Descrição do Produto: Óleo de Semente de Cominho Preto TALYA
O Óleo de Semente de Cominho Preto TALYA é um produto premium, extraído a frio das sementes de cominho preto turco (Nigella sativa), reconhecidas mundialmente por sua qualidade superior. Originárias da Turquia, essas sementes são ricas em nutrientes e oferecem uma gama de benefícios para a saúde. O óleo é 100% puro, livre de solventes e rigorosamente testado para garantir que não contenha pesticidas ou herbicidas, proporcionando um produto seguro e eficaz.
- 🌿 COMINHO PRETO TURCO: As sementes de cominho preto são nativas da Turquia, e as de melhor qualidade vêm dessa região. As sementes são ricas em nutrientes. Extraído a frio das sementes de cominho preto turco, este óleo premium é 100% puro e livre de solventes, sendo testado e verificado para também estar livre de pesticidas e herbicidas.
- 🌿 CUIDADO PARA CABELO E PELE: Os ingredientes ativos do Óleo de Semente de Cominho Preto apoiam cabelos e pele vibrantes. Os poderosos ômegas e aminoácidos naturalmente presentes no óleo trabalham juntos para ajudar a adicionar força e volume ao cabelo e apoiar uma pele radiante.
- 🌿 SUPORTE IMUNOLÓGICO SAUDÁVEL: Este super produto é destinado a ajudar a apoiar as defesas naturais do corpo, mantendo seu sistema imunológico forte, ativo e pronto para qualquer desafio. Pesquisas sugerem que a Timoquinona (TQ), um componente chave do óleo, pode ter vários benefícios.
- 🌿 RICO EM NUTRIENTES: Contém uma alta porcentagem de Timoquinona, além de ácidos graxos essenciais para uma dieta saudável.
- 🌿 “DA SEMENTE À PRATELEIRA”: Somos a empresa fabricante, o que nos permite controlar todo o processo.
1. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Ajuda a manter o corpo protegido contra doenças.
2. Melhora da Saúde Digestiva: Contribui para um sistema digestivo saudável e equilibrado.
3. Apoio à Função Cerebral: Promove a clareza mental e a função cognitiva.
4. Saúde da Pele e Cabelo: Proporciona hidratação e nutrição, resultando em pele e cabelo mais saudáveis.
5. Mobilidade das Articulações: Ajuda a manter a flexibilidade e a saúde das articulações.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 cápsulas macias de Óleo de Semente de Cominho Preto TALYA diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e potenciais benefícios do óleo. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Alyssa –
After doing much research on black seed, I started taking black seed oil several weeks ago. It is the only thing I have consumed that worked for me the first day. There is something powerful about this oil. I have more energy, I sleep better, I think more clearly and I am more alert than before. It makes my skin feel very soft and smooth. This substance nourishes the whole body internally and externally with no adverse side effects. It’s really worked for me.
Don’t waste your money on other brands. This is the real Black Seed Oil that comes from Turkey with high Thymoquinone level. Don’t be disappointed with other Black Seed Oil products which are encapsulate with fillers results in low potency.
a teacher –
Love it!!! I found about Black Seed Oil and Talya brand thru Internet search. I have read many benefits of Black Seed Oil to overall health.
In my case, I have seen a difference in my hair. It’s growing thicker, longer, and it looks more moisturized and healthy. I would recommend this product it’s good numerous of things
It’s a great product and easy to take. It has helped me immensely. My wife was impressed, too and now she started taking it.
Overall, we have noticed our health is improved. Lively and thick hair, better skin tone, more energy are some of the benefits that we observed as a family.
e.s –
it was fast shipping , only been using it for one month , so haven’t got much feedback for it yet, but what i like is that is is cold pressed oil, good quality. will come back for more. thank you.
Margaretha Fehr –
Caglar Aktas –
Black Seed Oil is an excellent supplement! It really does what it says regarding your immune system, inflammation, and energy level! For this reason, Using black seed oil is a part of my life. I take it every day for the past year. I ran out once, and my body knew it. I keep a supply of black seed oil.
I am happy I found out about this product and brand! It is 1000 mg which is twice as much as than the other brand that I have been using for so long. The bottle has 60 softgels in it. It would provide 30-60 day supply depending on your needs.
With nice packaging and odorless and tasteless softgel, Talya Black Seed Oil nails it. It’s become my number one brand for Black Seed Oil Supplement.
e.s –
I have been using black seed oil for a while. So far Talya is the best product that I’ve used. I used to buy it at local stores, but Amazon has the best deal. I would highly recommend this product. Plus Turkey is well known to have the best black seed oil. It’s great to buy this BSO import here!!
Amazon Customer –
after battling RA for 5 weeks , I finally starting seeing an improvement , I decided to give Talya another chance, took 2 gel caps, An hour later my wrist started to swell up, and started a burning pain. Had to put an Ice pack on it to get the swelling down. After over 5 years of taking BSO, I have taken 6 different brands, this is the first time I ever threw one in the TRASH, YES, I tossed the Talya, They say there is a first time for everything. If it works for you Fine. but I am done with this one,.
Devon –
Perhaps I had expectations that were too high but it’s been about 3 weeks and I notice no difference in anything really. Skin, hair, nails: all the Same.
Elif Sinem Tasdelen –
I’m taking Black Seed Oil for its overall health benefits. I made a lot of research on it and found how it’s beneficial to our body due its anti oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. I read many testimonials from people who benefited from it and keep using it regularly to maintain a healthy immune support, lively skin and thick hair.
I gave it a try because of my allergies. I tried many brands out there but I found this brand is the best because they control the manufacturing process from the seed to the customer.
I also tried its liquid version. One of the reason I went with Talya because its taste. I tried other cheap and expensive brands and they are very strong and pungent. This one is coming from Turkey which gives its mild taste. Besides, Turkish Black Seed Oil has the highest potency in the market. When you’re taking Black Seed Oil, make sure it’s coming from Turkey.
Now I’m taking Talya Black Seed Oil Softgel because it’s easier and more convenient for me take every day.