Descrição do Produto: Yes Parent Essential Oils
O Yes Parent Essential Oils é um suplemento inovador que combina ingredientes orgânicos à base de plantas, oferecendo uma solução eficaz para a reposição de óleos essenciais parentais que o corpo humano não consegue produzir. Com uma formulação baseada no renomado protocolo de Brian Peskin, Ph.D., este produto é elaborado com óleos de sementes orgânicas prensados a frio, garantindo a pureza e a eficácia dos nutrientes. Cada frasco contém 4oz de líquido, proporcionando uma maneira prática e eficiente de incorporar esses óleos essenciais na sua dieta.
- ✅ YES Ultimate EFAs Supplements são produzidos com óleos de sementes orgânicas prensados a frio, contendo Omega-6 e Omega-3 parentais. Baseado na formulação de Brian Peskin Ph.D. Óleos orgânicos certificados pela QAI International.
- ✅ YES Ultimate EFAs são a maneira ideal de repor os preciosos óleos essenciais parentais do seu corpo. Seu corpo não consegue produzir óleos essenciais parentais e eles são “essenciais” para todas as células do seu corpo.
- ✅ A única maneira de obter esses óleos é através da sua dieta, e se você consome alimentos processados, muitos dos EFAs que você está recebendo já foram alterados irreparavelmente pelos processadores de alimentos.
- ✅ Parent Omega-6 = LA: Ácido Linoleico (poliinsaturado) – girassol, prímula. Seu corpo utilizará principalmente a forma parental e fará os derivados conforme necessário. Os derivados são: GLA, DGLA, AA.
- ✅ Parent Omega-3 = ALA: Ácido Alfa-Linolênico (superinsaturado) – linhaça, cânhamo. Os derivados são: SDA, EPA, DHA. (O óleo de peixe é naturalmente quase 100% derivado de omega-3, portanto, não é a forma ideal para suplementação a longo prazo).
1. Reposição Eficiente de Óleos Essenciais: Ajuda a restaurar os níveis de óleos essenciais parentais que são cruciais para a saúde celular.
2. Sem Sabor de Peixe: Ideal para vegetarianos e veganos, evitando o gosto desagradável associado a muitos suplementos de omega-3.
3. Baseado em Ingredientes Orgânicos: Produzido com óleos prensados a frio, garantindo a máxima qualidade e biodisponibilidade.
4. Apoio à Saúde Geral: Contribui para a saúde cardiovascular, função cerebral e bem-estar geral.
5. Compatível com Dietas Específicas: Keto friendly, se encaixando perfeitamente em dietas de baixo carboidrato.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma colher de sopa (15ml) do Yes Parent Essential Oils diariamente. O produto pode ser adicionado a smoothies, saladas ou consumido diretamente. É importante agitar bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade dos ingredientes. Para maximizar a absorção, recomenda-se o uso em conjunto com uma dieta equilibrada e rica em nutrientes.
HoneyBee –
This oil is absolutely rancid! I wish I had been smarter and read the 1-star reviews before purchasing, because there are no returns accepted with supplements. Usually I buy the capsules, but after tasting this bitter, rancid oil I do not even trust the freshness of the capsules. Lesson learned. NEVER again! Total waste of money.
aogano –
Exceptional product.
Susan H. Kangas –
Oh, oh, oh, extended shelf life really is so helpful for urban living! Our clear and convenient oils are so easy to grab and use!
I did learn that such oils do affect the cells, making them unable to take in needed molecules for energy conversion by the mitochrondria. Like such oils “gum up the works”. Of course it takes awhile for this to show up in health problems. In terms of fatigue for which there is no explanation, yes, that it is a factor of causing.
A few years back I heard the expression, “Parent Essential Oils”, and had no clue how to find out what that meant. But recently I did see an article, and so came to Amazon to see if they had them. Hello YES! And, they are the ones referred to!
My body’s response to this was, “Oh, so good. Where have you been all my life?” As in, oh yes, the real McCoy. The product requires refrigeration once open, and in the fridge is also “out of mind”, and such can get forgotten. Not so with this product. I need this and again, that same response of looking forward to having more the next day. The disadvantage of the required refrigeration is that I have not figured out how my husband can take this when he travels.
But as for me, oh yes, this is a must have. A basic necessity. And I’m noticing that my skin is less dry on my arms. And I’m sensing that this necessity is affecting other areas, like perhaps weight distribution, or other body systems. I HIGHLY recommend this product, and already have. You’ve got to try it! It seems to enable other nutrients/foods to work as they should!
Amazon Customer –
This is a great product! I received it on time, package was good. I am currently on my second month taking PEO’s and I will not stop. The energy and mental clarity I get when doing my cardio is awesome! As a good side note, my cholesterol is lower than a females and my good cholesterol is very good. The Dr was surprised at my results. I never did check my cholesterol because I am only 26 220 lbs. But now that I did I got great results. Definitely orderering more for myslef and my diabetic father
TripleA –
I have used this product off and on for many, many years and I still believe it is still the best EFA product out there. I have tried other brands but they just don’t seem to curb my desire for carbs the way YES omegas do. Many years ago my daughter took them beginning in 7th grade as well and she lost a lot of weight which changed her life!! This product IS NOT from fish oil. Fish don’t have oil glands so a product that gets their EFA’s from fish oil is basically just squishing the fish! I can’t recommend a product more highly! Keep up the good work YES!
Amazon Customer –
I have been taking this for 4 years now; my life has changed. Better sleep, more energy, better circulation. I got started on it 4 years ago after reading scientific research by Prof. Brian Peskin and other medical authorities showing that it is a great anti cancer protection. After taking it all these years I have no doubt that it is at least 100 times better than fish oil and safer too. So you are protected on all sides. I could mention many others benefits from this product of vegetarian origin. As you see this is liquid form, but you can also find in soft capsules too.
Mum –
Great supplement!
Kellan –
I think this is a good formula. I would order it only in the cool to cold parts of the year. I feel some of the oils it contains do go rancid easily if kept at room temperatures and above or sitting in mail trucks for 2,3, 4 days during the warm months. Flax is one of them. I ordered it in Jan shipping to NC, it did have a little bite to it when it arrived but i think that was the pumpkin oil thats typically strong tasting. Store in fridge!
You can put this on your salads too, but often I just take it by the 1/2 teaspoon with a meal, with water.
Brad P2 –
The product is fantastic and I have used it before, from another vendor. This vendor did not make it arrive as promised on the sales information but, they also packaged it in a plastic bag mailer. Somehow, a squeze bottle of expensive oil, shipped with no padding or firm box to protect it, leaves me a bit uncomfortable. I think I will go back to my previous vendor and pay the additional 2 bucks. PS. They were out of stock, backordered for 3 weeks, when I ordered fro this vendor.
dana –
The concern with these Essential Fatty Acids is that they oxidize VERY easily, thats why oils like flax oil should be always refrigerated after pressing. When i took my first dose i did taste a bitter taste. Im not so sure about the freshness or how it was stored before i received it so it could be slightly oxidized already.