TALYA Óleo de Semente de Black Seed 8.45 fl. oz (250 ml)
Descubra o poder do TALYA Óleo de Semente de Black Seed, um suplemento dietético premium que traz a pureza do óleo de semente de nigela turca diretamente para sua rotina. Extraído a frio, este óleo é rico em timoquinona, um composto ativo conhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórias. Com 250 ml de puro óleo de semente de black seed, você está prestes a embarcar em uma jornada de bem-estar e suporte imunológico.
O óleo de semente de black seed tem sido utilizado há séculos na medicina tradicional, e agora você pode aproveitar seus benefícios em uma forma concentrada e pura. Ideal para quem busca fortalecer o sistema imunológico, este óleo é uma adição valiosa à sua dieta. Sua fórmula de alta qualidade garante que você receba todos os nutrientes essenciais, sem aditivos ou conservantes.
Além de seu uso como suplemento, o TALYA Óleo de Semente de Black Seed pode ser incorporado em sua rotina de beleza. Suas propriedades hidratantes e nutritivas fazem dele um excelente aliado para a pele e cabelos, promovendo uma aparência saudável e radiante. Seja para fortalecer o sistema imunológico ou para cuidados pessoais, este óleo é uma escolha versátil e eficaz.
1. Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
2. Propriedades Antioxidantes: Combate os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular.
3. Saúde da Pele: Hidrata e nutre a pele, melhorando sua aparência e textura.
4. Cabelos Saudáveis: Ajuda a fortalecer os fios e a combater a queda de cabelo.
5. Fácil de Incorporar: Pode ser adicionado a smoothies, saladas ou utilizado topicamente.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir 1 colher de sopa (15 ml) do TALYA Óleo de Semente de Black Seed diariamente. O óleo pode ser ingerido puro ou misturado a sucos e smoothies. Para uso tópico, aplique uma pequena quantidade diretamente na pele ou cabelo, massageando suavemente até a completa absorção. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Mahliyo Haidarova –
After reading many benefits of black seed oil I decided to buy it. I use the black seed oil on my hair: helps with hair loss, thickening the hair, and prevention towards gray hair (for those who like to dye hair or runs in family) Great for a bad cough, stress, nail growth as well. Absolutely amazing product. I don’t need any medicine I have black seed oil 🙂 It arrived on time and very good packed. Definitely will buy again.
Utkan –
I’ve been using Black Seed Oil for a while due to its overall health benefits. It’s good for my skin, hair and immune support. I also find out on the net it may help with migraine and digestive systems. I also use Black Seed Oil because I feel energetic.
I was using another brand but I decided to switch to Talya. One of my friend who is a health and wellness coach recommended.
I switched because with other brand I’ve noticed there’s a difference between bottles. Some of them brighter color, another could be darker. Some taste pungent some taste like canola oil. My friend told me this brand has a standard so I’m happy to find Talya because of the consistency in the process and sources.
Begmurad –
Inside the sealed envelope the Talya Black Seed Oil box was opened! The seal on the top of the bottle had two punctured holes in it. I held it up to the light and the light shone straight through! I shook the bottle but no oil came out. I removed the seal and the holes had not punctured the plastic bottle top. However, the oil which is supposed to be the strong pungent Turkish oil (that I have taken for many months) was absolutely FLAT tasting! It had none of the savory characteristics of the powerful Black Seed from which it came except color. This oil is Black as it should be. But it should absolutely not be bland in taste.
Upon later observation, the oil separates, becomes light in color with black sediment at the bottom of the bottle! When I shake the bottle the oil becomes black. If this oil is 100% Nigella Sativa Oil, why is it separating? It looks like a carrier oil with sediment of Black Seed in it. A mixed oil would explain the bland taste. However, this is totally unacceptable.
Lisa Hine –
Very good taste and the price is okay.
I use it for multiple use and it is very beneficial to health.
Now Voyager –
This product is AMAZING!!!
Talya Herbal’s black seed oil is the best comparing the other black seed oils that I have used. Smell and taste of the product are outstanding and give a clue about how natural the product is. It deserves 5+ stars.
Mahliyo Haidarova –
I bought Tayla Herbal Black Seed Oil for immune system support, and to prevent hair loss. I went with this specific brand because it is certified as non-GMO, vegan and gluten-free. It arrived in a dark bottle to preserve freshness. There is no unpleasant smell as you may find with other brands. My order was shipped out fast, was packaged well and arrived fast as well.
Evrim Dervis –
I have known this brand for a long time and have been using their products. All of them are very high quality. This black cumin seed oil is pure, and the taste is excellent. Yes, it’s heavy and intense, but it’s supposed to be like that already. I recommend it to anyone looking for a natural black cumin seed oil.
Kimbrow Harris –
Great product taste is excellent