O Óleo Facial Superfood de Rosa Marroquina Vegano da Dr Botanicals é um verdadeiro elixir de beleza, projetado para oferecer um tratamento reparador antienvelhecimento que atende a todos os tipos de pele. Com uma fórmula rica em ingredientes naturais, este óleo facial destaca-se pelo uso do óleo de rosa marroquina, conhecido por suas propriedades excepcionais de hidratação e rejuvenescimento. A combinação poderosa de vitaminas e óleos essenciais proporciona resultados instantâneos, transformando a pele opaca e cansada em uma superfície radiante e revitalizada.
A rosa marroquina, com suas propriedades antioxidantes, atua na proteção da pele contra os danos causados por radicais livres, enquanto a vitamina C, um dos principais componentes, combate ativamente as linhas finas e rugas, promovendo uma aparência mais jovem. O ácido hialurônico, presente na fórmula, é um potente agente hidratante que retém a umidade, conferindo volume e suavidade à pele. Este óleo facial é ideal para quem busca uma solução prática e eficaz para manter a pele saudável e luminosa, independentemente do tipo de pele, seja ela seca, oleosa ou sensível.
- Hidratação excepcional: Proporciona uma hidratação profunda, deixando a pele macia e radiante.
- Combate ao envelhecimento precoce: A vitamina C ajuda a prevenir e controlar o envelhecimento, reduzindo linhas finas e rugas.
- Adapta-se a todos os tipos de pele: Fórmula versátil que atende desde peles secas até oleosas.
- Hidratação intensa: O ácido hialurônico garante uma pele volumosa e saudável, minimizando a aparência de rugas.
- Resultados instantâneos: Uso regular resulta em uma pele mais brilhante, suave e hidratada, aumentando a confiança do usuário.
Robert Breeden –
I originally got this in an ipsy bag and LOVED it. I was so happy to find it on Amazon. It might be slightly thinner than the original bottle, but it is definitely not like water. The 30ml bottle was nice and full, the smell is the same, which is very pretty and it smoothes over my skin very nicely. The feel of it is hydrating, without being greasy. It is the only moisturizer i use and it keeps my skin smooth and hydrated.
Lura –
So I bought this to make my skin softer and more moisturized, and my main worry is that the oil would break me out. I’ve been using it for almost one week, and specifically only used it on the bottom half of my face, so I could leave the top one as a control variable and make sure this stuff doesn’t give me more zits. Shockingly, even though this is the time of month where I get the most zits, the bottom half of my face seems less pimply than usual. The top half of my face kept breaking out as usual. It’s no miracle cure, but I think it’s actually helping fight pimples, and seeing as all I was hoping for was that it wouldn’t cause pimples, I’m pleasantly surprised!
Color is actually yellowy or brown rather than the pink shown in the photos, but I don’t really care.
Face feels nice and refreshed after applying and it smells good. I look forward to the step of putting it on. If all this continues I’ll be buying it again when it runs out.
Dawn Bemiller –
I never feel like my skin is complete without this , I e used it family for years
Belora –
I was very skeptical to order this from Amazon due to the bizarre reviews. Before I ordered this I asked the seller to confirm that this is legitimate. Of course they said it comes directly from the UK and has been bought by Amazon at a discounted price. They said if I simply don’t like it, I can return it for a full refund. So you cant really go wrong. I also got this product in an IPSY subscription box and fell in love. It is the best serum I’ve ever used and doesn’t break me out or leave my face feeling sticky or slimy. Dr. Botanicals doesn’t ship to the US YET but they are working on it per their website. For now I am going to continue purchasing it here, its cheaper and from what I’ve experienced isn’t any different from the “real” product. Don’t let the other negative reviews freak you out. They are petty and are untrue. If you get it and simply think its “fake” or has been tampered with in any way return it for a full refund!
Zoe Panagos –
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I LOVE this oil. I got it in my IPSY bag and I have loved it ever since I first tried and have not stopped using it!! I have really oily and acne prone skin so I thought it would be counterintuitive to use an oil, but it has really helped moisturize my face and I’ve actually seen improvements in my skin!! But I mainly use it as a primer for my makeup and I feel it helps keep my foundation on longer and also gives me a nice glow with or without makeup (as seen in the video)!! It is very liquid-y when you first apply it but thickens up a little as you rub it around. Once it’s on it doesn’t leave my skin feeling like I’ve got gallons of oil on it!
The scent is so good, too! I have relatively sensitive skin and a lot of products tend to turn my skin red but this one works just fine! The scent is not too powerful… only when you first apply it. But after a while the scent starts to fade away.
From other reviews it seems hit or miss on whether you get a proper bottle but for me it is the exact same scent, color, and texture as the trial size I received and was filled all the way!
Zoe Panagos –
Great product for skin care
antonia chiara ciancaglini –
I loved the way it spreads on my skin and keeps my skin moisturized. It’s quality is way better than the overpriced branded face oil. However, I just hated the fragrance. I would strongly recommend this product to everyone.
Ashley –
Ottima idratazione e texture, anche il profumo . È diventato un olio essenziale per la mia beauty routine
Amazon Customer –
This product is amazing and I love it! But after i put it on my face gets a weird jello texture so I put pond moisturizer on to get it really soft.
Kitty lynne –
This is not oil it’s is a highly purfumed, water like, STICKY, substance that smells nothing like roses. Horrible!