Descrição do Produto: UpNature Beauty Essential Oil Blend Roll On – 100% Óleo de Rícino Orgânico
Descubra a essência da beleza natural com o UpNature Beauty Essential Oil Blend Roll On, uma mistura luxuosa de óleo de rícino orgânico e óleo essencial de olíbano. Este produto foi cuidadosamente elaborado com ingredientes de alta qualidade, proporcionando uma abordagem rica e natural para o cuidado da pele. Ideal para aqueles que buscam uma solução de beleza à base de plantas, este roll-on é a escolha perfeita para quem deseja nutrir e revitalizar a pele, elevando sua rotina de beleza a um novo patamar.
Com a combinação poderosa de 100% de óleo de rícino puro e óleo essencial de olíbano, este roll-on oferece uma maneira prática e eficaz de realçar o brilho natural da sua pele. Sua fórmula é projetada para proporcionar uma hidratação profunda, deixando a pele macia e radiante. O design portátil e a aplicação fácil tornam este produto uma adição indispensável ao seu kit de cuidados diários, permitindo que você tenha uma pele radiante a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar.
Gentil o suficiente para todos os tipos de pele, este roll-on de óleo essencial ajuda a manter a suavidade e a elasticidade da pele sem o uso de produtos químicos agressivos. Ao incorporá-lo à sua rotina, você adiciona uma camada extra de nutrição que promove uma aparência saudável e vibrante. Com ingredientes puros e isentos de toxinas, o UpNature Beauty Essential Oil Blend Roll On é uma escolha segura e natural para os entusiastas da beleza que buscam qualidade e eficácia.
– Hidratação Profunda: O óleo de rícino orgânico proporciona uma hidratação intensa, ideal para peles secas e desidratadas.
– Ação Antienvelhecimento: O óleo essencial de olíbano é conhecido por suas propriedades antienvelhecimento, ajudando a reduzir a aparência de rugas e linhas finas.
– Praticidade: O formato roll-on permite uma aplicação fácil e sem bagunça, perfeito para o uso diário ou em viagens.
– Ingredientes Naturais: Com 100% de ingredientes puros e não transgênicos, é uma escolha segura para quem busca evitar aditivos e fragrâncias sintéticas.
– Adequado para Todos os Tipos de Pele: Sua fórmula suave é ideal para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo as mais sensíveis.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o UpNature Beauty Essential Oil Blend Roll On diretamente nas áreas desejadas da pele, como rosto, pescoço ou áreas secas do corpo. Utilize-o após a limpeza da pele, permitindo que os ingredientes penetrem profundamente. Aplique uma quantidade generosa e massageie suavemente com movimentos circulares até que o óleo seja completamente absorvido. Para um efeito ainda mais revitalizante, use-o diariamente como parte da sua rotina de cuidados com a pele, especialmente antes de dormir, para acordar com uma pele radiante e rejuvenescida.
Shasta –
OK, this is gonna be kind of a long review and I’m doing at tts so I forgive me for misspellings, weird words, etc. I’ll try to correct what I can.
This was not it for the level of pain that I was in in the past I’ve used the doTERRA roll-on. I don’t remember what it’s called but I’m out and I no longer have a doTERRA contact and I couldn’t find it in Amazon when I was looking for, and this had similar Ingredients so I thought I’d give it a try
All of that said, I create safety packs for when I get in these moments of migraines because I can’t think straight and I need to have a toolbox of things to get me through because even though I’m on major question narcotics it they don’t cut it. it’s it’s a matter of me being able to make it to the other side even with the amount of pain that I’m in so one of the tools I use is a roll-on and this one the scent was great it had more of a wintergreen sense and you didn’t have that earthy sent from things like frankincense and some of the other more I don’t know I’ll explain them but the ones that smell more like dirt to me so that was nice because one of the things I do is put the wrong on my nasal passage because that stimulation generally is a distraction from the throbbing in my face unfortunately, this one didn’t have the same level of menthol in it or the same effect I guess because it seems like it does have the same amount basically as the other ones, but it didn’t it didn’t do the menthol thing and if it did, it was for a very brief less than a minute sort of thing and so I used it initially, and then I moved onto another one. I’ll leave after this. It had a little bit more saying power but in my memory, neither one of them match to the doTERRA for length of menthol stain, which is important for me because it’s a distraction from the throbbing, which may weird, but you have these kind of headache you will understand.
So I’m gonna give this one a three star for now maybe the next time I have an episode it’ll be different and I may come back and re-rank but for me this one didn’t hit enough for me to recommend if you’re having a balls to the walls migraine for it to be useful
R.L. –
Used in conjunction with Amazon’s iodine to clean the area first, then rolled the tea tree onto kiddo’s molluscum. Did this twice per day am and pm, the molluscum disappeared completely, with no scabs or scarring, within 2 weeks. (Many small ones disappeared within days)
For reference, medical treatment at the pediatrician left blistering, 2 weeks of healing, and scarring, with residual molluscum that would have had to be retreated several times. The tea tree method was pain free, quicker, and has resulted in no further reoccurrence. The issue has now been completely resolved.
Amazon Customer –
I love this oil! It smells great and when you apply it to all your pressure points, behind ears, wrists, chest, back of neck and bottom of feet it really does help calm and relax you to fall asleep. Highly
Recommend and will purchase again and again!
Leona J Bell –
I would have gave this five stars but I seen in some of the reviews that it does not run it does run so be careful if you’re putting it on your forehead it will get in your eyes. Other than that this is strong peppermint you only a little dab of do you takes my headaches away I rub it in the back of my neck and it takes my neck pain away. I also sniff it if I have a headache highly recommend this product.
Cameron Lorica –
Needed something to stop all the other smells from making me gag. Works great. It’s like Vicks when you’re sick but I can’t stand the smell of Vicks either rn. The frankincense is fantastic and helps while I’m making food for my husband or the kids rather than having to stand there w a garbage can about to puke from the smells I can just take a few breathers and inhale this stuff and I’m ok.
Cindy Y. –
I like this. It has a nice smell and works. It only take a little rub on pressure points and lulls you to sleep. I will get more when I run out. It is better than taking pills that make you feel groggy and moody in the morning, like you don’t want to get up.
Nofeen –
I loved everything about this product. I love the smell, the purity of the oils. It comes in a bottle with the rollerball. I use it for my skin and also for my reiki sessions the scent is amazing. You can tell that it is a pure essential oil. I would highly recommend this company to anybody. The price is amazing. Other companies you would at least pay close to $100 where if you check it out this company doesn’t charge anything near that. I would highly recommend the oil and will continue recommending it to anybody I meet.
Arlene R. –
This stuff is really great and it works!!
Frankincense & Myrrh really works immediately!!
I have this on an automatic subscription.
The roller bottle is great-you can reach places where you have pain.
It is very easy to use. Can’t say enough about how great the stuff is.
We’ll definitely be recommending this and buying more from this company.