Óleo de Vitamina E para o Rosto da Sky Organics, 36.000 UI – Mistura Ultra Antioxidante para Reparar a Umidade e Aliviar a Pele Seca e Danificada
O Óleo de Vitamina E para o Rosto da Sky Organics é uma poderosa mistura de óleos vegetais orgânicos nutritivos e hidratantes, contendo 36.000 UIs de Vitamina E antioxidante para acalmar, apoiar e repor a pele seca ou comprometida.
Este óleo leve a médio é perfeito para peles opacas ou cansadas, nutrindo todos os tipos de pele sem obstruir os poros. Basta massagear 2-3 gotas na pele seca ou combiná-lo com o seu soro ou hidratante favorito. Aplique de manhã e à noite para obter melhores resultados.
A fórmula deste produto é simples e contém apenas quatro ingredientes: Vitamina E, Óleo de Soja Orgânico, Óleo de Jojoba Orgânico prensado a frio e Óleo de Rosa Mosqueta puro, virgem e não refinado. O Óleo de Soja Orgânico repõe e amacia a pele, enquanto o Óleo de Jojoba Orgânico acalma suavemente e apoia uma aparência saudável da pele. O Óleo de Rosa Mosqueta rejuvenesce a pele opaca, proporcionando hidratação de longa duração.
A Sky Organics é uma empresa certificada pela B Corporation, o que significa que ela atende a altos padrões de responsabilidade social e ambiental. Além disso, este produto é certificado pelo USDA como orgânico, vegano e certificado pela Leaping Bunny como livre de crueldade animal.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Poderosa mistura antioxidante: Com 36.000 UIs de Vitamina E, este óleo oferece uma ação reparadora e hidratante intensa para a pele seca e danificada.
- 2. Leve e não obstrui os poros: Sua fórmula leve a médio peso é adequada para todos os tipos de pele, sem causar obstrução dos poros.
- 3. Ingredientes orgânicos e puros: Feito apenas com ingredientes orgânicos e puros, como Óleo de Soja Orgânico, Óleo de Jojoba Orgânico e Óleo de Rosa Mosqueta puro, este produto oferece benefícios naturais para a pele.
- 4. Certificações confiáveis: A Sky Organics é uma empresa certificada pela B Corporation, USDA Certified Organic e Leaping Bunny Certified Cruelty-Free, garantindo a qualidade e integridade deste produto.
- 5. Hidratação duradoura: O Óleo de Rosa Mosqueta presente nesta fórmula proporciona uma hidratação de longa duração, deixando a pele com uma aparência radiante e saudável.
- Hidratação intensa que combate a secura e o ressecamento da pele.
- Reparação eficaz de danos causados por fatores ambientais e radicais livres.
- Propriedades antioxidantes que ajudam a proteger a pele contra o envelhecimento precoce.
- Fórmula leve que se adapta a todos os tipos de pele, promovendo uma aparência saudável sem obstruir os poros.
- Ingredientes orgânicos que garantem segurança e eficácia, promovendo um cuidado consciente com a pele.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique 2-3 gotas do Óleo de Vitamina E para o Rosto da Sky Organics na pele seca, massageando suavemente até a completa absorção. Para potencializar os benefícios, você também pode misturá-lo com o seu soro ou hidratante favorito. Use diariamente, de manhã e à noite, para uma pele hidratada, reparada e revitalizada.
Wayne A. Rogers –
My skin/body are sensitive to everything, so I’ve searched for a face cream for a while that isn’t chemical-laden and won’t break me out. I’ve been using this for about a month and it is just the amount of moisture I need and I’ve only had one pimple which came a day after using sunblock so I know it wasn’t from this oil. I could do without the soybean oil in it, but overall it has been great.
kelsey –
I bought this product for multiple reasons. I wanted a moisturizer for my face that wouldn’t make me break out and also would help with the redness. It worked wonders! It isn’t oily (it absorbs quickly), and I already notice a difference in my skin. It even helped get rid of acne which is weird. I also use it on scars and noticed a difference within a week. I would highly recommend this product! Not only is it amazing, but it’s inexpensive. You can’t beat that!
Sierra –
I donate plasma twice a week and have scars starting to form, I don’t want people to think I do drugs so I wanted to find something to help heal the areas. One of the people who works at my plasma donation center recommend this oil and it’s been working great! On my right arm which I’ve stopped using for plasma looks almost completely healed. It does smell a little fishy so I don’t recommend smelling it directly but I cant tell just putting it on day to day. The nozzle does kinda suck but you can put it in a small dish or do what I do and put it on a qtip and it’s been working fine.
Crystal –
A girl on tik tok recommended this oil and I wanted to try it. I’ve been using it for a week and when I say I’ve seen a change in my skin, girl I mean my skin is glowing! My skin for the last 3 weeks has been so dry and itchy. I first started using this oil at night and within days my skin wasnt red and itchy anymore. The last 3 weeks I would have to color correct before my foundation because of the redness and now my skin feels so soft and the redness is gone. Today I decided to use it under my makeup and my foundation looks flawless. I recommend 2 pumps at night, let is sink in and 1 pump if you are planning to use it under your makeup. Too much will make your face oily
Ordinary Jane –
Edit to my below review: After I posted my review below, the seller contacted me & offered to make good. So I will be purchasing this item again where I had a great experience w/product in past & also with seller here. So do not hesitate to give this a try.
5 star on brand but 1 star on bottle received from here. Lot#864635… Love this product but not the one from here. I purchased this before in stores and fell in love with it. However, this particular bottle smelled just like another person stated, “straight up motor oil”. I missed return date. Wish I had opened and checked it right away as I was finishing up another bottle. Next time, I’ll go back to store to purchase.
Alma Garcia –
I have mixed skin and this works perfect for me. It took me time to get used to the new formula because of the smell but you get used to it and works just as fine as the last one.
Très fière de mon achat
Service rapide.
JM –
I like this oil. I was recommended this by my surgeon. I had to have surgery on my foot, and had two large incisions on top of foot, and I asked about scarring which of course is inevitable, and he recommended me buy this vitamin E oil and start rubbing on my incisions. Well did just that, and scars are hardly visible. As soon as i would get out of the shower would massage this oil in incisions every single day. Before I went to bed, massaged this oil on again and put on my socks, my feet were so smooth and soft, and incision too. Also, started using on my face as i have scarring there too, and made my face very soft, not so much noticeable improvement in scarring, but it’s great! Recommend!
Brian Monroe –
I am new to using an oil on my face for health due to having acne issues previously. However I have been using for a week and have had no acne out breaks from oil on my skin. I find it absorbs really well and is pleasant on my skin. I have not noticed any immediate reduction in blemishes, but am motivated to continue using for moisture since I do not want to use a cream based solution or something full of chemicals. This product is straightforward and meets my needs. It shipped fast and was in order upon arrival. I put about 2-3 squirt fulls in my hands and apply in an upwards massage motion on my face. Any access I rub in my hair or arms till satisfied.
love it to treat scars