O Óleo de Semente de Abóbora Virgem da NatureBell é um suplemento poderoso que combina a riqueza do óleo de semente de abóbora com o extrato de saw palmetto, oferecendo uma solução abrangente para diversas necessidades de saúde. Com 3.000mg de óleo de semente de abóbora por porção e 750mg de saw palmetto, cada frasco contém 240 cápsulas softgel, proporcionando um suprimento de até 80 dias. Este óleo é prensado a frio, o que garante a preservação de seus nutrientes essenciais, como ácidos graxos ômega 6 e antioxidantes, fundamentais para a saúde do coração, próstata, cabelo e pele.
As cápsulas são formuladas com ingredientes concentrados, livres de transgênicos e testados em laboratórios independentes, assegurando a pureza e a eficácia do produto. O saw palmetto, conhecido por seu suporte à saúde da próstata e ao sistema urinário, complementa os benefícios do óleo de semente de abóbora, tornando este suplemento uma escolha ideal para homens e mulheres que buscam melhorar sua saúde geral.
1. Suporte 2 em 1: Combina os benefícios do óleo de semente de abóbora e do saw palmetto, promovendo a saúde do cabelo, coração e próstata.
2. Alta Concentração: Cada dose fornece uma quantidade significativa de nutrientes essenciais, maximizando os efeitos benéficos.
3. Nutrientes Naturais: Fonte rica em ácidos graxos essenciais e antioxidantes, fundamentais para a manutenção da saúde.
4. Prensado a Frio: O método de extração a frio preserva o perfil nutricional completo, garantindo a eficácia do produto.
5. Qualidade Garantida: Produto não transgênico, livre de alérgenos comuns e testado quanto à segurança e potência.
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Recomenda-se a ingestão de 3 cápsulas por dia, preferencialmente durante uma refeição para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação. Armazene o produto em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, e mantenha fora do alcance de crianças para garantir a segurança e a eficácia do suplemento.
Sagar Utekar –
I have been eating 2 capsules everyday for the past 3 weeks and it seems to be thickening the hair on my temple which otherwise had very thin hair.. So, I can conclude that this tablet is working for me and I will continue to use it.
Gail –
Ok, so I have always preferred your 2000 milligram Pumpkin seed oil product above others. I am a woman. It helps me so much! I am shocked that you have now changed this product into one for men, by adding Saw Palmetto for Prostate health. Why could you not just add a new product and keep the original one? Anyway I am searching for a new provider now for the great pumpkin seed oil product which was good and helpful for everyone. Sorry to lose you! Sorry this is the only way I could find to communicate my disappointment, and hopefully NatureBell company will see this. I have nothing at all against men, I have male friends/family who take both NatureBell Pumpkin and other Prostate support supplements with saw palmetto in some of them. I have only seen Saw Palmetto recommended for Prostate health.
christina –
I have done everything. Hair oils , that stuff Ricki Lake uses, PRP. I have continued my regimen of hair oils at night, wash hair once a week with Nizoral, and 5% minoxidil once daily. All I added was this supplement. Even though I have taken many others in the past I have never seen a result like this and I am 2 years into my journey. After this first bottle of this with my usual regimen I have a whole new hairline in three months. Tons of small hairs. For me this supplement worked wonders. Now I’m just growing it out.
Used this it is pumpkin seed oil
Suzan –
ايمن صلاح –
يساعد على انبات الشعر وفعلا شعري رجع لوضعه الطبيعي ويرفع الكولسترول الجيد
SaysTheBule –
So I’ve been taking pumpkin and saw palmetto for almost a year now. I started last December 2023 for bladder control. I knew it was good for hair but really needed it to stop peeing so much at night. I did not make the correlation to my hair until I was looking to replace the first brand because I was almost finished. Anyway saw the reviews on that brand and did some research- turns out- the recommended dosage for saw palmetto to affect hair growth is about 300 mg2x a day. My brand had 350 per serving and my 4C Hair will not stop growing! I switched to these because these are also clean and have 750mg of Saw palmetto. Excited to see where my hair will be i the next 3-6 months. There are less pills in this, but dosage is higher and serving is the same. Get it. My hair is thick and long. The damaged ends are growing out so fast! No facial hair or skin issues like biotin…
Bea –
but had to finish the first dose of 240 soft gels before noticing a differance.
Natasha Boyd –
I ordered these for my dad and he can not be without them. Says they have no taste and no side effects.
Abigail –
Para la picazón limpia de cualquier parasito.