O Óleo Milagroso Earthly Body é uma combinação poderosa de óleo de melaleuca 100% natural e óleo de semente de cânhamo, projetado para oferecer uma experiência de cuidado com a pele incomparável. Com 30 ml de pura essência, este óleo é ideal para quem busca hidratação profunda, alívio de irritações e regeneração da pele. Suas propriedades hidratantes e calmantes ajudam a combater a secura, a irritação e a inflamação, promovendo uma pele mais suave e saudável. O óleo de melaleuca é conhecido por suas qualidades antibacterianas e antifúngicas, enquanto o óleo de semente de cânhamo é rico em ácidos graxos essenciais, que nutrem e revitalizam a pele.
O Óleo Milagroso oferece hidratação de longa duração, protegendo e rejuvenescendo a pele. Suas propriedades calmantes são eficazes para aliviar irritações e suavizar rugas, tornando-o um aliado indispensável na rotina de cuidados diários. Além disso, sua fórmula 100% natural garante segurança e eficácia, permitindo que seja utilizado em diversas partes do corpo, desde o rosto até as unhas e cutículas.
- Hidratação de longa duração para a pele
- Acalma irritações na pele
- Suaviza rugas
- 100% natural e seguro para uso
- Versátil e pode ser usado em várias partes do corpo
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o Óleo Milagroso Earthly Body na pele limpa e seca. Massageie suavemente até que o produto seja completamente absorvido. É recomendado o uso diário para maximizar a hidratação, acalmar irritações e suavizar rugas. O óleo pode ser aplicado em áreas secas, erupções cutâneas, unhas e cutículas. Evite o contato com os olhos e, em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso e consulte um médico.
Michelle –
It absorbed very well into my skin without feeling to oily. Very pleased with this product.
R Lovelace –
I love this miracle oil. I am currently undergoing and it can have many negative effects on our bodies. One thing I have found this useful for is softening cuticles and helping my natural nails grow.
Chelsey Angers –
I use this after i squeeze my pores, i use this after shaving, i love it on dry and damaged skin. This stuff has been my go to for inflamed and irritated skin for years! I wish this was more popular!
True Spirit –
I always have this on hand. This is an amazing product. It works great on athletes foot. A couple years ago I got a horrible virus on my foot from the gym shower (forgot my shower sandals. Big mistake). I developed a wart on my foot and had to go to a podiatrist. I had to file the wart down until it bled then put medicine in it. It did not work. Then I decided to use Miracle Oil. The problem was gone in a couple of days.
A guy I knew had itchy red hands. I gave him a bottle of Miracle Oil. It helped a great deal but he needed to take pills to get rid of the virus completely. Miracle Oil is good to have around for many reasons. I’m starting to use it on hemroids. Hope it helps.
Firefly –
I started using this on a bacterial skin infection I got from a puppy nipping my fingernail, and it worked great. I used it on a zit, and it was moderately effective. In the past, I’ve tried straight tea tree oil for skin problems, and it caused my skin to become red and irritated if I used it more than once or twice a week. For some reason, I can use this product (which also contains hemp seed oil, jojoba, apricot, avocado, and a bunch of other stuff) several times a day with no problems. I’ve also used it to treat a fungal skin infection on an adopted pit bull, after the expensive and messy Conzol spray from the vet had no effect. Within 2 or 3 weeks, treating her every 2-4 days, her skin was a nice, healthy pink and was growing new fur.
Amazon Customer –
Acelera la curación de heridas me encanta
Gabe –
Great product
M. Genevieve –
I picked up this product because I suffer from light to moderate psoriasis and some of my friends with similar conditions also suffer from same. They recommended this product to me. I waited a few months to review it because when I was reading the reviews of it – no other users had mentioned that it had helped their psoriasis and I wasn’t sure if it would help at all. I’ve tried Vitamin E oils before and they actually made the condition worse!
I have tried many products over the years with limited success. After four months of using it every other days (or when itchy) I am seeing REAL healing going on. It isn’t instantaneous and I have had to use it religiously after every shower but this product really helps with the itchy, redness of the condition!
My skin gets really bad when I itch the patches but I’ve been putting this oil on it when it itches and it takes it right out which allows my skin to heal. It doesn’t clear it completely but it helps. The oil is very light and my skin absorbs it easily. It has a light, pleasant smell that dissipates quickly so you don’t smell of it!
My only complaint about it is the two bottles sometimes run out near months end and I wish it came in a little larger bottle. My condition covers about 25% of my legs, arms and back so I use a lot of it. I have a recurring subscription and I highly endorse this product. I’ve had personal success with it anyhow. It’s not a complete healing but it really helps with the itch and it’s dissolving the scale of the condition.
Paul Williams –
As said works like a miracle. Used on cuts and scratches and heals fast and no marks. We have spare bittles that we have bought and others we introduced to love it. Will buy again
krystale –
Worked great for my boyfriend’s athletes feet