Earth’s Care Grapeseed Oil é um óleo natural prensado a frio, extraído das sementes de uvas, muitas vezes as mesmas utilizadas para fazer vinho. Este óleo é rico em ácido linoleico e ácidos graxos essenciais oleicos, que ajudam a construir a barreira natural de óleo da pele, proporcionando hidratação e maciez.
Este óleo de semente de uva é leve e absorve rapidamente na pele, cabelo ou couro cabeludo, sendo uma excelente base para maquiagem. Além disso, é um óleo carreador leve.
Este óleo de semente de uva é um ótimo hidratante para peles sensíveis, pois não obstrui os poros. Também é ideal para hidratar e condicionar cabelos secos, sem deixá-los oleosos.
Nunca testado em animais (nós os amamos!), este delicioso óleo de semente de uva não contém corantes artificiais, conservantes ou solventes. Prensado a frio e livre de hexano, é embalado em uma garrafa de vidro âmbar. Produto fabricado nos EUA.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Hidratação e maciez para a pele
- Absorção rápida e leveza
- Não obstrui os poros
- Hidrata e condiciona cabelos secos
- Livre de testes em animais e ingredientes artificiais
– Sugestão de Uso:
Aplique algumas gotas do Earth’s Care Grapeseed Oil na pele limpa e massageie suavemente até a completa absorção. Para uso no cabelo, aplique uma pequena quantidade nas pontas dos fios ou no couro cabeludo e deixe agir por alguns minutos antes de lavar. Use diariamente para obter melhores resultados.
Claudette Keelson –
Good product
GardenCat –
This has no scent or color. It makes an excellent carrier oil for essential oils. I like it for massage oil and homemade suntan oil. It keeps the skin very soft and supple and it’s quite easy to spread around and it will linger a bit before soaking in.
I have used it on my face. It’s nice enough if I am out in the sun, but aside from that it a bit heavy for me. Some people use it to soothe acne but that’s not a problem for me. I mainly use it on my elbows and rough patches – it will heal them up as quickly as anything I have tried.
Marlene Lindsay –
Just what I needed
marcella –
I’ve been using this on my hair and face. My hair is much stronger I have tight curls. Now I only use a leave-in conditioner and a little bit of the grape seed oil. My girls have been lasting longer with no frizz. My pores on space have shrunk. I have no dry skin. You just need a little bit on your face. I purchased the product about a month ago and I still have half a bottle.
Rich Girl Math –
I’ve been using it on my skin and it’s so moisturizing. Makes my skin feel so smooth, but doesn’t clog my pores because it’s somewhat lightweight. I like this brand.
William Michael –
First, I have to admit that I ordered this product by accident. I was unclear that Earth’s Care grapeseed oil is intended for external use only. I have been using grapeseed oil regularly for the past few years in the kitchen, but had never considered using it on my skin. So, I have to admit, too, that it will be helpful to use externally, especially in the summer, when my skin tends to dry out in places. Nevertheless, since the the producer claims that oil is expeller pressed without the use of toxic solvents such as hexane, it should be fine for cooking, too, especially since it is fairly high in omega-6 fatty acids.
loveguitar –
This is not the kind of grape seed oil you buy at the grocery store. This is for external use only. I think it works well as a skin moisturizer but I’ll be using it as an emollient in my hand made soaps. I think it’s very good quality, just don’t cook with it or eat it.
margie turner –
Love the lightness of the product in an herbal skin potion.