Descrição do Produto: Óleo de Saw Palmetto Puro Orgânico Natural – Suprimento de 60 a 90 dias
Descubra o poder do Óleo de Saw Palmetto Puro, um produto revolucionário que transforma a maneira como você cuida da sua saúde prostática. Ao contrário de pós ineficientes e cheios de aditivos, nosso óleo é a essência pura das bagas de saw palmetto, extraído diretamente e sem adições. Com apenas 0,325ml por dia, uma única garrafa pode durar até 90 dias, proporcionando uma solução prática e eficaz para suas necessidades.
Diga adeus às idas frustrantes ao banheiro devido à Hiperplasia Prostática Benigna (BPH). O Óleo de Saw Palmetto Puro ajuda a reduzir a frequência urinária, permitindo que você tenha noites de sono mais tranquilas, sem interrupções constantes. Este é um problema comum entre homens à medida que envelhecem, mas com nosso produto, você pode retomar o controle da sua saúde e bem-estar.
Cultivado na natureza e colhido por agricultores locais na Flórida, nosso óleo é feito a partir das melhores bagas de saw palmetto do país. Este produto é verdadeiramente natural e não processado, o que significa que você pode esperar um aroma e sabor fortes e distintos. Para aqueles que preferem, é possível misturá-lo com sucos saborizados para suavizar o gosto.
– Saúde Prostática: Apoia a saúde da próstata, reduzindo os sintomas da BPH.
– Melhora do Sono: Ajuda a diminuir a frequência urinária noturna, promovendo um sono mais reparador.
– Bloqueador de DHT: Contribui para a redução da queda de cabelo, atuando como um bloqueador natural de DHT.
– Produto Puro e Natural: Sem aditivos, conservantes ou enchimentos, garantindo a máxima eficácia.
– Fácil de Usar: Com uma dosagem simples, é uma solução prática para o dia a dia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 0,325ml do Óleo de Saw Palmetto Puro diariamente. Utilize um conta-gotas para medir a quantidade exata e, se preferir, misture com um suco saborizado para amenizar o sabor forte. É importante manter a consistência na utilização do produto para maximizar os benefícios à saúde prostática e ao bem-estar geral. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do óleo.
Neil –
El producto llegó bien, en buen tiempo y tiene buena presentación. Hay que probarlo y con el tiempo ver los resultados
Independent1 –
The only pure saw palmetto oil I could find. Most other’s had mint, tea tree or cayenne. Using it topically, taking a saw palmetto supplement of a different brand. I have pcos. My only complaint which is unrelated to the product is that the natural smell of saw palmetto is very strong and I wouldn’t call it a pleasant scent 🤢
MS –
Wow this stuff is really good, and potent!!! Made my hair start growing right off the bat i just place a few drops on my scalp And rub it in a little goes a long way, no side effects using it topically like what i get when i consume this herb. I also rub it on my cheat makes my boobs firmer. What a great and unique hard to find product, truly one of a kind!
Lia S –
You never know if a product is going to give the results promised but this does! I have been using it for about 4 weeks, just a couple of times a week. I put one dropper full on my front hairline and massage it in at bedtime. Today, in the 10X magnifying mirror I see a crop of black hairs popping up! They are strong, not wispy. I am so surprised! I will use more often now that I see it actually works.
David Fernando Torres –
Seems fairly potent! I notice it is Serenoa serrulata instead of repens, which is probably due to higher seed oil content of this variety. This seems ok as I believe it is probably more effective than some of the repens powders I have not had much sucess with. The potential for this 100% Serenoa oil to be more effective is more significant in my opinion. I will continue using it, but I am still using some softgels, extracts and a powder tablet to finish them up. Had I found it to begin with, I would have tried this alone, first. All I can say yet (after about a week) is so far, so good. Update: after two weeks, even better.
I am real grateful for this product for bph. perhaps I will be able to continue updating, if I ever conclude my tests. I had such a flow problem I was kind of forced to get drastic for a solution. I am now surprisingly getting up less (2-3 times), and been more comfortable at night. I have had to continue taking at least part of my silodosin prescription (2.7gr/day avg), so far.
This problem for men is so widespread that a half of us over 60 have problems/issues, (that could result in cancer, perhaps especially if we do nothing about it!) If you are studying reviews for bph, you should try it. Having tried a lot of Saw P myself, I would not give up on this product for at least 2-3 bottles worth. Because maybe some of us need more Saw P to finally get results, like I seemed to. Good luck men.
Mario-san –
I hardly got results from whole SP Saw Palmetto capsules or SP extract.
I got some relief from an SP liquid.
I got the most relief from this SP oil.
I put a squirt from the eye dropper under my tongue and swish out my mouth with water until all the oil goes down. It’s not a good flavor at all, and you’ll taste it for a while, but I’ve tasted worse. It’s worth it.
Worst weewee is in the morning, usually an extremely slow, unserviceable dribble. After taking this oil, I had the best stream in the morning that I’ve had in a long time. Not like a teenager, but a useful stream until my bladder is empty, I’m pretty sure. Even better streams later in the day after there’s been a dose or two.
They should apologize ahead of time for the taste.
Earth –
I’m a 42 year old woman with some hormonal imbalance that made my hair thin out especially in the front. I bought this to use it topically, but I thought I should try to take it orally, hoping that it would work faster. The reaction it gave me was scary. I took my 16 drops as indicated at bed time and went right to bed, two hours later I woke up with short breath, racing heart beat and a rushing sensation through out my body. I thought I was having a heart attack or something.
So I decided to use it only topiccaly with pumpkin seed oil, hoping it would work.
my advice, if you are planning to take it orally take half the dose first, and only during the day when you know someone can look after you if you develop a reaction.
Good luck
Lia S –
Taste is not appealing , but it’s true to the saw palmetto berry oil–therefore the flavor rating should be based on the taste accuracy of the product. No fillers and a quality product.. a rare find in the saw palmetto market. Only complaint is the bottle size in the picture versus the bottle received. However, it is 30ml, but the picture should match the bottle size. I also would prefer to have various sizes to choose from. Overall, excellent product!