Óleo de Shea e Amêndoa Doce para Cabelo e Corpo | Óleo Corporal Hidratante Puro para Pele Seca, Couro Cabeludo e Cabelo [Fragrância: Coco Manga, 120 ml]
Descubra o poder da natureza com o Óleo de Shea e Amêndoa Doce, uma combinação perfeita de ingredientes que nutrem e hidratam profundamente a pele e os cabelos. Este óleo corporal e capilar é formulado com manteiga de karité 100% pura e óleo de amêndoa doce, proporcionando uma experiência de cuidado que vai além da simples hidratação. Com uma fragrância envolvente de coco e manga, cada aplicação transforma seu ritual de beleza em um momento de prazer sensorial.
O óleo é ideal para quem sofre com pele seca e cabelos danificados, pois sua fórmula leve e não oleosa é rapidamente absorvida, deixando a pele macia e os fios sedosos. A manteiga de karité é conhecida por suas propriedades emolientes e regeneradoras, enquanto o óleo de amêndoa doce é rico em vitaminas e ácidos graxos que promovem a elasticidade e a suavidade da pele. Juntos, esses ingredientes criam uma barreira protetora que ajuda a reter a umidade, garantindo uma hidratação duradoura.
Além de ser um excelente hidratante, o Óleo de Shea e Amêndoa Doce também é versátil. Pode ser utilizado no corpo, rosto, cabelos e couro cabeludo, oferecendo uma solução completa para o cuidado diário. Aplique-o após o banho para potencializar a hidratação ou use-o como um óleo de massagem relaxante, permitindo que o aroma doce de coco e manga envolva seus sentidos e traga uma sensação de bem-estar.
- Hidratação Profunda: Proporciona uma hidratação intensa para pele seca, couro cabeludo e cabelos, combatendo a desidratação.
- Absorção Rápida: Sua fórmula leve é rapidamente absorvida, evitando resíduos oleosos e deixando a pele e os cabelos macios.
- Fragrância Exótica: A fragrância de coco manga oferece uma experiência sensorial única, tornando o cuidado diário mais prazeroso.
- Origem Sustentável: Apoia a comunidade de mulheres em Gana, que produzem a manteiga de karité de forma ética e sustentável.
- Versatilidade: Pode ser utilizado em diversas partes do corpo, incluindo rosto, corpo e cabelos, simplificando sua rotina de cuidados.
Para melhores resultados, aplique uma pequena quantidade do óleo nas mãos e massageie suavemente na pele limpa e seca, focando nas áreas mais ressecadas. Para uso no cabelo, aplique uma quantidade moderada nas palmas das mãos e distribua uniformemente nos fios úmidos ou secos, evitando a raiz. Massageie suavemente o couro cabeludo para estimular a circulação e promover a saúde capilar. Utilize diariamente ou conforme necessário para garantir hidratação e nutrição intensas.
Bird Reviews –
This is literally one of the best body oils I’ve tried. It makes my skins feels extremely soft and the scent is like heaven. It smells very tropical and it has my skin glistening…especially in the sun. I haven’t tried it in my hair yet so I can’t provide any insight on that, but this product is perfect for oiling your body down right before heading to the beach. I most definitely recommend purchasing this product.
Khady Diallo –
Smells amazing and feels great on the body. I love all products.
Lucifina –
I have two biracial Daughters. They both have that very in-between hair. This adds that extra what’s needed after the Shampoo and conditioner treatment. The smell is amazing it helps with detangling I can use it on there scalp along with there actual hair. It’s great for skin as well. It’s definitely more natural then most crap out there and Carol’s daughter was sold off over 10yr ago. It’s still to this day heard to find good products for black women, man and kids. This is one of those lines I stand behind.
Nicole L –
First of all … WOW!! I have been on the hunt for a good strong mango/coconut scented oil to pair and layer with a few perfume fragrances that I own. One of which is Flowerbomb Tiger Lily. The key notes are mango and coconut and OMG this pairs so well with it. I plan on mixing a few drops of the oil with fragrance free body lotion but this stuff is amazing on its own as well and very, very moisturizing. A little goes a very long way and it projects so well, you only need a very small amount, so it’s gonna last a long time. Also, it doesnt smell artificial, unlike many other overly priced oils on the market and its way more affordable. This product does what it says!!! If you find it too strong like a few others may have mentioned, just dilute a few drops in some coconut oil or any other carrier oil. Big bonus that this is Brooklyn owned. I love supporting local businesses!!! Thanks for making an affordable and honest product!!
Daniel Boateng –
Good as described. I will buy again
Lucifina –
This oil comes in a 4 oz plastic bottle with a push-to-pop top. The bottle contains information about how to use the product and a very small list of ingredients. The ingredient for the scent is very vague just naming it as “Fragrance”. I ordered the Coco Mango and the scent is wonderful! It’s surprisingly strong and lasted over 24 hours after applying it to the ends of my hair. I had several compliments on how good I smelled with this being the only new product I had used. It might be too strong-smelling for some, but I think it’s wonderful.
The oil is thin, comes out quickly, and a little goes a long way. I use it primarily in my hair, but I love that I can run my hands over my arms afterward and it provides a nice scent and feeling to my skin as well.
The oil did make my ends feel a little heavier and take on a different appearance. I wouldn’t use this on my roots or scalp because I feel very confident it would make my hair appear greasy or dirty.
I love how long the scent lasts and how bold it is, I appreciate the way it works on the ends of my hair and on my skin, but I don’t think using it on the scalp is a good idea unless you don’t mind your hair looking dirty (at least you’ll smell nice!).
Sandro –
I ordered this oil for my husband’s super dry skin and especially elbows. He was only able to use it 2 times because the fragrance is very powerful and overwhelming. He ended up with a headache after both uses. I do think the oil was very helpful with his dryness and I wish he was able to use it more. If you have a sensitive nose or can’t tolerate heavy smells beware, you may have trouble with this oil.
Kiaana7 –
This is a really nice oil that smells wonderful. I put it in my hair to try to moisturize it after using a shampoo that tangled it up. I put my hair up wet for the day with the oil in it and when I took it down that night, it was so soft and my curls were really defined. I think I overdid it a bit because it was a little oily still. I will just use less next time. A little goes a long way. I rubbed what was left after doing my hair into the dry skin on my hands and it did a fantastic job with my winter reptile looking skin. It soaks right in to the skin and leaves it so soft and moisturized. This is a quality oil and I will use it often.