O Óleo Facial Hidratante de Pétalas de Rosa com Óleo de Rosa Mosqueta – Clean Beauty 30ml é a escolha perfeita para quem busca uma pele radiante e rejuvenescida. Este óleo facial nutritivo e hidratante é formulado com uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes naturais, incluindo pétalas de rosa e óleo de rosa mosqueta, que proporcionam uma hidratação intensa e nutrição profunda à pele. Com suas propriedades suavizantes, ele ajuda a reduzir a aparência de linhas finas, promovendo uma textura mais macia e uniforme.
Enriquecido com 10 extratos botânicos, óleos essenciais e vitaminas, o Óleo Facial Hidratante Clean Beauty não só hidrata, mas também acalma a pele, tornando-se um aliado indispensável na rotina de cuidados diários. O óleo de rosa mosqueta, conhecido por sua riqueza em ácidos graxos essenciais e antioxidantes, atua na redução de cicatrizes e na melhora da elasticidade da pele. A vitamina E, um potente antioxidante, fortalece a função de barreira da pele, protegendo-a contra agressões externas e mantendo-a saudável e vibrante.
Os produtos Clean Beauty são cuidadosamente elaborados com ingredientes seguros e eficazes, garantindo que você esteja utilizando um cosmético que respeita tanto a sua pele quanto o meio ambiente. Fabricado nos EUA, este óleo facial é a escolha ideal para quem valoriza a beleza consciente e sustentável.
- Hidratação intensa e nutrição para a pele
- Ajuda a reduzir linhas finas e cicatrizes
- Fortalece a função de barreira da pele
- Ingredientes seguros e eficazes
- Produto fabricado nos EUA
Após limpar e tonificar a pele, aplique algumas gotas do Óleo Facial Hidratante Clean Beauty na palma das mãos. Massageie suavemente no rosto e pescoço, garantindo que o produto seja absorvido de maneira uniforme. Para melhores resultados, utilize diariamente, tanto pela manhã quanto à noite. Evite o contato com os olhos e, em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso e consulte um médico.
Rachel Jones –
I can barely smell the Rose oil in this bottle. I’ve purchased this product before and it has a strong rose scent which is what I loved about it. While this one is a good facial oil it’s lacking the rose scent which is a bummer.
Jenny –
This oil soaks right into the skin leaving my face very moisturized. I use it in the morning and at night.😃
It also has a light sent that smells amazing!
I will definitely be buying this again.
Stephanie –
Love how it makes my skin glow and I get lots of compliments since I started wearing this. I’ve always had decent skin until the last 8 years when it started peeling randomly from dehydration. I’ll drink tons of water and eat right but my skin needed something extra and this was it!
Lynsie –
This oil has helped my face with the dryness of winter. I was using moisturizer that wasn’t helping and then I went to this and moisturizer and it has helped tremendously. Plus it doesn’t have a smell and it doesn’t make my skin super oily either.
Dria B –
Thick and smooth oil but not much change in skin or blemishes. Not enough Rose hip.
Good oil just not for blemished skin.
Engee –
I love to use a oil moisturizer on my face at night. This is perfect and does not interfer with any permanent make-up you may have. I smooth it on after I wash my face while my skin is still slightly damp and add a moisturizer afterwards. I love it. I read in other reviews that the fragrance is strong, that is not my experience. The fragrance is light and refreshing. and I do not like strong fragrances. Recommend.
Heather –
I’m in love with this. I have some kind of problem with my face and hands getting so dry they feel like a fine grit piece of sandpaper and no amount of exfoliating wash will fix it. Not only has this gotten rid of the wrinkle between my brows. It makes my skin feel supple and moist and prevents it from drying out and getting that sandpaoery feeling. I hope this product is made as is for the rest of my life! Lol 😂 But really!
Michelle Baxter –
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This product works great!!! Just take a few drops on any dry areas, let it soak in for a few minutes, and feel how Moisturizing it is!!! What a great value for the money!! You’re going to live your appearance after using this product! It makes your moisturizer last all day long!!! It absorbs easily! Your appearance will be fresh and hydrated all day long!!
(It’s also great on hands, neck, and elbows!)