energized Thinker Brainy Chews are a great way to add a little caffeine and vitamins to your day. They come individually wrapped inside the bottle, so they stay fresh. The flavor is called “Tropical Groove,” and it tastes… fine. It’s like if mango fruit leather wasn’t completely dehydrated and also got bitter.
That said, the effects from the chews are great! Recommended.
Customer Review –
I love that I no longer have to swallow the vitamins I need. I really like how this vitamin helps with my energy levels. I was actually very impressed, as I did not expect it to work so well. It could be a placebo, but if it is, so be it!
I do take two gummies instead of one. I know there is another variation of these gummies without caffeine, but this gives me the energy I need.
Dav –
I came across these caffeinated chews from OLLY and immediately wanted to try them. I’m very glad that I did. I really needed an extra boost and having this on hand works wonders. The packaging is great just like many other products from OLLY. The chews themselves are individually wrapped and look like the shape of a Starburst. I really like unlocking the cap as it felt secure.
The taste of the chews were a little bit bitter. I suspect it’s from the caffeine but I’m not sure. Apart from the bitterness, the tropical mango-y taste is enjoyable. I think these chews did work for me. I was a bit more energetic after eating these and the effects seems to have lasted a few hours but your miles may vary.
All in all, I highly recommend these if you’re looking for an energy and productivity booster.
Derrick –
Let me preface this by saying, I am perpetually tired. I work a lot, and have kids, so I’m pretty much always running non-stop. As such, when I saw this, I knew I was the target audience and had to give them a try. As for my impressions of them, I’m a bit torn. I definitely did feel more alert and awake for the morning after chewing one, with it being able to take the place of my morning coffee. That said, it’s impossible to ignore the taste. They describe it as being “a tangy tropical blend of passionfruit, guava, orange and mango flavors”, but there’s a strong bitterness to it that overpowers any other hint of flavor you may have found in it. I did find if you chew it on the side of your mouth, it is a lot easier to ignore that bitterness.
With all that said, it does still seem to do what it claims to do. I just wish it was a more pleasant experience chewing it up to swallow. If the flavor was better, this would be an easy 5 star product, but as it stands, I have to give it 3.
Franco –
I’ve used Olly supplements for years, and I have always appreciated the quality of their products. I’m not a medical expert, so I can’t objectively evaluate how well these supplements work except to say that I notice a genuine difference in my demeanor, energy, and attention when I forget to take them.
That said, I was extremely disappointed with the “tropical groove” flavor. The description on the bottle says it’s “a tangy tropical blend of passionfruit, guava, orange and mango flavors.” At first, the flavor is a decent, though medicine-like fruit flavor, but the chews have a terribly bitter aftertaste that lingers for a while after you swallow. It’s genuinely unpleasant, and other people I’ve shared the chews with share the opinion. This one needs to go back to the drawing board.
So it’s a great Olly product in a terribly bitter package. I’d steer clear and stick with the more palatable flavors.