Óleo Essencial de Canela doTERRA – 5 ml
O Óleo Essencial de Canela doTERRA é uma verdadeira joia da natureza, extraído da casca da canela, uma especiaria amplamente reconhecida por seu aroma envolvente e sabor marcante. Além de ser um ingrediente popular na culinária, a canela possui uma gama impressionante de benefícios para a saúde que a tornam um aliado indispensável no dia a dia. Este óleo essencial é conhecido por suas propriedades que promovem a saúde, sendo um suporte eficaz para a função metabólica saudável e para a manutenção de um sistema imunológico robusto.
- Bem conhecida por seu uso como especiaria, a casca de canela também possui muitos benefícios para a saúde.
- Suporta a função metabólica saudável.
- Mantém um sistema imunológico saudável.
- Usada há muito tempo para temperar alimentos e para seus benefícios internos à saúde.
O Óleo Essencial de Canela doTERRA é ideal para quem busca não apenas um sabor especial em suas receitas, mas também um impulso na saúde geral. Seu uso regular pode ajudar a equilibrar o metabolismo, tornando-se um excelente complemento para dietas e estilos de vida saudáveis. Além disso, suas propriedades antimicrobianas e antioxidantes ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, proporcionando uma defesa natural contra doenças.
1. Aumenta a eficiência do metabolismo, auxiliando na perda de peso.
2. Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir resfriados e gripes.
3. Proporciona um aroma reconfortante que pode melhorar o humor e reduzir o estresse.
4. Possui propriedades antimicrobianas que ajudam a combater infecções.
5. Pode ser utilizado em receitas culinárias, adicionando sabor e benefícios à saúde.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Óleo Essencial de Canela doTERRA, recomenda-se diluí-lo em um óleo carreador antes da aplicação tópica. Para uso interno, adicione uma gota a um copo de água ou em receitas de smoothies. Para aromatização, utilize um difusor, permitindo que o aroma envolvente preencha o ambiente, promovendo um clima de bem-estar. É importante realizar um teste de sensibilidade antes do uso tópico e consultar um profissional de saúde se estiver grávida, amamentando ou sob tratamento médico.
Party of 6 –
These are definitely legit. They’re the best, even surpassing Young living. They’re strong, so you only need a few drops. Smells wonderful. I’ve purchased many different oils, and Doterra is my favorite. Yes,they’re pricey, but worth it.
EDH shopper –
This was recommended to me by a company that has a weight loss program requiring intermittent fasting. This is food grade and they recommend adding a few drops to coffee in the morning and postponing the first meal until noon. After a week, I think this really did help regulate my blood sugar during the morning fast. I now use it just about every morning and also add some cardamom and clove making it a chai coffee. No more growls and no more shaky feeling LOL.
J. Roddy –
This stuff is awesome! Tastes great in a pitcher of tea….all you need is ONE drop to flavor the whole thing, and cinnamon bark is an excellent immune system booster. I just wish it wasn’t so expensive, but that’s the price for quality. Do Terra is well trusted, as their oils are tested by second and third parties for purity, so if they say you can ingest certain oils, I believe them. Also, the cinnamon bark is helps with digestion- for me, anyway!
A. Ryan –
At first I was taken aback by the seeming lack of pungency of this Cinnamon essential oil, but then I remembered: this is REAL cinnamon bark (cinnamomum verum), not the cassia (cinnamomum aromaticum cassia) that’s commonly labelled as cinnamon in the USA. Just like a stick of real cinnamon bark, this essential oil has that light, clean, almost floral scent with just a touch of sweetness.
Cassia oil is definitely a heavier and sharper scent, which many actually prefer; however if you want the aromatherapeutic benefits of real cinnamon bark oil, this EO is what you’ll need.
I have used my cinnamon EO in a recipe to imitate doTerra’s On Guard blend. It’s nice to dilute the blend with distilled water in a spray mister, which I then use as a sanitizing spray on tables and counter tops — it smells like Christmas cheer in a bottle. Here is the basic blend:
20 drops clove essential oil
18 drops orange or lemon essential oil
10 drops cinnamon bark essential oil
8 drops eucalyptus essential oil
5 drops rosemary essential oil.
Simply combine into a small, dark glass bottle and swirl to blend. Dilute with water or carrier oil when ready to use. If using as a spray, put approx one teaspoon of the blend into a 4 oz glass bottle with a mister pump and fill to the top with distilled water: shake before each use to disperse oils.
There are a lot of uses for cinnamon bark oil due to its antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal, etc. properties. It is a very potent medicinal oil, and I have also heard of people using cinnamon EO to flavor their cooking and baking in place of powdered cinnamon. Keep in mind that a very little goes a long way, and that you should never apply this particular oil directly to skin — predilute at no more than 3% in a carrier oil to avoid “burning” skin reactions!
mdchick –
This is an amazing cinnamon smell. I don’t know how DoTerra captures these scents, but ones that have been unbalanced by other companies and products that have turned me off to the smell of cinnamon and peppermint, DoTerra has captured Perfectly and beautiful. I love filling up my diffuser and it runs nonstop in my home.
teresa lee –
I ordered this to help with pain from root canal extractions. I diluted it with coconut oil and dabbed it on the gums. It really helped the pain. I stay away from prescription antibiotics and use other essential oils instead. All went well and it’s healed nicely. Now I use it on my gut as an antimicrobial. I love the smell of it too!
Jennifer W –
I use this in tea, defuse as a mood lifter and immune support. Total believer in these all natural products. Worth the money for the real deal.
AmazonWoman –
I must say I was a little hesitant to order Doterra off of Amazon after reading some reviews and horror stories about getting fake or diluted Doterra from vendors trying to make a buck. I had initially added all the Doterra products I wanted to my cart without considering this. After thinking about it, I went back through each item in my cart and selected the seller from the “available from these other sellers” list who had listed their Wellness Advocate license number and I am super happy I did because I received this and others all in their sealed, perfect, delicious, wonderful greatness! Wonderful smell, wonderful brand, wonderful seller!!!! Thanks!!